Lock File

Provide exclusive access to a resource using lock file, which are files whose
purpose is to signal by their presence that some resource is locked.
Usage Example
Following example acquires lock file and then waits 1000000
micro seconds
before releasing it. Note also that it is possible to specify retry strategy.
Here we set it to No
and therefore this code won't retry to acquire lock file
after first failure.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- |
-- Module: Main
-- Description: Simple example that acquires lock for a short period of time.
-- Copyright: (c) 2013, 2014 Peter Trsko
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer: peter.trsko@gmail.com
-- Stability: experimental
-- Portability: portable
module Main (main)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
-- From base package, but GHC specific.
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception (handle)
import Data.Default.Class (Default(def))
-- From data-default-class package, alternatively it's possible to use
-- data-default package version 0.5.2 and above.
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default-class
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default
import System.IO.LockFile
( LockingException
, LockingParameters(retryToAcquireLock)
, RetryStrategy(No)
, withLockFile
main :: IO ()
main = handleException
. withLockFile lockParams lockFile $ threadDelay 1000000
lockParams = def
{ retryToAcquireLock = No
lockFile = "/var/run/lock/my-example-lock"
handleException = Exception.handle
$ putStrLn . ("Locking failed with: " ++) . show @LockingException
This command line example shows that trying to execute two instances of
at the same time will result in failure of the second one.
stack ghc example/example.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( example/example.hs, example/example.o )
Linking example/example ...
$ ./example/example & ./example/example
[1] 7893
Locking failed with: Unable to acquire lock file: "/var/run/lock/my-example-lock"
$ [1]+ Done ./example/example
PID File Example
Lock file, as implemented by this library, is created containing PID of the
process that created it. PID file, on UNIX-like system, is a special case of
lock file. It prevents the same daemon to be started up multiple times.
Thanks to the above fact we can now create function with following type
withPidFile :: IO () -> IO ()
Its purpose is to wrap application main
and acquire PID file prior to passing
control to the application code, or fail if PID file is already acquired.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Main
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Control.Monad ((>=>), (>>=))
import Data.Function ((.), ($), const)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.Environment (getEnv, getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (IO, FilePath, hPutStrLn, putStrLn, stderr)
import Text.Show (show, showString)
import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserID)
import Data.Default.Class (def)
import System.IO.LockFile
( LockingException(CaughtIOException, UnableToAcquireLockFile)
, LockingParameters(retryToAcquireLock)
, RetryStrategy(No)
, withLockFile
withPidFile :: IO () -> IO ()
withPidFile m = do
pidFilePath <- mkPidFilePath
withLockFile def{retryToAcquireLock = No} pidFilePath m
`catch` (printLockingException pidFilePath >=> const exitFailure)
mkPidFilePath :: IO FilePath
mkPidFilePath = do
fileName <- (<> ".pid") <$> getProgName
getEffectiveUserID >>= \case
0 -> pure $ "/var/run/" <> fileName
_ -> (<> ('/' : '.' : fileName)) <$> getEnv "HOME"
-- This may throw exception if $HOME environment varialbe is
-- not set.
printLockingException :: FilePath -> LockingException -> IO ()
printLockingException filePath = hPutStrLn stderr . mkMsg . \case
UnableToAcquireLockFile _ -> "File already exists."
CaughtIOException e -> show e
mkMsg =
showString filePath . showString ": Unable to create PID file: "
main :: IO ()
main = withPidFile $ do
putStrLn "Hello World!"
threadDelay 1000000
Building options