module Text.PhonotacticLearner.DFST (
fnArray, xbd,
stateBounds, segBounds, transition,
transduceM, transduceR,
PackedDFA(..), pruneUnreachable, pruneAndPack,
rawIntersection, dfaProduct, nildfa,
PackedText, packSingleText, packMultiText,
ShortDFST, transducePackedShort,
MulticountDFST, transducePackedMulti,
ExpVecDFST, weightExpVec, expsByLengthVec,
ExpDoubleDFST, weightExpPartial, expsByLengthDouble,
GlobReps(..), SegSet, ListGlob(..), matchCounter
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Ix
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as SVM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Foreign (Ptr)
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.List
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Int
import Control.Arrow ((&&&), first, second)
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.Util.Ring
import Text.PhonotacticLearner.Util.Probability
fnArray :: (Ix i, IArray a e) => (i,i) -> (i -> e) -> a i e
fnArray bds f = array bds (fmap (\x -> (x, f x)) (range bds))
xbd :: (a,a) -> (b,b) -> ((a,b), (a,b))
xbd (w,x) (y,z) = ((w,y), (x,z))
data DFST q sigma k = DFST { initialState :: q
, transitionMatrix :: Array (q,sigma) (q,k)
, finalWeights :: Array q k
} deriving (Show)
instance (NFData q, NFData sigma, NFData k) => NFData (DFST q sigma k) where
rnf (DFST q0 tm fw) = q0 `seq` rnf tm `seq` rnf fw
instance (Ix q, Ix sigma) => Functor (DFST q sigma) where
fmap f (DFST q0 tm fw) = DFST q0 (fmap (second f) tm) (fmap f fw)
stateBounds :: (Ix q, Ix sigma) => DFST q sigma w -> (q,q)
stateBounds (DFST _ arr _) = let ((a,_), (b,_)) = bounds arr in (a,b)
segBounds :: (Ix q, Ix sigma) => DFST q sigma k -> (sigma,sigma)
segBounds (DFST _ arr _) = let ((_,a), (_,b)) = bounds arr in (a,b)
transition :: (Ix q, Ix sigma) => DFST q sigma k -> q -> sigma -> (q,k)
transition (DFST _ arr _) s c = arr!(s,c)
advanceState :: (Ix q, Ix sigma) => DFST q sigma k -> q -> sigma -> q
advanceState (DFST _ arr _) s c = fst (arr!(s,c))
data PackedText sigma = PackedText !(sigma,sigma) !(SV.Vector Int16) !(SV.Vector Int32)
packSingleText :: Ix sigma => (sigma,sigma) -> [sigma] -> PackedText sigma
packSingleText cbound t = PackedText cbound (SV.fromList $ fmap pchar t ++ [1,2]) (SV.singleton 1)
where pchar = fromIntegral . index cbound
packMultiText :: Ix sigma => (sigma,sigma) -> [([sigma],Int)] -> PackedText sigma
packMultiText cbound ts = PackedText cbound (SV.fromList $ foldr constext [2] ts) (SV.fromList $ fmap (fromIntegral . snd) ts)
where constext (t,_) lts = fmap (fromIntegral . index cbound) t ++ [1] ++ lts
class PackedDFA pd k | pd -> k where
numStates :: (Ix sigma) => pd sigma -> Int
psegBounds :: (Ix sigma) => pd sigma -> (sigma, sigma)
unpackDFA :: (Ix sigma) => pd sigma -> DFST Int sigma k
packDFA :: forall sigma . (Ix sigma)
=> Int16
-> Int16
-> (sigma, sigma)
-> ((Int16,sigma) -> Int16)
-> ((Int16,sigma) -> k)
-> (Int16 -> k)
-> pd sigma
pruneUnreachable :: forall q sigma k . (Ix q, Ix sigma) => DFST q sigma k -> DFST Int sigma k
pruneUnreachable dfa = DFST (newlabels ! initialState dfa) newTM newFW
qbound = stateBounds dfa
cbound = segBounds dfa
reachable = runSTUArray $ do
reached :: STUArray s q Bool <- newArray qbound False
let dfs :: q -> ST s ()
dfs n = do
writeArray reached n True
forM_ (range cbound) $ \c -> do
let n' = advanceState dfa n c
seen <- readArray reached n'
when (not seen) (dfs n')
return ()
dfs (initialState dfa)
return reached
keepstates :: [q] = filter (reachable!) (range qbound)
nbound = (1,length keepstates)
oldlabels :: Array Int q = listArray nbound keepstates
newlabels :: Array q Int = array qbound (zip keepstates (range nbound))
tmbound = nbound `xbd` cbound
newTF (s,c) = let (t,w) = transition dfa (oldlabels!s) c in (newlabels!t, w)
newTM = fnArray tmbound newTF
newFW = fnArray nbound ((finalWeights dfa !) . (oldlabels !))
