Copyright | © 2007–2012 Gracjan Polak; © 2012–2016 Ömer Sinan Ağacan; © 2017-2022 Albert Krewinkel |
License | MIT |
Maintainer | Albert Krewinkel <> |
Stability | beta |
Portability | ForeignFunctionInterface |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Lua constants
- pattern LUA_MULTRET :: NumResults
- pattern LUA_REGISTRYINDEX :: StackIndex
- pattern LUA_TNONE :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TNIL :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TBOOLEAN :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TNUMBER :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TSTRING :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TTABLE :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TFUNCTION :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TUSERDATA :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_TTHREAD :: TypeCode
- pattern LUA_OK :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_YIELD :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_ERRRUN :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_ERRSYNTAX :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_ERRMEM :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_ERRERR :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_ERRFILE :: StatusCode
- pattern LUA_OPEQ :: OPCode
- pattern LUA_OPLT :: OPCode
- pattern LUA_OPLE :: OPCode
- pattern LUA_OPADD :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPSUB :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPMUL :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPDIV :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPIDIV :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPMOD :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPPOW :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPUNM :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPBNOT :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPBAND :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPBOR :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPBXOR :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPSHL :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_OPSHR :: ArithOPCode
- pattern LUA_GCSTOP :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCRESTART :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCCOLLECT :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCCOUNT :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCCOUNTB :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCSTEP :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCSETPAUSE :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCISRUNNING :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCGEN :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_GCINC :: GCCode
- pattern LUA_REFNIL :: CInt
- pattern LUA_NOREF :: CInt
- pattern TRUE :: LuaBool
- pattern FALSE :: LuaBool
Special values
pattern LUA_MULTRET :: NumResults Source #
Option for multiple returns in
pattern LUA_REGISTRYINDEX :: StackIndex Source #
Stack index of the Lua registry.
Basic types
pattern LUA_TBOOLEAN :: TypeCode Source #
Type of Lua booleans
pattern LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA :: TypeCode Source #
Type of light userdata
pattern LUA_TNUMBER :: TypeCode Source #
Type of Lua numbers. See Number
pattern LUA_TSTRING :: TypeCode Source #
Type of Lua string values
pattern LUA_TTABLE :: TypeCode Source #
Type of Lua tables
pattern LUA_TFUNCTION :: TypeCode Source #
Type of functions, either normal or CFunction
pattern LUA_TUSERDATA :: TypeCode Source #
Type of full user data
pattern LUA_TTHREAD :: TypeCode Source #
Type of Lua threads
Status codes
pattern LUA_OK :: StatusCode Source #
pattern LUA_YIELD :: StatusCode Source #
Yielding / suspended coroutine.
pattern LUA_ERRRUN :: StatusCode Source #
A runtime error.
pattern LUA_ERRSYNTAX :: StatusCode Source #
A syntax error.
pattern LUA_ERRMEM :: StatusCode Source #
Memory allocation error. For such errors, Lua does not call the message handler.
pattern LUA_ERRERR :: StatusCode Source #
Error while running the message handler.
pattern LUA_ERRFILE :: StatusCode Source #
File related error (e.g., the file cannot be opened or read).
Relational operator codes
Codes for arithmetic operations
pattern LUA_OPADD :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs addition (+
pattern LUA_OPSUB :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs subtraction (-
pattern LUA_OPMUL :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs multiplication (*
pattern LUA_OPDIV :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs float division (/
pattern LUA_OPIDIV :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs floor division (//
pattern LUA_OPMOD :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs modulo (%
pattern LUA_OPPOW :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs exponentiation (^
pattern LUA_OPUNM :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs mathematical negation (unary -
pattern LUA_OPBNOT :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs bitwise NOT (~
pattern LUA_OPBAND :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs bitwise AND (&
pattern LUA_OPBOR :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs bitwise OR (|
pattern LUA_OPBXOR :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs bitwise exclusive OR (~
pattern LUA_OPSHL :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs left shift (<<
pattern LUA_OPSHR :: ArithOPCode Source #
Performs right shift (>>
Garbage-collection options
pattern LUA_GCSTOP :: GCCode Source #
Stops the garbage collector.
pattern LUA_GCRESTART :: GCCode Source #
Restarts the garbage collector.
pattern LUA_GCCOLLECT :: GCCode Source #
Performs a full garbage-collection cycle.
pattern LUA_GCCOUNT :: GCCode Source #
Returns the current amount of memory (in Kbytes) in use by Lua.
pattern LUA_GCCOUNTB :: GCCode Source #
Returns the remainder of dividing the current amount of bytes of memory in use by Lua by 1024.
pattern LUA_GCSTEP :: GCCode Source #
Performs an incremental step of garbage collection.
pattern LUA_GCSETPAUSE :: GCCode Source #
Sets data as the new value for the pause of the collector (see §2.5) and returns the previous value of the pause.
pattern LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL :: GCCode Source #
Sets data as the new value for the step multiplier of the collector (see §2.5) and returns the previous value of the step multiplier.
pattern LUA_GCISRUNNING :: GCCode Source #
Returns a boolean that tells whether the collector is running (i.e., not stopped).
Predefined references
pattern LUA_REFNIL :: CInt Source #
Value signaling that no reference was created.