{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, DeriveDataTypeable,
             FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, InstanceSigs,
             MultiParamTypeClasses, NoImplicitPrelude, PolyKinds,
             RankNTypes, RebindableSyntax, ScopedTypeVariables,
             TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | An implementation of cyclotomic rings.  WARNING: this module
-- provides an experts-only, "unsafe" interface that may result in
-- runtime errors if not used correctly!
-- 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.Cyc' provides a safe interface, and
-- should be used in applications whenever possible.
-- 'UCyc' transparently handles all necessary conversions between
-- internal representations to support fast ring operations, and
-- efficiently stores and operates upon elements that are known to
-- reside in subrings.
-- The 'Functor', 'Applicative', 'Foldable', and 'Traversable'
-- instances of 'UCyc', as well as the 'fmapC' and 'fmapCM' functions,
-- work over the element's /current/ @r@-basis representation (or
-- 'pure' scalar representation as a special case, to satisfy the
-- 'Applicative' laws), and the output remains in that representation.
-- If the input's representation is not one of these, the behavior is
-- a runtime error.  To ensure a valid representation when using the
-- methods from these classes, first call 'forceBasis' or one of its
-- specializations ('forcePow', 'forceDec', 'forceAny').

module Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.UCyc
-- * Data type
  UCyc, CElt, RElt
-- * Basic operations
, mulG, divG
, scalarCyc, liftCyc
, adviseCRT
-- * Error sampling
, tGaussian, errorRounded, errorCoset
-- * Sub/extension rings
, embed, twace, coeffsCyc, powBasis, crtSet
-- * Representations
, forceBasis, forcePow, forceDec, forceAny
-- * Specialized maps
, fmapC, fmapCM
, U.Basis(..), U.RescaleCyc
) where

import           Crypto.Lol.CRTrans
import           Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Tensor  as T
import qualified Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Utility as U
import           Crypto.Lol.Gadget
import           Crypto.Lol.LatticePrelude     as LP hiding ((*>))
import           Crypto.Lol.Types.FiniteField
import           Crypto.Lol.Types.ZPP

import Algebra.Additive     as Additive (C)
import Algebra.Ring         as Ring (C)
import Algebra.ZeroTestable as ZeroTestable (C)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable          as F
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Typeable
import Test.QuickCheck

--import qualified Debug.Trace as DT

-- | A data type for representing cyclotomic rings such as @Z[zeta]@,
-- @Zq[zeta]@, and @Q(zeta)@: @t@ is the 'Tensor' type for storing
-- coefficients; @m@ is the cyclotomic index; @r@ is the base ring of
-- the coefficients (e.g., @Z@, @Zq@).
data UCyc t (m :: Factored) r where
  Pow  :: !(t m r) -> UCyc t m r -- representation wrt powerful basis
  Dec  :: !(t m r) -> UCyc t m r -- decoding basis

  -- Invariant: use CRTr iff crtFuncs exists for (t m r);
  -- otherwise use CRTe (because crtFuncs is guaranteed to exist for
  -- (t m (CRTExt r))
  CRTr :: !(t m r) -> UCyc t m r -- wrt CRT basis over r, if it exists
  CRTe :: !(t m (CRTExt r)) -> UCyc t m r -- wrt CRT basis over r-extension

  -- super-optimized storage of scalars
  Scalar :: !r -> UCyc t m r

  -- optimized storage of subring elements
  Sub  :: (l `Divides` m) => !(UCyc t l r) -> UCyc t m r

  --EAC: Consider this representation for product rings, but beware of combinatorial explosion of cases.
  --Product :: !(UCyc t m a) -> !(UCyc t m b) -> UCyc t m (a,b)
  deriving (Typeable)

-- | Shorthand for frequently reused constraints that are needed for
--  change of basis.
type UCCtx t r = (Tensor t, RElt t r, RElt t (CRTExt r), CRTEmbed r)

-- | Collection of constraints need to work on most functions over a
-- particular base ring @r@.
type RElt t r = (TElt t r, CRTrans r, IntegralDomain r, ZeroTestable r, NFData r)

-- | Shorthand for frequently reused constraints that are needed for
-- most functions involving 'UCyc' and
-- 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.Cyc'.
type CElt t r = (Tensor t, RElt t r, RElt t (CRTExt r),
                 CRTEmbed r, Eq r, Random r)

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.scalarCyc', but for 'UCyc'.
scalarCyc :: (Fact m, CElt t a) => a -> UCyc t m a
scalarCyc = Scalar

-- Eq instance
instance (UCCtx t r, Fact m, Eq r) => Eq (UCyc t m r) where
  -- handle same bases when fidelity allows (i.e., *not* CRTe basis)
  (Scalar v1) == (Scalar v2) = v1 == v2
  (Pow v1) == (Pow v2) = v1 == v2 \\ witness entailEqT v1
  (Dec v1) == (Dec v2) = v1 == v2 \\ witness entailEqT v1
  (CRTr v1) == (CRTr v2) = v1 == v2 \\ witness entailEqT v1

  -- compare in compositum
  (Sub (c1 :: UCyc t l1 r)) == (Sub (c2 :: UCyc t l2 r)) =
    (embed' c1 :: UCyc t (FLCM l1 l2) r) == embed' c2
    \\ lcmDivides (Proxy::Proxy l1) (Proxy::Proxy l2)

  -- otherwise compare in power basis for fidelity, which involves
  -- the most efficient transforms in all cases
  p1 == p2 = toPow' p1 == toPow' p2

---------- Numeric Prelude instances ----------

-- ZeroTestable instance
instance (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => ZeroTestable.C (UCyc t m r) where
  isZero (Scalar v) = isZero v
  isZero (Pow v) = isZero v \\ witness entailZTT v
  isZero (Dec v) = isZero v \\ witness entailZTT v
  isZero (CRTr v) = isZero v \\ witness entailZTT v
  isZero x@(CRTe _) = isZero $ toPow' x
  isZero (Sub c) = isZero c

-- Additive instance
instance (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => Additive.C (UCyc t m r) where

  zero = Scalar zero

  -- optimized addition of zero
  (Scalar c1) + v2 | isZero c1 = v2
  v1 + (Scalar c2) | isZero c2 = v1

  (Scalar c1) + (Scalar c2) = Scalar (c1+c2)
  (Pow v1) + (Pow v2) = Pow $ v1 + v2 \\ witness entailRingT v1
  (Dec v1) + (Dec v2) = Dec $ v1 + v2 \\ witness entailRingT v1
  (CRTr v1) + (CRTr v2) = CRTr $ v1 + v2 \\ witness entailRingT v1
  (CRTe v1) + (CRTe v2) = CRTe $ v1 + v2 \\ witness entailRingT v1
  -- Sub plus Sub: work in compositum
  (Sub (c1 :: UCyc t m1 r)) + (Sub (c2 :: UCyc t m2 r)) =
    (Sub $ (embed' c1 :: UCyc t (FLCM m1 m2) r) + embed' c2)
    \\ lcm2Divides (Proxy::Proxy m1) (Proxy::Proxy m2) (Proxy::Proxy m)


  p1@(Scalar _) + p2@(Pow _) = toPow' p1 + p2
  p1@(Scalar _) + p2@(Dec _) = toDec' p1 + p2
  p1@(Scalar _) + p2@(CRTr _) = toCRT' p1 + p2
  p1@(Scalar _) + p2@(CRTe _) = toCRT' p1 + p2
  (Scalar c1) + (Sub c2) = Sub $ Scalar c1 + c2 -- must re-wrap Scalar!

  p1@(Pow _) + p2@(Scalar _) = p1 + toPow' p2
  p1@(Dec _) + p2@(Scalar _) = p1 + toDec' p2
  p1@(CRTr _) + p2@(Scalar _) = p1 + toCRT' p2
  p1@(CRTe _) + p2@(Scalar _) = p1 + toCRT' p2
  (Sub c1) + (Scalar c2) = Sub $ c1 + Scalar c2

  -- SUB PLUS NON-SUB, NON-SCALAR: work in full ring
  (Sub c1) + c2 = embed' c1 + c2
  c1 + (Sub c2) = c1 + embed' c2

  -- mixed Dec and Pow: use linear time conversions
  p1@(Dec _) + p2@(Pow _) = toPow' p1 + p2
  p1@(Pow _) + p2@(Dec _) = p1 + toPow' p2

  -- one CRTr: convert other to CRTr
  p1@(CRTr _) + p2 = p1 + toCRT' p2
  p1 + p2@(CRTr _) = toCRT' p1 + p2

  -- else, one is CRTe: convert both to Pow for fidelity and best
  -- efficiency
  p1 + p2 = toPow' p1 + toPow' p2

  negate (Scalar c) = Scalar (negate c)
  negate (Pow v) = Pow $ fmapT negate v
  negate (Dec v) = Dec $ fmapT negate v
  negate (CRTr v) = CRTr $ fmapT negate v
  negate (CRTe v) = CRTe $ fmapT negate v
  negate (Sub c) = Sub $ negate c

-- Ring instance
instance (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => Ring.C (UCyc t m r) where

  one = Scalar one

  -- optimized mul-by-zero
  v1@(Scalar c1) * _ | isZero c1 = v1
  _ * v2@(Scalar c2) | isZero c2 = v2

  (CRTr v1) * (CRTr v2) = CRTr $ v1 * v2 \\ witness entailRingT v1
  (CRTe v1) * (CRTe v2) = toPow' $ CRTe $ v1 * v2 \\ witness entailRingT v1

  -- CRTr/CRTe mixture
  (CRTr _) * (CRTe _) = error "UCyc.(*): mixed CRTr/CRTe"
  (CRTe _) * (CRTr _) = error "UCyc.(*): mixed CRTr/CRTe"

  (Scalar c1) * (Scalar c2) = Scalar $ c1 * c2

  (Scalar c) * (Pow v) = Pow $ fmapT (*c) v
  (Scalar c) * (Dec v) = Dec $ fmapT (*c) v
  (Scalar c) * (CRTr v) = CRTr $ fmapT (*c) v
  (Scalar c) * (CRTe v) = CRTe $ fmapT (* toExt c) v
  (Scalar c1) * (Sub c2) = Sub $ Scalar c1 * c2

  (Pow v) * (Scalar c) = Pow $ fmapT (*c) v
  (Dec v) * (Scalar c) = Dec $ fmapT (*c) v
  (CRTr v) * (Scalar c) = CRTr $ fmapT (*c) v
  (CRTe v) * (Scalar c) = CRTe $ fmapT (* toExt c) v
  (Sub c1) * (Scalar c2) = Sub $ c1 * Scalar c2

  -- TWO SUBS: work in a CRT rep for compositum
  (Sub (c1 :: UCyc t m1 r)) * (Sub (c2 :: UCyc t m2 r)) =
    -- re-wrap c1, c2 as Subs of the composition, and force them to CRT
    (Sub $ (toCRT' $ Sub c1 :: UCyc t (FLCM m1 m2) r) * toCRT' (Sub c2))
    \\ lcm2Divides (Proxy::Proxy m1) (Proxy::Proxy m2) (Proxy::Proxy m)

  -- ELSE: work in appropriate CRT rep
  p1 * p2 = toCRT' p1 * toCRT' p2

  fromInteger = Scalar . fromInteger

-- reduces in any basis
instance (Reduce a b, Fact m, CElt t a, CElt t b)
  => Reduce (UCyc t m a) (UCyc t m b) where

  -- optimized for subring constructors
  reduce (Scalar c) = Scalar $ reduce c
  reduce (Sub (c :: UCyc t l a)) = Sub (reduce c :: UCyc t l b)
  reduce x = fmapC reduce $ forceAny x

-- promote Gadget from base ring
instance (Gadget gad zq, Fact m, CElt t zq) => Gadget gad (UCyc t m zq) where
  gadget = (scalarCyc <$>) <$> gadget
  -- specialization of 'encode', done efficiently (via 'adviseCRT').
  encode s = ((* adviseCRT s) <$>) <$> gadget

-- promote Decompose, using the powerful basis
instance (Decompose gad zq, Fact m,
         -- these imply (superclass) Reduce on UCyc; needed for Sub case
          CElt t zq, CElt t (DecompOf zq), Reduce (DecompOf zq) zq)
  => Decompose gad (UCyc t m zq) where

  type DecompOf (UCyc t m zq) = UCyc t m (DecompOf zq)

  -- faster implementations: decompose directly in subring, which is
  -- correct because we decompose in powerful basis
  decompose (Scalar c) = pasteT $ Scalar <$> peelT (decompose c)
  decompose (Sub c) = pasteT $ Sub <$> peelT (decompose c)

  -- traverse: Traversable (c m) and Applicative (Tagged gad ZL)
  decompose x = fromZL $ traverse (toZL . decompose) $ forcePow x
    where toZL :: Tagged s [a] -> TaggedT s ZipList a
          toZL = coerce
          fromZL :: TaggedT s ZipList a -> Tagged s [a]
          fromZL = coerce

-- promote Correct, using the decoding basis
instance (Correct gad zq, Fact m, CElt t zq)
         => Correct gad (UCyc t m zq) where
  -- sequenceA: Applicative (c m) and Traversable (TaggedT [])
  correct bs = (correct . pasteT) <$> sequenceA (forceDec <$> peelT bs)

-- generic RescaleCyc instance

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Rescale a b, CElt t a, CElt t b)
         => U.RescaleCyc (UCyc t) a b where