pruneAndPack :: forall q sigma pd k. (Ix q, Ix sigma, PackedDFA pd k) => DFST q sigma k -> pd sigma
pruneAndPack dfa = packDFA (fromIntegral ns) (newlabels ! initialState dfa) cbound newTF newTW newFW
qbound = stateBounds dfa
cbound = segBounds dfa
reachable = runSTUArray $ do
reached :: STUArray s q Bool <- newArray qbound False
let dfs :: q -> ST s ()
dfs n = do
writeArray reached n True
forM_ (range cbound) $ \c -> do
let n' = advanceState dfa n c
seen <- readArray reached n'
when (not seen) (dfs n')
return ()
dfs (initialState dfa)
return reached
keepstates :: [q] = filter (reachable!) (range qbound)
ns = (length keepstates)
nbound = (0, fromIntegral (ns 1))
oldlabels :: Array Int16 q = listArray nbound keepstates
newlabels :: Array q Int16 = array qbound (zip keepstates (range nbound))
newTF (s,c) = let (t,_) = transition dfa (oldlabels!s) c in newlabels!t
newTW (s,c) = let (_,w) = transition dfa (oldlabels!s) c in w
newFW = (finalWeights dfa !) . (oldlabels !) . fromIntegral
rawIntersection :: (Ix q1, Ix q2, Ix sigma) => (k1 -> k2 -> k3) -> DFST q1 sigma k1 -> DFST q2 sigma k2 -> DFST (q1,q2) sigma k3
rawIntersection f dfa1@(DFST qi1 tm1 fw1) dfa2@(DFST qi2 tm2 fw2)
| cbound == cbound2 = DFST (qi1,qi2) (fnArray tmbound newTF) (fnArray qbound' newFW)
| otherwise = error "Segment ranges must match"
qbound1 = stateBounds dfa1
qbound2 = stateBounds dfa2
cbound = segBounds dfa1
cbound2 = segBounds dfa2
qbound' = qbound1 `xbd` qbound2
tmbound = qbound' `xbd` cbound
newTF ((s1,s2),c) = let (t1,w1) = tm1 ! (s1,c)
(t2,w2) = tm2 ! (s2,c)
in ((t1,t2), f w1 w2)
newFW (s1,s2) = f (fw1!s1) (fw2!s2)
dfaProduct :: (Ix l1, Ix l2, Ix sigma) => (w1 -> w2 -> w3) -> DFST l1 sigma w1 -> DFST l2 sigma w2 -> DFST Int sigma w3
dfaProduct f dfa1 dfa2 = pruneUnreachable (rawIntersection f dfa1 dfa2)
nildfa :: (Ix sigma, Monoid k) => (sigma,sigma) -> DFST Int sigma k
nildfa (a,z) = DFST 1 tm fm
tm = fnArray ((1,a),(1,z)) (const (1,mempty))
fm = fnArray (1,1) (const mempty)
transduceM :: (Ix q, Ix sigma, Monoid k) => DFST q sigma k -> [sigma] -> k
transduceM (DFST q0 tm fw) cs = mconcat ws <> (fw ! fq)
where (fq, ws) = mapAccumL (curry (tm!)) q0 cs
transduceR :: (Ix q, Ix sigma, Semiring k) => DFST q sigma k -> [sigma] -> k
transduceR (DFST q0 tm fw) cs = productR ws ⊗ (fw ! fq)
where (fq, ws) = mapAccumL (curry (tm!)) q0 cs
data ShortDFST sigma = ShortDFST !Int16
!(sigma, sigma)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
deriving (Show)
instance NFData sigma => NFData (ShortDFST sigma) where
rnf (ShortDFST ns q0 sb tf tw fw) = ns `seq` q0 `seq` rnf sb `seq` tf `seq` tw `seq` fw `seq` ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "transducePackedShort"
c_transducePackedShort :: Int16 -> Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int32
-> IO (Int64)
boxArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [(i,e)] -> Array i e
boxArray = array
instance PackedDFA ShortDFST (Sum Int) where
numStates (ShortDFST ns _ _ _ _ _) = fromIntegral ns
psegBounds (ShortDFST _ _ sb _ _ _) = sb
packDFA ns' q0 cbound tf tw fw = ShortDFST ns' q0 cbound tfm twm fwm where
ns = fromIntegral ns'
nc = rangeSize cbound
unIxc = boxArray (0,rangeSize cbound 1) (fmap (index cbound &&& id) (range cbound))
oldix i = let (qt,r) = i `quotRem` ns in (fromIntegral r, unIxc ! qt)
tfm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (tf . oldix)
twm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (fromIntegral . getSum . tw . oldix)
fwm = SV.generate ns (fromIntegral . getSum . fw . fromIntegral)
unpackDFA (ShortDFST ns q0 cbound tm twm fwm) = DFST (fromIntegral q0) tm' fwm' where
qbound :: (Int, Int)
qbound = (0, fromIntegral ns 1)
tbound = qbound `xbd` cbound
idx (s,c) = s + fromIntegral ns * index cbound c
tf :: Int -> (Int, Sum Int)
tf = (fromIntegral . (tm SV.!)) &&& (fromIntegral . (twm SV.!))
