{-| A library for modeling and solving linear and integer programs.

This library is merely a frontend to various solver backends. At the
time this was written, the only known supported backend is
<https://github.com/prsteele/math-programming-glpk GLPK>.
module Math.Programming
  ( -- * Math programs
    -- $mathprograms

    -- ** Linear programs
    LPMonad (..)
  , Expr
  , Bounds (..)
  , SolutionStatus (..)
  , Sense (..)

    -- ** Integer programs
  , IPMonad (..)
  , Domain (..)

    -- * Model-building DSL
    -- $models

    -- ** Creating variables
    -- $variables

    -- *** Continuous variables
  , free
  , nonNeg
  , nonPos
  , bounded
  , within

    -- *** Integer variables
  , integer
  , binary
  , nonNegInteger
  , nonPosInteger
  , asKind

    -- ** Linear expressions
    -- $expressions
  , LinearExpression (..)
  , eval
  , simplify
  , var
  , con
  , exprSum
  , varSum

    -- *** Addition
    -- $addition
  , (.+.)
  , (@+@)
  , (.+@)
  , (@+.)
  , (@+#)
  , (#+@)
  , (#+.)
  , (.+#)

    -- *** Subtraction
    -- $subtraction
  , (.-.)
  , (@-@)
  , (.-@)
  , (@-.)
  , (@-#)
  , (#-@)
  , (#-.)
  , (.-#)

    -- *** Multiplication
    -- $multiplication
  , (#*@)
  , (@*#)
  , (#*.)
  , (.*#)

    -- *** Division
    -- $division
  , (@/#)
  , (./#)

    -- ** Constraints
    -- $constraints
  , Inequality (..)

    -- *** Less-than constraints
    -- $lt
  , (#<=@)
  , (#<=.)
  , (@<=#)
  , (@<=@)
  , (@<=.)
  , (.<=#)
  , (.<=@)
  , (.<=.)

    -- *** Greater-than constraints
    -- $gt
  , (#>=@)
  , (#>=.)
  , (@>=#)
  , (@>=@)
  , (@>=.)
  , (.>=#)
  , (.>=@)
  , (.>=.)

  -- *** Equality constraints
  -- $eq
  , (#==@)
  , (#==.)
  , (@==#)
  , (@==@)
  , (@==.)
  , (.==#)
  , (.==@)
  , (.==.)

    -- ** Specifying objectives
  , minimize
  , maximize

    -- ** Utilities
  , evalExpr
  , named
  , nameOf
  ) where

import           Math.Programming.Dsl
import           Math.Programming.Types

-- $mathprograms
-- The 'LPMonad' provides all the primitives necessary to formulate
-- and solve linear programs; the 'IPMonad' provides the same for
-- integer programs. However, you should not often need to use these
-- APIs directly, as we provide more user-friendly functions wrapping
-- these low-level functions below.

-- $models
-- The functions in the 'LPMonad' and 'IPMonad' typeclasses are
-- designed to interface with low-level solver backends. We provide a
-- cleaner interface in the following sections.

-- $variables
-- 'LPMonad' provides 'addVariable' and 'setVariableBounds', and
-- 'IPMonad' additionally provides 'setVariableDomain'. While
-- sufficient to create your programs, you are encouraged to use the
-- more natural functions below.

-- $expressions
-- The module 'Math.Programming.LinearExpression' provides operators
-- to build up 'LinearExpression' objects using declared variables.

-- $addition
-- We can summarize the addition operators with the table
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         | '+'    | '#+@'  | '#+.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@+#'  | '@+@'  | '@+.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | '.+#'  | '.+@'  | '.+.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+

-- $subtraction
-- We can summarize the subtraction operators with the table
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         | '-'    | '#-@'  | '#-.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@-#'  | '@-@'  | '@-.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | '.-#'  | '.-@'  | '.-.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+

-- $multiplication
-- We can summarize the multiplication operators with the table
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         | '*'    | '#*@'  | '#*.'            |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@*#'  |        |                  |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | '.*#'  |        |                  |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- As there are few possibilities for valid multiplication, it can be
-- convenient to define e.g. @.*@ or some other short operator as an
-- alias for '#*@'.

-- $division
-- We can summarize the multiplication operators with the table
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         | '/'    |        |                  |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@/#'  |        |                  |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | './#'  |        |                  |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- As there are few possibilities for valid division, it
-- can be convenient to define e.g. @./@ or some other short operator
-- as an alias for '@/#'.

-- $constraints
-- The 'LPMonad' provides the 'addConstraint' function. However, you
-- will typically use the operators below to directly apply
-- constraints to the model. We follow the same conventions as with
-- our arithmetic operators.

-- $lt
-- We can summarize the various inquality operators in the following table.
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         |        | '#<=@' | '#<=.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@<=#' | '@<=@' | '@<=.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | '.<=#' | '.<=@' | '.<=.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+

-- $gt
-- We can summarize the various inquality operators in the following table.
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         |        | '#>=@' | '#>=.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@>=#' | '@>=@' | '@>=.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | '.>=#' | '.>=@' | '.>=.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+

-- $eq
-- We can summarize the various inquality operators in the following table.
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |                 |Constant|Variable|    Expression    |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Constant         |        | '#==@' | '#==.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Variable         | '@==#' | '@==@' | '@==.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+
-- |Expression       | '.==#' | '.==@' | '.==.'           |
-- +-----------------+--------+--------+------------------+