  -- Optimized for subring constructors, for powerful basis.
  -- Analogs for decoding basis are not quite correct, because (* -1)
  -- doesn't commute with 'rescale' due to tiebreakers!
  rescaleCyc U.Pow (Scalar c) = Scalar $ rescale c
  rescaleCyc U.Pow (Sub (c :: UCyc t l a)) =
    Sub (U.rescaleCyc U.Pow c :: UCyc t l b)

  rescaleCyc b x = fmapC rescale $ forceBasis (Just b) x

-- specialized instance for product rings: ~2x faster algorithm
instance (Mod a, Field b, Lift a (ModRep a), Reduce (LiftOf a) b,
          CElt t a, CElt t b, CElt t (a,b), CElt t (LiftOf a))
         => U.RescaleCyc (UCyc t) (a,b) b where

  -- optimized for subrings and powerful basis (see comments in other
  -- instance for why this doesn't work for decoding basis)
  rescaleCyc U.Pow (Scalar c) = Scalar $ rescale c
  rescaleCyc U.Pow (Sub (c :: UCyc t l (a,b))) =
    Sub (U.rescaleCyc U.Pow c :: UCyc t l b)

  rescaleCyc bas x =
    let aval = proxy modulus (Proxy::Proxy a)
  -- CJP: could use unzipC here to get (a,b) in one pass, but it
  -- requires adding that method, and unzipT to Tensor and all its
  -- instances. Probably not worth it.
        y = forceAny x
        a = fmapC fst y
        b = fmapC snd y
        z = liftCyc bas a
    in Scalar (recip (reduce aval)) * (b - reduce z)

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.liftCyc', but for 'UCyc'.
liftCyc :: (Lift b a, Fact m, CElt t a, CElt t b)
           => U.Basis -> UCyc t m b -> UCyc t m a
-- optimized for subrings and powerful basis (see comments in
-- RescaleCyc instances for why this doesn't work for decoding)
liftCyc U.Pow (Scalar c) = Scalar $ lift c
liftCyc U.Pow (Sub c) = Sub $ liftCyc U.Pow c

liftCyc U.Pow x = fmapC lift $ forceBasis (Just U.Pow) x
liftCyc U.Dec x = fmapC lift $ forceBasis (Just U.Dec) x

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.adviseCRT', but for 'UCyc'.
adviseCRT :: (Fact m, CElt t r) => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
adviseCRT x@(Scalar _) = x
adviseCRT (Sub c) = Sub $ adviseCRT c
adviseCRT x = toCRT' x

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.mulG', but for 'UCyc'.
mulG :: (Fact m, CElt t r) => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
mulG (Scalar c) = Pow $ mulGPow $ scalarPow c -- must go to full ring
mulG (Sub c) = mulG $ embed' c                -- must go to full ring
mulG (Pow v) = Pow $ mulGPow v
mulG (Dec v) = Dec $ mulGDec v
-- fromMaybe is safe here because we're already in CRTr
mulG (CRTr v) = CRTr $ fromJust' "UCyc.mulG CRTr" mulGCRT v
mulG (CRTe v) = CRTe $ fromJust' "UCyc.mulG CRTe" mulGCRT v

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.divG', but for 'UCyc'.
divG :: (Fact m, CElt t r) => UCyc t m r -> Maybe (UCyc t m r)
divG (Scalar c) = liftM Pow (divGPow $ scalarPow c) -- full ring
divG (Sub c) = divG $ embed' c                      -- full ring
divG (Pow v) = Pow <$> divGPow v
divG (Dec v) = Dec <$> divGDec v
-- fromMaybe is safe here because we're already in CRTr
divG (CRTr v) = Just $ CRTr $ fromJust' "UCyc.divG CRTr" divGCRT v
divG (CRTe v) = Just $ CRTe $ fromJust' "UCyc.divG CRTe" divGCRT v

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.tGaussian', but for 'UCyc'.
tGaussian :: (Fact m, OrdFloat q, Random q, CElt t q,
              ToRational v, MonadRandom rnd)
             => v -> rnd (UCyc t m q)
tGaussian = liftM Dec . tGaussianDec

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.errorRounded', but for 'UCyc'.
errorRounded :: forall v rnd t m z .
                (ToInteger z, Fact m, CElt t z, ToRational v, MonadRandom rnd)
                => v -> rnd (UCyc t m z)
errorRounded svar =
  fmapC (roundMult one) <$> (tGaussian svar :: rnd (UCyc t m Double))

