cabal-version: 1.18 name: lp-diagrams version: 2.1.3 synopsis: An EDSL for diagrams based based on linear constraints license: AGPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Jean-Philippe Bernardy maintainer: copyright: Jean-Philippe Bernardy category: Graphics build-type: Simple -- extra-source-files: description: A library to describe diagrams. The defining feature of the package is the ability to use linear constraints to specify layout, which are resolved using z3 (latest z3 must be installed). Backends are provided either of the following packages lp-diagrams-svg (svg) or marxup (tikz). Flag graphviz Description: Enable graphviz support Default: True source-repository head type: git location: library if flag(graphviz) build-depends: graphviz exposed-modules: Graphics.Diagrams.Graphviz exposed-modules: Graphics.Diagrams.Object, Graphics.Diagrams.Path, Graphics.Diagrams.Plot, Graphics.Diagrams.Point, Graphics.Diagrams.Core, Graphics.Diagrams.Types, Graphics.Diagrams.DerivationTrees, Graphics.Diagrams other-modules: SMT.Model Algebra.Linear build-depends: base >=4.8 && < 666, lens >=4.12, text >=1.2 , typography-geometry >=1.0 , gasp, reflection, vector, polynomials-bernstein, mtl >=2.2 , containers >=0.5, labeled-tree, parsek, process default-language: Haskell2010