{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- Search for UndecidableInstances to see why this is needed {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | Base types and combinators. module Lucid.Base (-- * Rendering renderText ,renderBS ,renderTextT ,renderBST ,renderToFile -- * Running ,execHtmlT ,evalHtmlT ,runHtmlT ,relaxHtmlT -- * Combinators ,makeElement ,makeElementNoEnd ,makeXmlElementNoEnd ,makeAttribute -- * Types ,Html ,HtmlT(HtmlT) ,Attribute(..) -- * Classes ,Term(..) ,TermRaw(..) ,ToHtml(..) ,With(..)) where import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Blaze import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 as Blaze import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Morph import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..)) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString as S import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..)) import Data.String import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Prelude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -- | A simple attribute. Don't use the constructor, use 'makeAttribute'. data Attribute = Attribute !Text !Text deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) instance Hashable Attribute where hashWithSalt salt (Attribute a b) = salt `hashWithSalt` a `hashWithSalt` b -- | Simple HTML builder type. Defined in terms of 'HtmlT'. Check out -- that type for instance information. -- -- Simple use-cases will just use this type. But if you want to -- transformer over Reader or something, you can go and use 'HtmlT'. type Html = HtmlT Identity -- | A monad transformer that generates HTML. Use the simpler 'Html' -- type if you don't want to transform over some other monad. newtype HtmlT m a = HtmlT {runHtmlT :: m (HashMap Text Text -> Builder,a) -- ^ This is the low-level way to run the HTML transformer, -- finally returning an element builder and a value. You can -- pass 'mempty' for this argument for a top-level call. See -- 'evalHtmlT' and 'execHtmlT' for easier to use functions. } -- GHC 7.4 errors with -- Can't make a derived instance of `Typeable (HtmlT m a)': -- `HtmlT' must only have arguments of kind `*' -- GHC 7.6 errors with -- `HtmlT' must only have arguments of kind `*' #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707 deriving (Typeable) #endif instance MFunctor HtmlT where hoist f (HtmlT xs) = HtmlT (f xs) instance (a ~ (),Monad m) => Semigroup (HtmlT m a) where (<>) = liftM2 mappend -- | Monoid is right-associative, a la the 'Builder' in it. instance (a ~ (),Monad m) => Monoid (HtmlT m a) where mempty = return mempty mappend = liftM2 mappend -- | Based on the monad instance. instance Monad m => Applicative (HtmlT m) where pure a = HtmlT (return (mempty,a)) {-# INLINE pure #-} f <*> x = HtmlT $ do ~(g, f') <- runHtmlT f ~(h, x') <- runHtmlT x return (g <> h, f' x') {-# INLINE (<*>) #-} m *> n = HtmlT $ do ~(g, _) <- runHtmlT m ~(h, b) <- runHtmlT n return (g <> h, b) {-# INLINE (*>) #-} m <* n = HtmlT $ do ~(g, a) <- runHtmlT m ~(h, _) <- runHtmlT n return (g <> h, a) {-# INLINE (<*) #-} -- | Just re-uses Monad. instance Monad m => Functor (HtmlT m) where fmap = liftM (<$) = fmap . const {-# INLINE (<$) #-} -- | Basically acts like Writer. instance Monad m => Monad (HtmlT m) where return = pure {-# INLINE return #-} m >>= f = HtmlT $ do ~(g,a) <- runHtmlT m ~(h,b) <- runHtmlT (f a) return (g <> h,b) {-# INLINE (>>=) #-} (>>) = (*>) {-# INLINE (>>) #-} -- | Used for 'lift'. instance MonadTrans HtmlT where lift m = HtmlT (do a <- m return (\_ -> mempty,a)) -- MonadReader / MonadState instances need UndecidableInstances, -- because they do not satisfy the coverage condition. instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (HtmlT