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.errorCoset', but for 'UCyc'.
errorCoset :: forall t m zp z v rnd .
  (Mod zp, z ~ ModRep zp, Lift zp z, Fact m,
   CElt t zp, CElt t z, ToRational v, MonadRandom rnd)
  => v -> UCyc t m zp -> rnd (UCyc t m z)
errorCoset =
  let pval = fromIntegral $ proxy modulus (Proxy::Proxy zp)
  -- we don't force* here because tGaussian is always in Dec
  in \ svar c ->
    roundCosetDec c <$> (tGaussian (svar * pval * pval) :: rnd (UCyc t m Double))

-- | Deterministically round to the given coset @c+pR@, using the
-- decoding basis.
roundCosetDec ::
    (Mod zp, z ~ ModRep zp, Lift zp z, RealField q,
     Fact m, CElt t q, CElt t zp, CElt t z)
    => UCyc t m zp -> UCyc t m q -> UCyc t m z
roundCosetDec c x = roundCoset <$> forceDec c <*> forceDec x

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.embed', but for 'UCyc'.
embed :: forall t r m m' . (m `Divides` m') => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m' r
embed (Scalar c) = Scalar c
embed (Sub (c :: UCyc t l r)) = Sub c
  \\ transDivides (Proxy::Proxy l) (Proxy::Proxy m) (Proxy::Proxy m')
embed c = Sub c

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.twace', but for 'UCyc'.
twace :: forall t r m m' . (UCCtx t r, m `Divides` m')
         => UCyc t m' r -> UCyc t m r
twace (Scalar c) = Scalar c
-- twace on Sub goes to the largest common subring of O_l and O_m
twace (Sub (c :: UCyc t l r)) =
  Sub (twace c :: UCyc t (FGCD l m) r)
  \\ gcdDivides (Proxy::Proxy l) (Proxy::Proxy m)
twace (Pow v) = Pow $ twacePowDec v
twace (Dec v) = Dec $ twacePowDec v
-- stay in CRTr only iff it's valid for target, else go to Pow
twace x@(CRTr v) =
  fromMaybe (twace $ toPow' x) (CRTr <$> (twaceCRT <*> pure v))
-- stay in CRTe iff CRTr is invalid for target, else go to Pow
twace x@(CRTe v) =
  fromMaybe (CRTe $ fromJust' "UCyc.twace CRTe" twaceCRT v)
            (proxy (pasteT hasCRTFuncs) (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) *>
             pure (twace $ toPow' x))

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.coeffsCyc', but for 'UCyc'.
coeffsCyc :: (m `Divides` m', CElt t r)
             => U.Basis -> UCyc t m' r -> [UCyc t m r]
coeffsCyc U.Pow (Pow v) = LP.map Pow $ coeffs v
coeffsCyc U.Dec (Dec v) = LP.map Dec $ coeffs v
coeffsCyc U.Pow x = coeffsCyc U.Pow $ toPow' x
coeffsCyc U.Dec x = coeffsCyc U.Dec $ toDec' x

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.powBasis', but for 'UCyc'.
powBasis :: (m `Divides` m', CElt t r) => Tagged m [UCyc t m' r]
powBasis = map Pow <$> powBasisPow

-- | Same as 'Crypto.Lol.Cyclotomic.Cyc.crtSet', but for 'UCyc'.
crtSet :: forall t m m' r p mbar m'bar .
           (m `Divides` m', ZPP r, p ~ CharOf (ZPOf r),
            mbar ~ PFree p m, m'bar ~ PFree p m',
            CElt t r, CElt t (ZPOf r))
           => Tagged m [UCyc t m' r]
crtSet =
  -- CJP: consider using traceEvent or traceMarker
  --DT.trace ("UCyc.fcCrtSet: m = " ++
  --          show (proxy valueFact (Proxy::Proxy m)) ++ ", m'= " ++
  --          show (proxy valueFact (Proxy::Proxy m'))) $
  let (p,e) = proxy modulusZPP (Proxy::Proxy r)
      pp = Proxy::Proxy p
      pm = Proxy::Proxy m
      pm' = Proxy::Proxy m'
  in retag (fmap (embed . (^(p^(e-1))) . Dec . fmapT liftZp) <$>
            (crtSetDec :: Tagged mbar [t m'bar (ZPOf r)]))
     \\ pFreeDivides pp pm pm'
     \\ pSplitTheorems pp pm \\ pSplitTheorems pp pm'

