{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

Module      : Mealstrom.FSM
Description : Finite State Machine Definitions
Copyright   : (c) Max Amanshauser, 2016
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : max@lambdalifting.org

These defintions are concerned with the basic functions of
finite state machines, keeping a memory and state transitions.

module Mealstrom.FSM where

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Foldable     (asum)
import           Data.Hashable     (Hashable)
import           Data.Maybe        (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text         (Text)
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           Data.Typeable     (Typeable)
import qualified Data.UUID as       UUID
import           Data.UUID         (UUID)
import           Data.UUID.V4
import           GHC.Generics

type MachineTransformer s e a = Machine s e a -> IO (Machine s e a)

-- |A data type that often comes in handy when describing whether
-- updates have succeeded in the backend.
data MealyStatus              = MealyError | Pending | Done deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |FSMs are uniquely identified by a type k, which must be convertible from/to Text.
class (Hashable k, Eq k) => FSMKey k where
    toText   :: k -> Text
    fromText :: Text -> k

-- |This typeclass is needed to provide a constraint for the FSMStore abstraction.
class (FSMKey k) => MealyInstance k s e a

-- |A change in a FSM is either a (Step Timestamp oldState event newState Actions)
-- or an increase in a counter.
data Change s e a = Step UTCTime s e s [a] | Count Int deriving (Show)

-- |Steps are equal to each other when they originated in the same state
-- received the same event and ended up in the same state
instance (Eq s, Eq e) => Eq (Change s e a) where
    (==) (Count a)             (Count b)             = a == b
    (==) (Step _ os1 e1 ns1 _) (Step _ os2 e2 ns2 _) = (os1 == os2) && (e1 == e2) && (ns1 == ns2)
    (==) (Count _)              Step{}               = False
    (==)  Step{}               (Count _)             = False

data Instance k s e a = Instance {
    key     :: k,
    machine :: Machine s e a
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,Typeable)

data Machine s e a = Machine {
    inbox     :: [Msg e],
    outbox    :: [Msg a],
    committed :: [UUID],
    initState :: s,
    currState :: s,
    hist      :: [Change s e a]
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,Typeable)

mkEmptyMachine :: s -> Machine s e a
mkEmptyMachine s = Machine [] [] [] s s []

mkEmptyInstance :: k -> s -> Instance k s e a
mkEmptyInstance k s = Instance k (mkEmptyMachine s)

mkInstance :: k -> s -> [Msg e] -> Instance k s e a
mkInstance k s es = Instance k ((mkEmptyMachine s) {inbox = es})

-- |Type of messages that are sent between FSMs
-- Messages are always identified by UUID.
-- The purpose of Msg is to attach a unique ID to an event, so that
-- certain guarantees can be provided.
data Msg e = Msg {
    msgID       :: Maybe UUID,
    msgContents :: e
} deriving (Show,Eq,Generic)

mkMsg :: t -> IO (Msg t)
mkMsg t = nextRandom >>= \i -> return $ Msg (Just i) t

mkMsgs :: [t] -> IO [Msg t]
mkMsgs = mapM mkMsg

mkBogusMsg :: (Eq t) => t -> Msg t
mkBogusMsg = Msg Nothing

-- |Append a Change to a history.
-- Identical steps are just counted, otherwise they are consed to the history.
histAppend :: (Eq s, Eq e) => Change s e a -> [Change s e a] -> [Change s e a]
histAppend s1 all@(Count i:s2:rest)
    | s1 == s2 = Count (i+1):s2:rest
    | otherwise = s1 : all
histAppend s1 all@(s2:_rest)
    | s1 == s2 = Count 1 : all
    | otherwise = s1 : all
histAppend s ss = s:ss

-- ##############
-- # JSON Codecs
-- ##############
instance ToJSON UUID where
    toJSON u = toJSON (UUID.toText u)

instance FromJSON UUID where
    parseJSON = withText "UUID" $ \x -> return . fromJust $ UUID.fromText x

instance (ToJSON s, ToJSON e, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Change s e a) where
    toJSON (Count i) = object [ "count" .= toJSON i]
    toJSON (Step ts os ev ns as) =
        object [
            "timestamp" .= toJSON ts,
            "old_state" .= toJSON os,
            "event"     .= toJSON ev,
            "new_state" .= toJSON ns,
            "actions"   .= toJSON as

instance (FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Change s e a) where
    parseJSON =
        withObject "Change" $ \o ->
            asum [
                Count <$> o .: "count",
                Step  <$> o .: "timestamp" <*> o .: "old_state" <*> o .: "event" <*> o .: "new_state" <*> o .: "actions"

-- Other Instances
instance FSMKey Text where
    toText   = id
    fromText = id

instance FSMKey UUID where
    toText     = UUID.toText
    fromText a = fromMaybe (error "Conversion from UUID failed") (UUID.fromText a)