m) where ask = lift ask local f (HtmlT a) = HtmlT (local f a) instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (HtmlT m) where get = lift get put = lift . put state = lift . state -- | If you want to use IO in your HTML generation. instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (HtmlT m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO -- | We pack it via string. Could possibly encode straight into a -- builder. That might be faster. instance (Monad m,a ~ ()) => IsString (HtmlT m a) where fromString = toHtml -- | Just calls 'renderText'. instance (m ~ Identity) => Show (HtmlT m a) where show = LT.unpack . renderText -- | Can be converted to HTML. class ToHtml a where toHtml :: Monad m => a -> HtmlT m () toHtmlRaw :: Monad m => a -> HtmlT m () instance (a ~ (), m ~ Identity) => ToHtml (HtmlT m a) where toHtml = relaxHtmlT toHtmlRaw = relaxHtmlT instance ToHtml String where toHtml = build . Blaze.fromHtmlEscapedString toHtmlRaw = build . Blaze.fromString instance ToHtml Text where toHtml = build . Blaze.fromHtmlEscapedText toHtmlRaw = build . Blaze.fromText instance ToHtml LT.Text where toHtml = build . Blaze.fromHtmlEscapedLazyText toHtmlRaw = build . Blaze.fromLazyText -- | This instance requires the ByteString to contain UTF-8 encoded -- text, for the 'toHtml' method. The 'toHtmlRaw' method doesn't care, -- but the overall HTML rendering methods in this module assume UTF-8. instance ToHtml S.ByteString where toHtml = build . Blaze.fromHtmlEscapedText . T.decodeUtf8 toHtmlRaw = build . Blaze.fromByteString -- | This instance requires the ByteString to contain UTF-8 encoded -- text, for the 'toHtml' method. The 'toHtmlRaw' method doesn't care, -- but the overall HTML rendering methods in this module assume UTF-8. instance ToHtml L.ByteString where toHtml = build . Blaze.fromHtmlEscapedLazyText . LT.decodeUtf8 toHtmlRaw = build . Blaze.fromLazyByteString -- | Create an 'HtmlT' directly from a 'Builder'. build :: Monad m => Builder -> HtmlT m () build b = HtmlT (return (const b,())) {-# INLINE build #-} -- | Used to construct HTML terms. -- -- Simplest use: p_ = term "p" yields 'Lucid.Html5.p_'. -- -- Very overloaded for three cases: -- -- * The first case is the basic @arg@ of @[(Text,Text)]@ which will -- return a function that wants children. -- * The second is an @arg@ which is @HtmlT m ()@, in which case the -- term accepts no attributes and just the children are used for the -- element. -- * Finally, this is also used for overloaded attributes, like -- `Lucid.Html5.style_` or `Lucid.Html5.title_`. If a return type of @(Text,Text)@ is inferred -- then an attribute will be made. -- -- The instances look intimidating but actually the constraints make -- it very general so that type inference works well even in the -- presence of things like @OverloadedLists@ and such. class Term arg result | result -> arg where -- | Used for constructing elements e.g. @term "p"@ yields 'Lucid.Html5.p_'. term :: Text -- ^ Name of the element or attribute. -> arg -- ^ Either an attribute list or children. -> result -- ^ Result: either an element or an attribute. term = flip termWith [] {-# INLINE term #-} -- | Use this if you want to make an element which inserts some -- pre-prepared attributes into the element. termWith :: Text -- ^ Name. -> [Attribute] -- ^ Attribute transformer. -> arg -- ^ Some argument. -> result -- ^ Result: either an element or an attribute. -- | Given attributes, expect more child input. instance (Monad m,f ~ HtmlT m a) => Term [Attribute] (f -> HtmlT m a) where termWith name f = with (makeElement name) . (<> f) -- | Given children immediately, just use that and expect no -- attributes. instance (Monad m) => Term (HtmlT m a) (HtmlT m a) where termWith name f = with (makeElement