----- "Unsafe" functions that expose or rely upon internal representation

-- | Yield an equivalent element whose internal representation /must/
-- be in the indicated basis: powerful or decoding (for 'Just' 'Pow'
-- and 'Just' 'Dec' arguments, respectively), or any @r@-basis of the
-- implementation's choice (for 'Nothing' argument).  (See also the
-- convenient specializations 'forcePow', 'forceDec', 'forceAny'.)
forceBasis :: (Fact m, CElt t r) => Maybe U.Basis -> UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
forceBasis (Just U.Pow) x = toPow' x
forceBasis (Just U.Dec) x = toDec' x
forceBasis Nothing x@(Scalar _) = toPow' x
-- force as outermost op to ensure we get an r-basis
forceBasis Nothing (Sub c) = forceBasis Nothing $ embed' c
forceBasis Nothing x@(CRTe _) = toPow' x
forceBasis Nothing x = x

forcePow, forceDec, forceAny :: (Fact m, CElt t r) => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
-- | Force a cyclotomic element into the powerful basis.
forcePow = forceBasis (Just U.Pow)
-- | Force a cyclotomic element into the decoding basis.
forceDec = forceBasis (Just U.Dec)
-- | Force a cyclotomic into any @r@-basis of the implementation's
-- choice.
forceAny = forceBasis Nothing

-- | A more specialized version of 'fmap': apply a function
-- coordinate-wise in the current representation.  The caller must
-- ensure that the current representation is an @r@-basis (one of
-- powerful, decoding, or CRT, if it exists), usually by using
-- 'forceBasis' or its specializations ('forcePow', 'forceDec',
-- 'forceAny').  Otherwise, behavior is undefined.
fmapC :: (Fact m, CElt t a, CElt t b) => (a -> b) -> UCyc t m a -> UCyc t m b

-- must be in an r-basis for correct semantics, e.g., f 0 = 1
fmapC _ (Scalar _) = error "can't fmapC on Scalar.  Must forceBasis first!"
fmapC _ (Sub _) = error "can't fmapC on Sub.  Must forceBasis first!"
fmapC _ (CRTe _) = error "can't fmapC on CRTe.  Must forceBasis first!"

fmapC f (Pow v) = Pow $ fmapT f v
fmapC f (Dec v) = Dec $ fmapT f v
fmapC f (CRTr v) = CRTr $ fmapT f v

-- | Monadic version of 'fmapC'.
fmapCM :: (Fact m, CElt t a, CElt t b, Monad mon)
  => (a -> mon b) -> UCyc t m a -> mon (UCyc t m b)

-- must embed into full ring
fmapCM _ (Scalar _) = error "can't fmapCM on Scalar. Must forceBasis first!"
fmapCM _ (Sub _) = error "can't fmapCM on Sub. Must forceBasis first!"
fmapCM _ (CRTe _) =  error "can't fmapCM on CRTe.  Must forceBasis first!"

fmapCM f (Pow v) = liftM Pow $ fmapTM f v
fmapCM f (Dec v) = liftM Dec $ fmapTM f v
fmapCM f (CRTr v) = liftM CRTr $ fmapTM f v

---------- HELPER FUNCTIONS (NOT FOR EXPORT) ----------

-- | Force embed, to a non-'Sub' constructor.  Preserves Scalar, Pow,
-- Dec constructors, and CRTr/CRTe constructor if valid in both source
-- and target ring (we rely on this in toCRT').
embed' :: forall t r l m .
          (UCCtx t r, l `Divides` m) => UCyc t l r -> UCyc t m r
embed' (Scalar x) = Scalar x    -- must re-wrap!
embed' (Pow v) = Pow $ embedPow v
embed' (Dec v) = Dec $ embedDec v
-- stay in CRTr only if it's possible, otherwise go to Pow
embed' x@(CRTr v) =
    fromMaybe (embed' $ toPow' x) (CRTr <$> (embedCRT <*> pure v))
embed' x@(CRTe v) = -- go to CRTe iff CRTr is invalid for target index
    fromMaybe (CRTe $ fromJust' "UCyc.embed' CRTe" embedCRT v)
              (proxy (pasteT hasCRTFuncs) (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) *>
               pure (embed' $ toPow' x))
embed' (Sub (c :: UCyc t k r)) = embed' c
  \\ transDivides (Proxy::Proxy k) (Proxy::Proxy l) (Proxy::Proxy m)

--------- Basis conversion methods ------------------

toPow', toDec' :: (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
-- forces the argument into the powerful basis
toPow' (Scalar c) = Pow $ scalarPow c
toPow' (Sub c) = embed' $ toPow' c -- OK: embed' preserves Pow
toPow' x@(Pow _) = x
toPow' (Dec v) = Pow $ l v
toPow' (CRTr v) = Pow $ fromJust' "UCyc.toPow'" crtInv v
toPow' (CRTe v) =
    Pow $ fmapT fromExt $ fromJust' "UCyc.toPow' CRTe" crtInv v