tm' = fnArray tbound (tf . idx)
fwm' = fnArray qbound (fromIntegral . (fwm SV.!))
transducePackedShort :: (Ix sigma) => ShortDFST sigma -> PackedText sigma -> Int
transducePackedShort (ShortDFST ns q0 cb tf tw fw) (PackedText cb' tvec fvec)
| cb == cb' = fromIntegral . unsafePerformIO $
SV.unsafeWith tf $ \ptf -> SV.unsafeWith tw $ \ptw -> SV.unsafeWith fw $ \pfw ->
SV.unsafeWith tvec $ \ptvec -> SV.unsafeWith fvec $ \pfvec ->
c_transducePackedShort ns q0 ptf ptw pfw ptvec pfvec
| otherwise = error "Mismatched chatacter bounds in packed text vs DFA"
data MulticountDFST sigma = MulticountDFST !Int16
!(sigma, sigma)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
deriving (Show)
instance NFData sigma => NFData (MulticountDFST sigma) where
rnf (MulticountDFST ns q0 sb dims tf tw fw) = ns `seq` q0 `seq` rnf sb `seq` dims `seq` tf `seq` tw `seq` fw `seq` ()
instance PackedDFA MulticountDFST (Multicount) where
numStates (MulticountDFST ns _ _ _ _ _ _) = fromIntegral ns
psegBounds (MulticountDFST _ _ sb _ _ _ _) = sb
packDFA ns' q0 cbound tf tw fw = MulticountDFST ns' q0 cbound (fromIntegral dims) tfm twm fwm where
ns = fromIntegral ns'
nc = rangeSize cbound
dims::Int = let (MC x) = tw (0,fst cbound) in fromIntegral (V.length x)
unIxc = boxArray (0,rangeSize cbound 1) (fmap (index cbound &&& id) (range cbound))
oldix i = let (qt,r) = i `quotRem` ns in (fromIntegral r, unIxc ! qt)
tfm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (tf . oldix)
twm = SV.generate (ns*nc*dims) (\i -> let (i',j) = i `quotRem` dims in fromIntegral (unMC (tw (oldix i')) V.! j))
fwm = SV.generate (ns*dims) (\i -> let (i',j) = i `quotRem` dims in fromIntegral (unMC (fw (fromIntegral i')) V.! j))
unpackDFA (MulticountDFST ns q0 cbound dims' tm twm fwm) = DFST (fromIntegral q0) tm' fwm' where
dims = fromIntegral dims'
qbound :: (Int, Int)
qbound = (0, fromIntegral ns 1)
tbound = qbound `xbd` cbound
idx (s,c) = s + fromIntegral ns * index cbound c
tf :: Int -> (Int, Multicount)
tf i = (fromIntegral (tm SV.! i), MC (( fromIntegral . SV.convert) (SV.slice (i*dims) dims twm)))
tm' = fnArray tbound (tf . idx)
fwm' = fnArray qbound (\i -> MC (( fromIntegral . SV.convert) (SV.slice (i*dims) dims fwm)))
foreign import ccall unsafe "transducePackedMulti"
c_transducePackedMulti :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int32
-> Ptr Int64 -> IO ()
transducePackedMulti :: (Ix sigma) => MulticountDFST sigma -> PackedText sigma -> Multicount
transducePackedMulti (MulticountDFST ns q0 cb dims tf tw fw) (PackedText cb' tvec fvec)
| cb == cb' = MC . fromIntegral . SV.convert . unsafePerformIO $
SV.unsafeWith tf $ \ptf -> SV.unsafeWith tw $ \ptw -> SV.unsafeWith fw $ \pfw ->
SV.unsafeWith tvec $ \ptvec -> SV.unsafeWith fvec $ \pfvec -> do
outv :: SVM.IOVector Int64 <- (fromIntegral dims)
SVM.unsafeWith outv (c_transducePackedMulti ns q0 dims ptf ptw pfw ptvec pfvec)
SV.freeze outv
| otherwise = error "Mismatched chatacter bounds in packed text vs DFA"
data ExpVecDFST sigma = ExpVecDFST !Int16
