name: mackerel-client version: 0.1.0 author: itchyny maintainer: itchyny license: MIT license-file: LICENSE category: Web stability: Experimental build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 synopsis: An API client library for Mackerel homepage: description: This library provides bindings to Mackerel APIs. . The official site of Mackerel: . The reference of Mackerel API: . extra-source-files: library hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall exposed-modules: Web.Mackerel , Web.Mackerel.Types , Web.Mackerel.Types.Organization , Web.Mackerel.Types.User , Web.Mackerel.Types.Invitation , Web.Mackerel.Types.Service , Web.Mackerel.Types.Role , Web.Mackerel.Types.Host , Web.Mackerel.Types.Metadata , Web.Mackerel.Types.Monitor , Web.Mackerel.Types.Alert , Web.Mackerel.Types.Dashboard , Web.Mackerel.Types.GraphAnnotation , Web.Mackerel.Api , Web.Mackerel.Api.Organization , Web.Mackerel.Api.User , Web.Mackerel.Api.Invitation , Web.Mackerel.Api.Service , Web.Mackerel.Api.Role , Web.Mackerel.Api.Host , Web.Mackerel.Api.Metadata , Web.Mackerel.Api.Monitor , Web.Mackerel.Api.Alert , Web.Mackerel.Api.Dashboard , Web.Mackerel.Api.GraphAnnotation , Web.Mackerel.Client , Web.Mackerel.Config other-modules: Web.Mackerel.Internal.TH , Web.Mackerel.Internal.Api build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5.0 , filepath , directory , http-types , http-client , http-client-tls , bytestring , parsec , aeson , htoml , text , unordered-containers , data-default , split test-suite spec hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Spec.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 ghc-options: -Wall other-modules: Types.OrganizationSpec , Types.UserSpec , Types.InvitationSpec , Types.ServiceSpec , Types.RoleSpec , Types.HostSpec , Types.MetadataSpec , Types.MonitorSpec , Types.AlertSpec , Types.DashboardSpec , Types.GraphAnnotationSpec , ConfigSpec build-depends: base >= 4.9 && < 5.0 , mackerel-client , aeson , aeson-qq , raw-strings-qq , unordered-containers , data-default , hspec source-repository head type: git location: