Name: llvm-tf Version: 17.0 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Synopsis: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families. Description: High-level bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families. . A note on versioning: The versions of this package are loosely based on the LLVM version. However, we depend on a relatively stable part of LLVM and provide a relatively stable API for it. We conform to the Package Versioning Policy PVP, i.e. we increase the version of this package when its API changes, but not necessarily when we add support for a new LLVM version. We support all those LLVM versions that are supported by our @llvm-ffi@ dependency. . This package is a descendant of the @llvm@ package which used functional dependencies. The original @llvm@ package will no longer work with current versions of LLVM nor GHC. Author: Henning Thielemann, Bryan O'Sullivan, Lennart Augustsson Maintainer: Henning Thielemann Homepage: Stability: experimental Category: Compilers/Interpreters, Code Generation Tested-With: GHC == 7.4.2, GHC == 8.6.5 Cabal-Version: 2.0 Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: Source-Repository this Tag: 17.0 Type: darcs Location: Flag developer Description: developer mode - warnings let compilation fail Manual: True Default: False Flag buildExamples Description: Build example executables Default: False Library private Default-Language: Haskell98 Build-Depends: llvm-ffi >=17.0 && <18.0, tfp >=1.0 && <1.1, transformers >=0.3 && <0.7, storable-record >=0.0.2 && <0.1, enumset >=0.0.5 && <0.2, fixed-length >=0.2 && <0.3, non-empty >=0.2 && <0.4, semigroups >=0.1 && <1.0, utility-ht >=0.0.10 && <0.1, QuickCheck >=2.0 && <3.0, containers >=0.4 && <0.8, base >=3 && <5 Hs-Source-Dirs: private GHC-Options: -Wall If flag(developer) GHC-Options: -Werror If os(darwin) Ld-Options: -w Frameworks: vecLib CPP-Options: -D__MACOS__ C-Sources: -- cbits/free.c cbits/malloc.c Exposed-Modules: LLVM.Core.CodeGen LLVM.Core.CodeGenMonad LLVM.Core.Data LLVM.Core.Instructions LLVM.Core.Instructions.Guided LLVM.Core.Instructions.Private LLVM.Core.Proxy LLVM.Core.Type LLVM.Core.Util LLVM.Core.Vector LLVM.Core.UnaryVector LLVM.ExecutionEngine.Engine LLVM.ExecutionEngine.Target LLVM.ExecutionEngine.Marshal Library Default-Language: Haskell98 Build-Depends: private, llvm-ffi, tfp, utility-ht, base Hs-Source-Dirs: src GHC-Options: -Wall Exposed-Modules: LLVM.Core LLVM.Core.Attribute LLVM.Core.Guided LLVM.ExecutionEngine LLVM.Util.Arithmetic LLVM.Util.File LLVM.Util.Foreign LLVM.Util.Intrinsic LLVM.Util.Loop LLVM.Util.Memory LLVM.Util.Optimize LLVM.Util.Proxy Test-Suite llvm-test Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Build-Depends: QuickCheck >=2.11 && <3, private, llvm-tf, tfp, utility-ht, base Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Hs-Source-Dirs: test Main-Is: Main.hs Other-Modules: Test.Chop Test.Marshal Executable llvm-align If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Align.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-arith If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Arith.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-array If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Array.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-brainf If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/BrainF.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-call-conv If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, llvm-ffi, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/CallConv.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-dot-prod If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, utility-ht, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/DotProd.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-fibonacci If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Fibonacci.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-hello-jit If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/HelloJIT.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-intrinsic If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, non-empty, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Intrinsic.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-list If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/List.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-struct If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Struct.hs C-Sources: example/structCheck.c Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-varargs If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, base Else Buildable: False Main-Is: example/Varargs.hs Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall Executable llvm-vector If flag(buildExamples) Build-Depends: llvm-tf, tfp, transformers, base Else Buildable: False Hs-Source-Dirs: example Main-Is: Vector.hs Other-Modules: Convert Default-Language: Haskell98 GHC-Options: -Wall