!(sigma, sigma)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
!(SV.Vector Double)
!(SV.Vector Double)
!(SV.Vector Double)
!(SV.Vector Double)
deriving (Show)
instance PackedDFA ExpVecDFST (Expectation Vec) where
numStates (ExpVecDFST ns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = fromIntegral ns
psegBounds (ExpVecDFST _ _ sb _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = sb
packDFA ns' q0 cbound tf tw fw = ExpVecDFST ns' q0 cbound (fromIntegral dims) tm tpm tvm fpm fvm where
ns = fromIntegral ns'
nc = rangeSize cbound
dims::Int = let (Exp _ (Vec x)) = tw (0,fst cbound) in fromIntegral (V.length x)
unIxc = boxArray (0,rangeSize cbound 1) (fmap (index cbound &&& id) (range cbound))
oldix i = let (qt,r) = i `quotRem` ns in (fromIntegral r, unIxc ! qt)
tm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (tf . oldix)
tpm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (prob . tw . oldix)
tvm = SV.generate (ns*nc*dims) (\i -> let (i',j) = i `quotRem` dims in (unVec . exps . tw . oldix $ i') V.! j)
fpm = SV.generate ns (prob . fw . fromIntegral)
fvm = SV.generate (ns*dims) (\i -> let (i',j) = i `quotRem` dims in (unVec . exps . fw . fromIntegral $ i') V.! j)
unpackDFA (ExpVecDFST ns q0 cbound dims' tm tpm tvm fpm fvm) = DFST (fromIntegral q0) tm' fwm' where
dims = fromIntegral dims'
qbound :: (Int, Int)
qbound = (0, fromIntegral ns 1)
tbound = qbound `xbd` cbound
idx (s,c) = s + fromIntegral ns * index cbound c
tf i = (fromIntegral (tm SV.! i), Exp (tpm SV.! i) (Vec (SV.convert (SV.slice (i*dims) dims tvm))))
tm' = fnArray tbound (tf . idx)
fw i = Exp (fpm SV.! i) (Vec (SV.convert (SV.slice (i*dims) dims fvm)))
fwm' = fnArray qbound fw
foreign import ccall unsafe "weightExpVec"
c_weightExpVec :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int16
-> Ptr Double
-> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
weightExpVec :: (Ix sigma) => MulticountDFST sigma -> Vec -> ExpVecDFST sigma
weightExpVec (MulticountDFST ns q0 cbound dims tm tc fc) (Vec weights)
| dims' == V.length weights = (ExpVecDFST ns q0 cbound dims tm tpm tvm fpm fvm)
w' = SV.convert weights
ns' = fromIntegral ns
nc = rangeSize cbound
dims' = fromIntegral dims
(tpm,tvm,fpm,fvm) = unsafePerformIO $ do
tpm' <- (ns'*nc)
tvm' <- (ns'*nc*dims')
fpm' <- (ns')
fvm' <- (ns'*dims')
SV.unsafeWith tc $ \ptc -> SV.unsafeWith fc $ \pfc -> SV.unsafeWith w' $ \pw ->
SVM.unsafeWith tpm' $ \ptp -> SVM.unsafeWith tvm' $ \ptv -> SVM.unsafeWith fpm' $ \pfp -> SVM.unsafeWith fvm' $ \pfv ->
c_weightExpVec ns (fromIntegral nc) dims ptc pfc pw ptp ptv pfp pfv
(,,,) <$> SV.freeze tpm' <*> SV.freeze tvm' <*> SV.freeze fpm' <*> SV.freeze fvm'
foreign import ccall unsafe "expsByLengthVec"
c_expsByLengthVec :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double
-> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
expsByLengthVec :: (Ix sigma) => ExpVecDFST sigma -> Int -> Array Int (Expectation Vec)
expsByLengthVec (ExpVecDFST ns q0 cbound dims tm tpm tvm fpm fvm) maxlen = unsafePerformIO $ do
