-- Copyright 2001-2012, Daan Leijen, Bastiaan Heeren, Jurriaan Hage. This file 
-- is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 License. For more information, 
-- see the file "LICENSE.txt", which is included in the distribution.
--  $Id: Lexer.hs 269 2012-08-31 15:16:49Z bastiaan $

module Lvm.Core.Parsing.Layout (layout) where

import Lvm.Core.Parsing.Token

-- The layout rule

layout :: [Token] -> [Token]
layout  = doubleSemi . lay [] . addLayout

data Layout = CtxLay   Int
            | CtxLet   Int
            | CtxBrace
            | Indent   Int
   deriving (Eq,Show)

type LayoutToken = Either (Pos, Layout) Token

getPos :: LayoutToken -> Pos
getPos = either fst fst

addLayout :: [Token] -> [LayoutToken]
addLayout ts =
   case ts of
      (pos,LexMODULE):_ -> addLay pos rest
      (pos,LexLBRACE):_ -> addLay pos rest
      (pos,_):_         -> Left (pos, CtxLay (snd pos)) : addLay pos rest
      []                -> []
   rest = map Right ts

addLay :: Pos -> [LayoutToken] -> [LayoutToken]
addLay _ [] = []
addLay (l, _) (t:ts) =
   case t of
      Left (pos@(ln, col), _) 
         | ln > l    -> Left (pos, Indent col) : rest
         | otherwise -> rest
         rest = t : addLay pos ts
      Right (pos@(ln, col), lexeme)
         | ln > l    -> Left (pos,Indent col) : t : rest
         | otherwise -> t : rest
         rest = case lexeme of
                   LexLET       -> newlay CtxLet
                   LexLETSTRICT -> newlay CtxLet
                   LexWHERE     -> newlay CtxLay
                   LexOF        -> newlay CtxLay
                   LexDO        -> newlay CtxLay
                   _            -> addLay pos ts

         newlay ctx = 
            case ts of 
               [] -> []
               u@(Right (pos',LexLBRACE)):us -> 
                  u : addLay pos' us
               u:us ->
                  let pos' = getPos u 
                  in Left (pos', ctx (snd pos')) : u : addLay pos' us

lay :: [Layout] -> [LayoutToken] -> [Token]
lay ctx tokens =
   case tokens of
      [] -> []
      Left (pos, c):ts -> 
         case (ctx, c, ts) of 
            (CtxLet _:cs, Indent _, Right t@(post,LexIN):rest) ->
               (post,LexRBRACE) : t : lay cs rest
            (CtxLet n:cs, Indent i, _)
               | i == n    -> (pos,LexSEMI) : lay ctx ts
               | i  < n    -> (pos,LexRBRACE) : lay cs tokens
               | otherwise -> lay ctx ts
            (CtxLay n:cs, Indent i, _)
               | i == n    -> (pos,LexSEMI) : lay ctx ts
               | i  < n    -> (pos,LexRBRACE) : lay cs tokens
               | otherwise -> lay ctx ts
            (CtxBrace:_, Indent _, _) -> lay ctx ts
            (_,Indent _, _)           -> lay ctx ts
            _ -> (pos,LexLBRACE) : lay (c:ctx) ts
      Right t@(pos, lexeme):ts -> 
         case (ctx, lexeme) of 
            (CtxLet _:cs, LexIN)     -> (pos,LexRBRACE) : t : lay cs ts
            (CtxLay _:cs, LexIN)     -> (pos,LexRBRACE) : lay cs tokens
            (CtxBrace:cs, LexRBRACE) -> t : lay cs ts
            (_,           LexLBRACE) -> t : lay (CtxBrace:ctx) ts
            _                        -> t : lay ctx ts

doubleSemi :: [Token] -> [Token]
doubleSemi (t@(_, LexSEMI):(_, LexSEMI):rest) = doubleSemi (t:rest)
doubleSemi (t:ts) = t:doubleSemi ts
doubleSemi []     = []