name) f {-# INLINE termWith #-} -- | Some terms (like 'Lucid.Html5.style_', 'Lucid.Html5.title_') can be used for -- attributes as well as elements. instance Term Text Attribute where termWith key _ value = makeAttribute key value -- | Same as the 'Term' class, but will not HTML escape its -- children. Useful for elements like 'Lucid.Html5.style_' or -- 'Lucid.Html5.script_'. class TermRaw arg result | result -> arg where -- | Used for constructing elements e.g. @termRaw "p"@ yields 'Lucid.Html5.p_'. termRaw :: Text -- ^ Name of the element or attribute. -> arg -- ^ Either an attribute list or children. -> result -- ^ Result: either an element or an attribute. termRaw = flip termRawWith [] -- | Use this if you want to make an element which inserts some -- pre-prepared attributes into the element. termRawWith :: Text -- ^ Name. -> [Attribute] -- ^ Attribute transformer. -> arg -- ^ Some argument. -> result -- ^ Result: either an element or an attribute. -- | Given attributes, expect more child input. instance (Monad m,ToHtml f, a ~ ()) => TermRaw [Attribute] (f -> HtmlT m a) where termRawWith name f attrs = with (makeElement name) (attrs <> f) . toHtmlRaw -- | Given children immediately, just use that and expect no -- attributes. instance (Monad m,a ~ ()) => TermRaw Text (HtmlT m a) where termRawWith name f = with (makeElement name) f . toHtmlRaw -- | Some termRaws (like 'Lucid.Html5.style_', 'Lucid.Html5.title_') can be used for -- attributes as well as elements. instance TermRaw Text Attribute where termRawWith key _ value = makeAttribute key value -- | With an element use these attributes. An overloaded way of adding -- attributes either to an element accepting attributes-and-children -- or one that just accepts attributes. See the two instances. class With a where -- | With the given element(s), use the given attributes. with :: a -- ^ Some element, either @Html a@ or @Html a -> Html a@. -> [Attribute] -> a -- | For the contentless elements: 'Lucid.Html5.br_' instance (Monad m) => With (HtmlT m a) where with f = \attr -> HtmlT (do ~(f',a) <- runHtmlT f return (\attr' -> f' (unionArgs (M.fromListWith (<>) (map toPair attr)) attr') ,a)) where toPair (Attribute x y) = (x,y) -- | For the contentful elements: 'Lucid.Html5.div_' instance (Monad m) => With (HtmlT m a -> HtmlT m a) where with f = \attr inner -> HtmlT (do ~(f',a) <- runHtmlT (f inner) return ((\attr' -> f' (unionArgs (M.fromListWith (<>) (map toPair attr)) attr') ) ,a)) where toPair (Attribute x y) = (x,y) -- | Union two sets of arguments and append duplicate keys. unionArgs :: HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text unionArgs = M.unionWith (<>) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Running -- | Render the HTML to a lazy 'ByteString'. -- -- This is a convenience function defined in terms of 'execHtmlT', -- 'runIdentity' and 'Blaze.toLazyByteString'. Check the source if -- you're interested in the lower-level behaviour. -- renderToFile :: FilePath -> Html a -> IO () renderToFile fp = L.writeFile fp . Blaze.toLazyByteString . runIdentity . execHtmlT -- | Render the HTML to a lazy 'ByteString'. -- -- This is a convenience function defined in terms of 'execHtmlT', -- 'runIdentity' and 'Blaze.toLazyByteString'. Check the source if -- you're interested in the lower-level behaviour. -- renderBS :: Html a -> ByteString renderBS = Blaze.toLazyByteString . runIdentity . execHtmlT -- | Render the HTML to a lazy 'Text'. -- -- This is a convenience function defined in terms of 'execHtmlT', -- 'runIdentity' and 'Blaze.toLazyByteString', and -- 'LT.decodeUtf8'. Check the source if you're interested in the -- lower-level behaviour. -- renderText :: Html a -> LT.Text renderText = LT.decodeUtf8 . Blaze.toLazyByteString . runIdentity . execHtmlT -- | Render the HTML to a lazy 'ByteString', but in a monad. -- -- This is a convenience function defined in terms of 'execHtmlT' and -- 'Blaze.toLazyByteString'. Check the source if you're interested in -- the lower-level behaviour. -- renderBST :: Monad m => HtmlT m a -> m ByteString renderBST = liftM Blaze.toLazyByteString . execHtmlT -- | Render the HTML to a lazy 'Text', but in a monad. -- -- This is a convenience function defined in terms of 'execHtmlT' and -- 'Blaze.toLazyByteString', and 'LT.decodeUtf8'. Check the source if -- you're interested in the lower-level behaviour. -- renderTextT :: Monad m => HtmlT m a -> m LT.Text renderTextT = liftM (LT.decodeUtf8 . Blaze.toLazyByteString) . execHtmlT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Running, transformer versions -- | Build the HTML. Analogous to @execState@. -- -- You might want to use this is if you want to do something with the -- raw 'Builder'. Otherwise for simple cases you can just use -- 'renderText' or 'renderBS'. execHtmlT :: Monad m => HtmlT m a -- ^ The HTML to generate. -> m Builder -- ^ The @a@ is discarded. execHtmlT m = do (f,_) <- runHtmlT m return (f mempty) -- | Generalize the underlying monad. -- -- Some builders are happy to deliver results in a pure underlying -- monad, here 'Identity', but have trouble maintaining the polymorphic -- type. This utility generalizes from 'Identity'. relaxHtmlT :: Monad m => HtmlT Identity a -- ^ The HTML generated purely. -> HtmlT m a -- ^ Same HTML accessible in a polymorphic context. relaxHtmlT = hoist go where go :: Monad m => Identity a -> m a go = return . runIdentity -- | Evaluate the HTML to its return value. Analogous to @evalState@. -- -- Use this if you want to ignore the HTML output of an action -- completely and just get the result. -- -- For using with the 'Html' type, you'll need 'runIdentity' e.g. -- -- >>> runIdentity (evalHtmlT (p_ "Hello!")) -- () -- evalHtmlT :: Monad m => HtmlT m a -- ^ HTML monad to evaluate. -> m a -- ^ Ignore the HTML output and just return the value. evalHtmlT m = do (_,a) <- runHtmlT m return a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combinators -- | Make an attribute builder. makeAttribute :: Text -- ^ Attribute name. -> Text -- ^ Attribute value. -> Attribute makeAttribute x y = Attribute x y -- | Make an HTML builder. makeElement :: Monad m => Text -- ^ Name. -> HtmlT m a -- ^ Children HTML. -> HtmlT m a -- ^ A parent element. {-# INLINE[1] makeElement #-} makeElement name = \m' -> HtmlT (do ~(f,a) <- runHtmlT m' return (\attr -> s "<" <> Blaze.fromText name <> foldlMapWithKey buildAttr attr <> s ">" <> f mempty <> s "</" <> Blaze.fromText name <> s ">", a)) -- | Make an HTML builder for elements which have no ending tag. makeElementNoEnd :: Monad m => Text -- ^ Name. -> HtmlT m () -- ^ A parent element. makeElementNoEnd name = HtmlT (return (\attr -> s "<" <> Blaze.fromText name <> foldlMapWithKey buildAttr attr <> s ">", ())) -- | Make an XML builder for elements which have no ending tag. makeXmlElementNoEnd :: Monad m => Text -- ^ Name. -> HtmlT m () -- ^ A parent element. makeXmlElementNoEnd name = HtmlT (return (\attr -> s "<" <> Blaze.fromText name <> foldlMapWithKey buildAttr attr <> s "/>", ())) -- | Build and encode an attribute. buildAttr :: Text -> Text -> Builder buildAttr key val = s " " <> Blaze.fromText key <> if val == mempty then mempty else s "=\"" <> Blaze.fromHtmlEscapedText val <> s "\"" -- | Folding and monoidally appending attributes. foldlMapWithKey :: Monoid m => (k -> v -> m) -> HashMap k v -> m foldlMapWithKey f = M.foldlWithKey' (\m k v -> m `mappend` f k v) mempty -- | Convenience function for constructing builders. s :: String -> Builder s = Blaze.fromString {-# INLINE s #-}