module Main where import qualified Animate.Option as Option import qualified Options.Applicative as OP import System.FilePath(dropExtension, (<.>)) import qualified Sound.MED.Generic as MED import qualified Sound.MED.Generic.Block as MEDBlock import qualified Sound.MED.Generic.Tempo as MEDTempo import qualified Sound.MED.Generic.PlaySeq as MEDPlaySeq import Sound.MED.Generic.Block(Note,Inst,Cmd,Val) import Sound.MED.Basic.Human(human) import qualified Graphics.PS as PS import Graphics.PS ((+++)) import qualified Data.Array as Array import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.List.Reverse.StrictSpine as ListRev import qualified Data.List.Match as Match import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Monoid.HT as Mn import Data.Array (Array, listArray, (!)) import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd, fst3, thd3) import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.Monoid (Any(Any,getAny)) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as MW import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT import Control.Monad(when, void, msum) import Control.Applicative((<$>), (<|>)) main :: IO () main = do (options, mmds) <- OP.execParser $ Option.parser mapM_ (animate options) mmds animate :: Option.Option -> FilePath -> IO () animate opt file = do med <- MED.load file let initTempo = MED.tempo med void $ printf "tempo primary: %d, secondary %d\n" (MEDTempo.primary initTempo) (MEDTempo.secondary initTempo) sequ <- case MED.playseqs med of sequ:_ -> return sequ [] -> ioError $ userError "no play sequence available" putStrLn $ human sequ let blocks = map MEDBlock.seqdata $ MED.blocks med let loop = Option.repeatUntil opt let allLines = flattenLines (isJust loop) blocks $ MEDPlaySeq.indices sequ let durations = maybe id takeUntilTime loop $ map MEDTempo.toTime $ NonEmpty.tail $ NonEmpty.scanl (foldl MEDTempo.update) initTempo $ map (concatMap thd3 . snd . snd . snd) allLines let pre = Option.contextSize opt let post = Option.contextSize opt let numLines = length durations + post let usedTracks = foldl (zipWithPad (||)) [] $ map (notePattern . snd . snd) $ take numLines allLines void $ putStrLn $ "used tracks: " ++ unwords (map (\b -> if b then "X" else "_") usedTracks) let stripLine = map snd . filter fst . zip usedTracks let strippedLines = if Option.stripNotelessTracks opt then map (mapSnd (mapSnd (mapSnd stripLine))) allLines else allLines let countCommands = if Option.stripZeroCommands opt then numNonZeroCommands else numCommands let maxCmdsPerTrack = map (max 1) $ foldl (zipWithPad max) [] $ map (countCommands . snd . snd) $ take numLines strippedLines void $ putStrLn $ "maximum commands per track: " ++ List.intercalate ", " (map show maxCmdsPerTrack) let formattedLines = map (highlightLine maxCmdsPerTrack) strippedLines let textWidth = maximum $ map (length . snd) $ take numLines formattedLines writePostscript (dropExtension file <.> "ps") (Option.font opt) (Option.height opt) (pre,post) textWidth $ zip (brightnesses (Option.fadeOut opt) durations) $ map (take (pre+1+post)) $ ListHT.tails $ replicate pre ((False,False),"") ++ formattedLines when (not $ null $ Option.framePattern opt) $ writeFile (dropExtension file <.