{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

Module      : Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore
Description : Main backend for FSMs and WALs.
Copyright   : (c) Max Amanshauser, 2016
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : max@lambdalifting.org

This module is the main backend for FSMs. Instances are stored in a table
with the name passed as storeName when creating the PostgresJSONStore. WALs use
the same name with "Wal" appended.

module Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore(
) where

import           Control.Exception                           (handle,SomeException)
import           Control.Monad                               (void)
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple                as PGS
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Transaction
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types
import           Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                     as DBSC8
import           Data.Int                                    (Int64)
import           Data.Maybe                                  (listToMaybe)
import           Data.Pool
import           Data.Text
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Typeable                        hiding (Proxy)
import           GHC.Generics
import           Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField        (FromField (fromField),

import           Mealstrom.FSM
import           Mealstrom.FSMStore
import           Mealstrom.WALStore

data PostgresJSONStore = PostgresJSONStore {
    storeConnPool :: Pool Connection,
    storeName     :: Text

instance (FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a,
          ToJSON   s, ToJSON   e, ToJSON   a,
          Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
          MealyInstance k s e a)              => FSMStore PostgresJSONStore k s e a where
    fsmRead st k p = Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore._fsmRead st k p >>= \mi -> return $ fmap (currState . machine) mi
    fsmCreate      = Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore._fsmCreate
    fsmUpdate      = Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore._fsmUpdate

instance (FSMKey k) => WALStore PostgresJSONStore k where
    walUpsertIncrement = Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore.walUpsertIncrement
    walDecrement       = Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore.walDecrement
    walScan            = Mealstrom.PostgresJSONStore.walScan

-- |We create a database pool (no subpools) of 20 connections that will be closed
-- after 10 seconds of inactivity.
givePool :: IO Connection -> IO (Pool Connection)
givePool creator = createPool creator close 1 10 20

-- #########
-- # FSM API
-- #########
_fsmRead :: (FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a,
             Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
             MealyInstance k s e a)              =>
             PostgresJSONStore                   ->
             k                                   ->
             Proxy k s e a                       -> IO (Maybe (Instance k s e a))
_fsmRead st k _p =
    withResource (storeConnPool st) (\conn ->
        withTransactionSerializable conn $ do
            el <- _getValue conn (storeName st) (toText k)
            return $ listToMaybe el)

_fsmCreate :: forall k s e a .
              (ToJSON   s, ToJSON   e, ToJSON   a,
               Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
               MealyInstance k s e a)              =>
               PostgresJSONStore                   ->
               Instance k s e a                    -> IO (Maybe String)
_fsmCreate st i =
    handle (\(e::SomeException) -> return $ Just (show e))
           (withResource (storeConnPool st) (\conn ->
               withTransactionSerializable conn $ do
                   void $ _postValue conn (storeName st) (toText $ key i) (machine i)
                   return Nothing))

-- |Postgresql-simple exceptions will be caught by `patch` in FSMApi.hs
-- In principle all transaction isolation levels offered by Postgres are safe
-- here, because we do explicit locking in _getValueForUpdate.
-- However things become more interesting when considering that you can do
-- arbitrary queries in effects, either using the functions in this
-- module or otherwise.

-- We use Serializable here, because it involves no extra cost in our case, and
-- it provides safety when used in arbitrary ways in effects.
-- Hence,
-- * Serializable is recommended and safe.
-- * Repeatable Read, or in PostgreSQL's case Snapshot Isolation, does *not* protect
--   against write skew, which means that if two Actions perform reads and based
--   on the result update data, one of the two updates may be lost.
-- * Read Committed means the usual caveats apply (Nonrepeatable reads, Phantom reads, Write skew…).
--   If you are not careful you may end up with wrong data or attempts to insert data
--   with a duplicate ID…
--   Hence, when in doubt, do not lower the isolation level.
_fsmUpdate :: forall k s e a .
              (FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a,
               ToJSON   s, ToJSON   e, ToJSON   a,
               Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
               MealyInstance k s e a)              =>
               PostgresJSONStore                   ->
               k                                   ->
               MachineTransformer s e a            -> IO MealyStatus
_fsmUpdate st k t =
    withResource (storeConnPool st) (\conn ->
        withTransactionSerializable conn $ do
            el <- _getValueForUpdate conn (storeName st) (toText k) :: IO [Instance k s e a]
            let entry = listToMaybe el

                (return MealyError)
                (\e -> do
                    newMachine <- t (machine e)
                    void (_postOrUpdateValue conn (storeName st) (toText k) newMachine)
                    return $ if Prelude.null (outbox newMachine) then Done else Pending)

-- #####
-- # WAL
-- #####
_createWalTable :: Connection -> Text -> IO Int64
_createWalTable conn name =
    PGS.execute conn "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ? ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, date timestamptz NOT NULL, count int NOT NULL )" (Only (Identifier name))