let nc = rangeSize cbound
dims' = fromIntegral dims
ns' = fromIntegral ns
lpm <- (ns'*(maxlen+1))
lvm <- (dims'*ns'*(maxlen+1))
SV.unsafeWith tm $ \ptm -> SV.unsafeWith tpm $ \ptp -> SV.unsafeWith tvm $ \ptv -> SV.unsafeWith fpm $ \pfp -> SV.unsafeWith fvm $ \pfv ->
SVM.unsafeWith lpm $ \plp -> SVM.unsafeWith lvm $ \plv ->
c_expsByLengthVec ns (fromIntegral nc) dims q0 (fromIntegral maxlen) ptm ptp ptv pfp pfv plp plv
fmap (listArray (0,maxlen)) . forM (range (0,maxlen)) $ \n -> do
p <- lpm n
v <- SV.freeze (SVM.slice (n*dims') dims' lvm)
return $ Exp p (Vec (SV.convert v))
data ExpDoubleDFST sigma = ExpDoubleDFST !Int16
!(sigma, sigma)
!(SV.Vector Int16)
!(SV.Vector Double)
!(SV.Vector Double)
!(SV.Vector Double)
!(SV.Vector Double)
deriving (Show)
instance PackedDFA ExpDoubleDFST (Expectation Double) where
numStates (ExpDoubleDFST ns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = fromIntegral ns
psegBounds (ExpDoubleDFST _ _ sb _ _ _ _ _ ) = sb
packDFA ns' q0 cbound tf tw fw = ExpDoubleDFST ns' q0 cbound tm tpm tvm fpm fvm where
ns = fromIntegral ns'
nc = rangeSize cbound
unIxc = boxArray (0,rangeSize cbound 1) (fmap (index cbound &&& id) (range cbound))
oldix i = let (qt,r) = i `quotRem` ns in (fromIntegral r, unIxc ! qt)
tm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (tf . oldix)
tpm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (prob . tw . oldix)
tvm = SV.generate (ns*nc) (exps . tw . oldix)
fpm = SV.generate ns (prob . fw . fromIntegral)
fvm = SV.generate ns (exps . fw . fromIntegral)
unpackDFA (ExpDoubleDFST ns q0 cbound tm tpm tvm fpm fvm) = DFST (fromIntegral q0) tm' fwm' where
qbound :: (Int, Int)
qbound = (0, fromIntegral ns 1)
tbound = qbound `xbd` cbound
idx (s,c) = s + fromIntegral ns * index cbound c
tf i = (fromIntegral (tm SV.! i), Exp (tpm SV.! i) (tvm SV.! i))
tm' = fnArray tbound (tf . idx)
fw i = Exp (fpm SV.! i) (fvm SV.! i)
fwm' = fnArray qbound fw
foreign import ccall unsafe "weightExpPartial"
c_weightExpPartial :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Int16
-> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double
-> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
weightExpPartial :: (Ix sigma) => MulticountDFST sigma -> Vec -> Vec -> ExpDoubleDFST sigma
weightExpPartial (MulticountDFST ns q0 cbound dims tm tc fc) (Vec weights) (Vec dir)
| dims' == V.length weights && dims' == V.length dir = (ExpDoubleDFST ns q0 cbound tm tpm tvm fpm fvm)
w' = SV.convert weights
dir' = SV.convert dir
ns' = fromIntegral ns
nc = rangeSize cbound
dims' = fromIntegral dims
(tpm,tvm,fpm,fvm) = unsafePerformIO $ do
tpm' <- (ns'*nc)
tvm' <- (ns'*nc)
fpm' <- (ns')
fvm' <- (ns')
SV.unsafeWith tc $ \ptc -> SV.unsafeWith fc $ \pfc -> SV.unsafeWith w' $ \pw -> SV.unsafeWith dir' $ \pdir ->
SVM.unsafeWith tpm' $ \ptpm -> SVM.unsafeWith tvm' $ \ptvm -> SVM.unsafeWith fpm' $ \pfpm -> SVM.unsafeWith fvm' $ \pfvm ->
c_weightExpPartial ns (fromIntegral nc) dims ptc pfc pw pdir ptpm ptvm pfpm pfvm
