# Change log for the `llvm-tf` package ## 3.1.2 * `Instructions`: setters for FastMath flags ## * `addFunctionMapping` checks for functions that are eliminated by optimization passes. This fixes a crash when working with optimizations and call-back functions. ## 3.1 * `ExecutionEngine` is now managed by a `ForeignPtr` with a finalizer. That is, you must keep the `ExecutionEngine` alive as long as you call compiled functions. `FreePointers` and `getFreePointers` are gone. ## 3.0.3 * `constVector`, `constArray`, `vector` do no longer cycle the vector Instead they check for the appropriate static length. * `FFI.constVector`, `FFI.constArray` must be in IO in order to proper sequence actions in `Core.Util.constVector`, `Core.Util.constArray`. Currently, in `Util.constVector` it is possible that `FFI.constArray` is called too late and thus operates on a released pointer.