-- | The 'Logger' type - implementation details.
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Log.Internal.Logger (
  , execLogger
  , waitForLogger
  , shutdownLogger
  , withLogger
  ) where

import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Exception
import Prelude

import Log.Data

-- | An object used for communication with a logger thread that
-- outputs 'LogMessage's using e.g. PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch or
-- stdout (depending on the back-end chosen).
data Logger = Logger {
  loggerWriteMessage :: !(LogMessage -> IO ()) -- ^ Output a 'LogMessage'.
, loggerWaitForWrite :: !(IO ())
                     -- ^ Wait for the logger to output all messages
                     -- in its input queue (in the case logging is
                     -- done asynchronously).
, loggerShutdown     :: !(IO ())
                     -- ^ Kill the logger thread. Subsequent attempts
                     -- to write messages to the logger will raise an
                     -- exception.

-- | Execute logger to serialize a 'LogMessage'.
execLogger :: Logger -> LogMessage -> IO ()
execLogger Logger{..} = loggerWriteMessage

-- | Wait until all 'LogMessage's stored in the internal queue are
-- serialized.
waitForLogger :: Logger -> IO ()
waitForLogger Logger{..} = loggerWaitForWrite

-- | Shutdown the logger thread associated with this 'Logger'
-- object. Subsequent attempts to write messages via this 'Logger'
-- will result in an exception.
shutdownLogger :: Logger -> IO ()
shutdownLogger Logger{..} = loggerShutdown

-- | 'bracket'-like execution of an 'IO' action, verifying all messages
-- are properly logged. See 'mkBulkLogger'.
withLogger :: Logger -> (Logger -> IO r) -> IO r
withLogger logger act = act logger `finally` cleanup
    cleanup = waitForLogger logger >> shutdownLogger logger

instance Semigroup Logger where
  l1 <> l2 = Logger {
    loggerWriteMessage = \msg -> do
      loggerWriteMessage l1 msg
      loggerWriteMessage l2 msg
  , loggerWaitForWrite = do
      loggerWaitForWrite l1
      loggerWaitForWrite l2
  , loggerShutdown     = do
      loggerShutdown l1
      loggerShutdown l2

-- | Composition of 'Logger' objects.
instance Monoid Logger where
  mempty  = Logger (const $ return ()) (return ()) (return ())
  mappend = (<>)