(,,,) <$> SV.freeze tpm' <*> SV.freeze tvm' <*> SV.freeze fpm' <*> SV.freeze fvm'
foreign import ccall unsafe "expsByLengthDouble"
c_expsByLengthDouble :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16
-> Ptr Int16 -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double
-> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
expsByLengthDouble :: (Ix sigma) => ExpDoubleDFST sigma -> Int -> Array Int (Expectation Double)
expsByLengthDouble (ExpDoubleDFST ns q0 cbound tm tpm tvm fpm fvm) maxlen = unsafePerformIO $ do
let nc = rangeSize cbound
ns' = fromIntegral ns
lpm <- (ns'*(maxlen+1))
lvm <- (ns'*(maxlen+1))
SV.unsafeWith tm $ \ptm -> SV.unsafeWith tpm $ \ptp -> SV.unsafeWith tvm $ \ptv -> SV.unsafeWith fpm $ \pfp -> SV.unsafeWith fvm $ \pfv ->
SVM.unsafeWith lpm $ \plp -> SVM.unsafeWith lvm $ \plv ->
c_expsByLengthDouble ns (fromIntegral nc) q0 (fromIntegral maxlen) ptm ptp ptv pfp pfv plp plv
fmap (listArray (0,maxlen)) . forM (range (0,maxlen)) $ \n -> do
p <- lpm n
v <- lvm n
return (Exp p v)
data GlobReps = GSingle | GPlus | GStar deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
instance NFData GlobReps where
rnf gr = gr `seq` ()
type SegSet sigma = UArray sigma Bool
data ListGlob sigma = ListGlob !Bool
[(GlobReps, SegSet sigma)]
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance (IArray UArray e, NFData i, Ix i) => NFData (UArray i e) where
rnf a = let b = bounds a in (a ! fst b) `seq` rnf b
instance (NFData sigma, Ix sigma) => NFData (ListGlob sigma) where
rnf (ListGlob isinit isfin parts) = isinit `seq` isfin `seq` rnf parts
instance Show (ListGlob Char) where
show (ListGlob isinit isfin parts) = (guard isinit >> "^") ++ (showGP =<< parts) ++ (guard isfin >> "$")
where showGP :: (GlobReps, SegSet Char) -> String
showGP (rep, cs) = "[" ++ fmap fst (filter snd (assocs cs)) ++ "]" ++
case rep of GSingle -> ""
GPlus -> "+"
GStar -> "*"
matchCounter :: forall sigma . (Ix sigma) => ListGlob sigma -> ShortDFST sigma
matchCounter (ListGlob isinit isfin gparts) = pruneAndPack $ DFST (followEpsilons 0) tm fw where
cbound = bounds . snd . head $ gparts
ngp = length gparts
nns = if isfin then ngp + 1 else ngp
maxq = 2^nns 1
tmbound = (0,maxq) `xbd` cbound
gparr = listArray (0,ngp1) gparts :: Array Int (GlobReps, SegSet sigma)
followEpsilons b | b >= ngp = bit b
| fst (gparr ! b) == GStar = bit b .|. followEpsilons (b+1)
| otherwise = bit b
ntf (b,c) = (if (b == 0) && not isinit then bit 0 .|. followEpsilons 0 else 0)
.|. if not (snd (gparr ! b) ! c) then 0 else case fst (gparr ! b) of
GSingle -> followEpsilons (b+1)
GPlus -> followEpsilons b .|. followEpsilons (b+1)
GStar -> followEpsilons b
ntm = fnArray ((0,ngp1) `xbd` cbound) ntf :: Array (Int,sigma) Int
dtf (s,c) = (ns',w) where
ns = foldl (.|.) 0 $ do
b <- range (0,ngp1)
guard (testBit s b)
return (ntm ! (b,c))
ns' = ns .&. maxq
w = if not isfin && testBit ns ngp then 1 else 0
tm = fnArray tmbound dtf :: Array (Int,sigma) (Int, Sum Int)
fwf s = if testBit s ngp then 1 else 0
fw = fnArray (0,maxq) fwf