-- | Force the argument into the decoding basis.
toDec' x@(Scalar _) = toDec' $ toPow' x -- TODO: use scalarDec instead
toDec' (Sub c) = embed' $ toDec' c      -- OK: embed' preserves Dec
toDec' (Pow v) = Dec $ lInv v
toDec' x@(Dec _) = x
toDec' x@(CRTr _) = toDec' $ toPow' x
toDec' x@(CRTe _) = toDec' $ toPow' x

-- | Force the argument into the "valid" CRT basis for our invariant.
toCRT' :: forall t m r . (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
toCRT' x@(CRTr _) = x
toCRT' x@(CRTe _) = x
toCRT' (Sub (c :: UCyc t l r)) =
    case (proxyT hasCRTFuncs (Proxy::Proxy (t l r)),
          proxyT hasCRTFuncs (Proxy::Proxy (t m r))) of
      (Just _, Just _) -> embed' $ toCRT' c -- fastest; embed' preserves CRTr
      (_, Nothing) -> embed' $ toCRTe c -- faster; temp violate CRTr/e invariant
      _ -> toCRT' $ embed' c            -- fallback
toCRT' x = fromMaybe (toCRTe x) (toCRTr <*> pure x)

toCRTr :: forall t m r . (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => Maybe (UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r)
toCRTr = do -- Maybe monad
  crt' <- crt
  scalarCRT' <- scalarCRT
  return $ \x -> case x of
                   (Scalar c) -> CRTr $ scalarCRT' c
                   (Pow v) -> CRTr $ crt' v
                   (Dec v) -> CRTr $ crt' $ l v
                   c@(CRTr _) -> c
                   c@(CRTe _) -> fromJust' "UCyc.toCRTr CRTe" toCRTr $ toPow' c
                   (Sub _) -> error "UCyc.toCRTr: Sub"

toCRTe :: forall t m r . (UCCtx t r, Fact m) => UCyc t m r -> UCyc t m r
toCRTe = let m = proxy valueFact (Proxy::Proxy m)
             crt' = fromJust' ("UCyc.toCRTe: no crt': " ++ show m) crt
                  :: t m (CRTExt r) -> t m (CRTExt r) -- must exist
             scalarCRT' = fromJust' "UCyc.toCRTe: no scalarCRT" scalarCRT
                        :: CRTExt r -> t m (CRTExt r)
         in \x -> case x of
                    (Scalar c) -> CRTe $ scalarCRT' $ toExt c
                    (Pow v) -> CRTe $ crt' $ fmapT toExt v
                    (Dec v) -> CRTe $ crt' $ fmapT toExt $ l v
                    c@(CRTr _) -> toCRTe $ toPow' c
                    c@(CRTe _) -> c
                    (Sub _) -> error "UCyc.toCRTe: Sub"

---------- "Container" instances ----------

instance (Tensor t, Fact m) => Functor (UCyc t m) where
  -- Functor instance is implied by Applicative laws
  fmap f x = pure f <*> x

errApp :: String -> a
errApp name = error $ "UCyc.Applicative: can't/won't handle " ++ name ++
              "; call forcePow|Dec|Any first"

instance (Tensor t, Fact m) => Applicative (UCyc t m) where

  -- This implementation is restricted to the Scalar, Pow, Dec, or
  -- CRTr constructors, in order to force the client to choose a
  -- concrete @r@-basis and avoid unanticipated non-failure behavior.
  -- Encountering a CRTe, or Sub constructor almost certainly means
  -- that the client expressed something it did not intend (since it
  -- cannot force such constructors to be used), so we want to raise
  -- an exception early instead of doing unintended work.

  -- This implementation has one corner case that may
  -- yield unexpected non-failure behavior: consider
  --   fmap f (pure a) = (pure f) <*> (pure a) = (pure $ f a)
  -- which is required by the Applicative homomorphism law.

  -- If the (pure a) is intended as an element of the base ring (which
  -- is the custom), then its Pow coeffs are *not* all a's, so the
  -- (likely intended) expression
  --   fmap f $ forcePow (pure a)
  -- may be a different result.  If the client forgets the force, we
  -- can't recognize it here and throw an error.  (This is certainly the
  -- client's fault; if it's not specifying a basis before fmap'ing
  -- then it shouldn't expect the results to make sense.  We just
  -- can't catch the error here.)

  -- A solution is to introduce an explicit Pure constructor that's
  -- only ever applied in 'pure', and throw an error if we encounter a
  -- Scalar here.  Arithmetically we'd treat Pures as Scalars, but in
  -- a one-way fashion (outputs of arith ops are never Pure).

  pure = Scalar

  -- homomorphism (of pure)
  (Scalar f) <*> (Scalar a) = Scalar $ f a

  -- constructors must match
  (Pow v1) <*> (Pow v2) = Pow $ v1 <*> v2 \\ witness entailIndexT v1
  (Dec v1) <*> (Dec v2) = Dec $ v1 <*> v2 \\ witness entailIndexT v1
  (CRTr v1) <*> (CRTr v2) = CRTr $ v1 <*> v2 \\ witness entailIndexT v1

  -- ... but we can also match Scalar with (almost) anything
  (Scalar f) <*> (Pow v) = Pow $ pure f <*> v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  (Scalar f) <*> (Dec v) = Dec $ pure f <*> v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  (Scalar f) <*> (CRTr v) = CRTr $ pure f <*> v \\ witness entailIndexT v

  (Pow v) <*> (Scalar a) = Pow $ v <*> pure a \\ witness entailIndexT v
  (Dec v) <*> (Scalar a) = Dec $ v <*> pure a \\ witness entailIndexT v
  (CRTr v) <*> (Scalar a) = CRTr $ v <*> pure a \\ witness entailIndexT v

  -- cases we can't/won't handle
  (Sub _) <*> _  = errApp "Sub"
  _ <*> (Sub _)  = errApp "Sub"
  (CRTe _) <*> _ = errApp "CRTe"
  _ <*> (CRTe _) = errApp "CRTe"
  _ <*> _ = errApp "mismatched Pow/Dec/CRTr bases"

instance (Tensor t, Fact m) => Foldable (UCyc t m) where
  foldr f b (Scalar r) = f r b
  foldr f b (Sub c) = F.foldr f b c
  foldr f b (Pow v) = F.foldr f b v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  foldr f b (Dec v) = F.foldr f b v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  foldr f b (CRTr v) = F.foldr f b v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  foldr _ _ (CRTe _) = error "UCyc.Foldable: can't handle CRTe"

instance (Tensor t, Fact m) => Traversable (UCyc t m) where
  traverse f (Scalar r) = Scalar <$> f r
  traverse f (Sub c) = Sub <$> traverse f c
  traverse f (Pow v) = Pow <$> traverse f v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  traverse f (Dec v) = Dec <$> traverse f v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  traverse f (CRTr v) = CRTr <$> traverse f v \\ witness entailIndexT v
  traverse _ (CRTe _) = error "UCyc.Traversable: can't handle CRTe"

---------- Utility instances ----------

instance (Tensor t, Fact m, TElt t r, CRTrans r, Random r, ZeroTestable r, IntegralDomain r) => Random (UCyc t m r) where

  -- create in CRTr basis if legal, otherwise in powerful
  random = let cons = fromMaybe Pow
                      (proxyT hasCRTFuncs (Proxy::Proxy (t m r)) >> Just CRTr)
           in \g -> let (v,g') = random g
                                 \\ proxy entailRandomT (Proxy::Proxy (t m r))
                    in (cons v, g')

  randomR _ = error "randomR non-sensical for cyclotomic rings"

instance (Show r, Show (t m r), Show (t m (CRTExt r)))
  => Show (UCyc t m r) where

  show (Scalar c) = "scalar " ++ show c
  show (Sub _) = "subring (not showing due to missing constraints)"
  show (Pow v) = "powerful basis coeffs " ++ show v
  show (Dec v) = "decoding basis coeffs " ++ show v
  show (CRTr v) = "CRTr basis coeffs " ++ show v
  show (CRTe v) = "CRTe basis coeffs " ++ show v

instance (Arbitrary (t m r)) => Arbitrary (UCyc t m r) where
  arbitrary = liftM Pow arbitrary
  shrink = shrinkNothing

instance (Tensor t, Fact m, TElt t r, TElt t (CRTExt r), NFData r, NFData (CRTExt r))
         => NFData (UCyc t m r) where
  rnf (Pow x)    = rnf x \\ witness entailNFDataT x
  rnf (Dec x)    = rnf x \\ witness entailNFDataT x
  rnf (CRTr x)   = rnf x \\ witness entailNFDataT x
  rnf (CRTe x)   = rnf x \\ witness entailNFDataT x
  rnf (Scalar x) = rnf x
  rnf (Sub x)    = rnf x