-- |Updates a WALEntry if it exists, inserts a new WALEntry if is is missing.
walUpsertIncrement :: (FSMKey k) => PostgresJSONStore -> k -> IO ()
walUpsertIncrement st i =
    _walExecute st i _walIncrement

walDecrement :: (FSMKey k) => PostgresJSONStore -> k -> IO ()
walDecrement st i =
    _walExecute st i _walDecrement

_walExecute :: (FSMKey k) => PostgresJSONStore -> k -> Query -> IO ()
_walExecute st k q = let tbl = append (storeName st) "Wal" in
    withResource (storeConnPool st) (\conn ->
        withTransactionSerializable conn $ do
            now   <- getCurrentTime
            void $ PGS.execute conn q (Identifier tbl, toText k, now, Identifier tbl))

_walIncrement :: Query
_walIncrement = "INSERT INTO ? VALUES (?,?,1) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET count = ?.count + 1, date = EXCLUDED.date"

_walDecrement :: Query
_walDecrement = "INSERT INTO ? VALUES (?,?,0) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET count = ?.count - 1"

-- |Returns a list of all transactions that were not successfully terminated
-- and are older than `cutoff`.
walScan :: (FSMKey k) => PostgresJSONStore -> Int -> IO [WALEntry k]
walScan st cutoff = do
    t <- getCurrentTime
    let xx = addUTCTime (negate (fromInteger (toInteger cutoff) :: NominalDiffTime)) t

    withResource (storeConnPool st) (\c ->
        withTransactionSerializable c $
            PGS.query c "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE date < ? AND count > 0" (Identifier $ append (storeName st) "Wal", xx))

-- |Creates a postgresql store
mkStore :: String -> Text -> IO PostgresJSONStore
mkStore connStr name =
        connBS = DBSC8.pack connStr
    in do
        pool <- givePool (PGS.connectPostgreSQL connBS)
        _    <- withResource pool $ flip _createFsmTable name
        _    <- withResource pool $ flip _createWalTable (append name "Wal")
        return $ PostgresJSONStore pool name

_createFsmTable :: Connection -> Text -> IO Int64
_createFsmTable conn name =
    PGS.execute conn "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ? ( id text PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb NOT NULL)" (Only (Identifier name))

-- SELECT .. FOR UPDATE locks the rows matching the query. Concurrent
-- (repeatable read and serializable) transactions will block and
-- abort once the new value has been inserted. Since we run effects
-- between SELECT and INSERT, this is what we want.
-- Concurrent SELECTS (without FOR UPDATE) will be unaffected.
_getValue :: (FromRow v) => Connection -> Text -> Text -> IO [v]
_getValue c tbl k =
    PGS.query c "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE id = ?" (Identifier tbl, k)

_getValueForUpdate :: (FromRow v) => Connection -> Text -> Text -> IO [v]
_getValueForUpdate c tbl k =
    PGS.query c "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE" (Identifier tbl, k)

_postOrUpdateValue :: (ToField v) => Connection -> Text -> Text -> v -> IO Int64
_postOrUpdateValue c tbl k v =
    PGS.execute c "INSERT INTO ? VALUES (?,?) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET data = EXCLUDED.data" (Identifier tbl, k, v)

_postValue :: (ToField v) => Connection -> Text -> Text -> v -> IO Int64
_postValue c tbl k v =
    PGS.execute c "INSERT INTO ? VALUES (?,?)" (Identifier tbl, k, v)

_deleteValue :: (ToField k) => Connection -> Text -> k -> IO Int64
_deleteValue c tbl k =
    PGS.execute c "DELETE FROM ? WHERE id = ?" (Identifier tbl, k)

_queryValue :: (FromRow v) => Connection -> Text -> Text -> IO [v]
_queryValue c tbl q =
    PGS.query c "SELECT * FROM ? WHERE data @> ?" (Identifier tbl, q)

-- |Instance to convert one DB row to an instance of Instance ;)
-- users of this module must provide instances for ToJSON, FromJSON for `s`, `e` and `a`.
instance (ToJSON s,   ToJSON e,   ToJSON a)   => ToJSON (Machine s e a)
instance (FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Machine s e a)

instance (ToJSON e)   => ToJSON (Msg e)
instance (FromJSON e) => FromJSON (Msg e)

instance (Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
          FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a, FSMKey k) => FromRow (Instance k s e a) where
    fromRow = Instance <$> field <*> field

instance (Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
          FromJSON s, FromJSON e, FromJSON a) => FromField (Machine s e a) where
    fromField = fromJSONField

instance (Typeable s, Typeable e, Typeable a,
          ToJSON s, ToJSON e, ToJSON a)       => ToField (Machine s e a) where
    toField = toJSONField

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (FSMKey k) => ToField k where
    toField k = toField (toText k)

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (FSMKey k) => FromField k where
    fromField f mdata = fmap fromText (fromField f mdata :: Conversion Text)

instance (FSMKey k) => FromRow (WALEntry k) where
    fromRow = WALEntry <$> field <*> field <*> field

deriving instance (FSMKey k) => Generic  (WALEntry k)
deriving instance (FSMKey k) => Typeable (WALEntry k)