> "cue") $ concat $ zipWith (printf "file '%s'\nduration %.5f\n") (map (formatFramePath $ Option.framePattern opt) [1 ..]) durations brightnesses :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double] brightnesses fadeOutDur durations = let totalTime = sum durations fadeOutStart = totalTime - fadeOutDur in map (\time -> if time < fadeOutStart || fadeOutDur <= 0 then 1 else (totalTime-time) / fadeOutDur) $ NonEmpty.init $ NonEmpty.scanl (+) 0 durations takeUntilTime :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double] takeUntilTime = let go _ [] = [] go end (dur:durs) = if dur>=end then [end] else dur : go (end-dur) durs in go {- | Traverse playing sequence but ignore control commands. If the playing sequence is finite, the flattened list of lines will be, too. -} flattenLinesSimple :: Bool -> [[line]] -> [Int] -> [(Bool,(Int,line))] flattenLinesSimple loop blocks = let blockArr = arrayFromList blocks in (if loop then cycle else id) . concatMap (addTrailingTrue . zip [0..] . (blockArr !)) flattenLinesArr :: Bool -> [[line]] -> [Int] -> [(Bool,(Int,line))] flattenLinesArr loop blocks = let blockArr = arrayFromList $ map arrayFromList blocks in (if loop then cycle else id) . concatMap (addTrailingTrue . Array.assocs . (blockArr !)) addTrailingTrue :: [a] -> [(Bool,a)] addTrailingTrue xs = zip (Match.replicate (drop 1 xs) False ++ [True]) xs flattenLines :: Bool -> [[MEDBlock.Line]] -> [Int] -> [(Bool,(Int,MEDBlock.Line))] flattenLines loop blocks sequ = let blockArr = arrayFromList $ map arrayFromList blocks sequArr = arrayFromList sequ sequLength = length sequ accessLine (SongPos sequIdx line) = let block = blockArr!(sequArr!sequIdx) in ((line, block!line), Array.rangeSize $ Array.bounds block) in List.unfoldr (fmap $ \pos -> let (line,blockLength) = accessLine pos (endOfBlock, newSongPos) = nextSongPos loop sequLength blockLength pos $ concatMap thd3 $ snd $ snd line in ((endOfBlock, line), newSongPos)) (Just $ SongPos 0 0) data SongPos = SongPos {posSequ, posLine :: Int} nextSongPos :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> SongPos -> [(Cmd, Val)] -> (Bool, Maybe SongPos) nextSongPos loop sequLength blockLength pos cmds = let newSongPos = MW.runWriterT $ adjustSongPos loop sequLength blockLength =<< cumulatedSongPosUpdate loop pos cmds in (maybe False (getAny.snd) newSongPos, fst<$>newSongPos) data SongPosCmds = SongPosCmds { posCmd0F00, posCmd0FFE :: Bool, posCmd1Dxx :: Maybe Int, posCmd0Bxx :: Maybe Int } {- If there are multiple flow control commands in a line then the behavior of MED is complex and undocumented. Here is, what I found out: @0FFE@ overrides all other three flow control commands. @1Dxx@ overrides @0F00@, @0Bxx@ and @1Dxx@ are combined, as well as @0Bxx@ and @0F00@. If there are multiple @0Bxx@ commands in a line then the right-most and then the deep-most wins (deep with respect to command pages). The same applies to multiple @1Dxx@ commands. -} cumulatedSongPosUpdate :: Bool -> SongPos -> [(Cmd, Val)] -> MW.WriterT Any Maybe SongPos cumulatedSongPosUpdate loop pos@(SongPos sequIdx _line) cmds0 = let cum = foldl update start cmds0 start = SongPosCmds { posCmd0F00 = False, posCmd0FFE = False, posCmd1Dxx = Nothing, posCmd0Bxx = Nothing } update cmds cmdVal = case cmdVal of (0x0F, 0x00) -> cmds{posCmd0F00 = True} (0x0F, 0xFE) -> cmds{posCmd0FFE = True} (0x1D, line) -> cmds{posCmd1Dxx = Just line} (0x0B, idx ) -> cmds{posCmd0Bxx = Just idx} _ -> cmds continue = flip (,) (Any False); break_ = flip (,) (Any True) breakBlock = case (posCmd0Bxx cum, posCmd1Dxx cum <|> toMaybe (posCmd0F00 cum) 0) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> Just $ continue $ incSongPos pos (Just idx, Nothing) -> toMaybe loop $ break_ $ SongPos idx 0 (Nothing, Just line) -> Just $ break_ $ SongPos (sequIdx+1) line (Just idx, Just line) -> toMaybe loop $ break_ $ SongPos (idx+1) line in if posCmd0FFE cum then MT.lift Nothing else MW.WriterT breakBlock {- | Simpler alternative to 'cumulatedSongPosUpdate'. -} leftMostSongPosUpdate :: Bool -> SongPos -> [(Cmd, Val)] -> MW.WriterT Any Maybe SongPos leftMostSongPosUpdate loop pos = fromMaybe (return $ incSongPos pos) . msum . map (updateSongPos loop pos) adjustSongPos :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> SongPos -> MW.WriterT Any Maybe SongPos adjustSongPos loop sequLength blockLength pos0 = let endOfBlock = posLine pos0 >= blockLength pos1 = if endOfBlock then SongPos (posSequ pos0 + 1) 0 else pos0 in MW.WriterT $ toMaybe (posSequ pos1 < sequLength) (pos1, Any endOfBlock) <|> toMaybe loop (SongPos 0 0, Any True) incSongPos :: SongPos -> SongPos incSongPos (SongPos sequIdx line) = SongPos sequIdx (line+1) updateSongPos :: Bool -> SongPos -> (Cmd, Val) -> Maybe (MW.WriterT Any Maybe SongPos) updateSongPos loop (SongPos sequIdx _line) cmdVal = fmap (MW.WriterT . fmap (flip (,) (Any True))) $ case cmdVal of (0x0F, 0xFE) -> Just Nothing (0x0F, 0x00) -> Just $ Just $ SongPos (sequIdx+1) 0 (0x1D, line) -> Just $ Just $ SongPos (sequIdx+1) line (0x0B, idx ) -> Just $ toMaybe loop $ SongPos idx 0 _ -> Nothing arrayFromList :: [a] -> Array Int a arrayFromList xs = listArray (0, length xs - 1) xs formatFramePath :: String -> Int -> FilePath formatFramePath = printf numCommands :: MEDBlock.Line -> [Int] numCommands = map (length . thd3) . snd numNonZeroCommands :: MEDBlock.Line -> [Int] numNonZeroCommands = map (length . ListRev.dropWhile ((0,0) ==) . thd3) . snd notePattern :: MEDBlock.Line -> [Bool] notePattern = map ((/=0) . fst3) . snd zipWithPad :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] zipWithPad f = let go xs [] = xs go [] ys = ys go (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : go xs ys in go highlightLine :: [Int] -> (Bool, (Int, MEDBlock.Line)) -> ((Bool,Bool),String) highlightLine maxCmdsPerTrack (endOfBlock, (i, (highlight, ds))) = ((Fold.or highlight, endOfBlock), humanLine maxCmdsPerTrack i ds) humanLine :: [Int] -> Int -> [(Note, Inst, [(Cmd, Val)])] -> String humanLine maxCmdsPerTrack i ds = let punwords = concatMap (' ':) hCV = maybe " " (uncurry $ printf "%02X%02X") hTrack maxCmds (n, j, cvs) = printf "%s %02X%s" (MEDBlock.notes!!n) j (punwords $ map hCV $ ListHT.padRight Nothing maxCmds $ map Just cvs) in printf "%04X:%s" i $ punwords $ zipWith hTrack maxCmdsPerTrack ds writePostscript :: FilePath -> Option.Font -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> Int -> [(Double, [((Bool,Bool),String)])] -> IO () writePostscript path font heightInt (pre,post) textWidth blocks = let height = fromIntegral heightInt width = fromIntegral textWidth * fontWidth + 2*left top = height - fontHeight - (height - fontHeight*(preR+1+postR))/2 left = 80 barWidth n = fromIntegral n * fontWidth + 2*barBorderH fontWidth = fontHeight * Option.fontRelativeWidth font fontHeight = Option.fontHeight font barBorderH = 5 barBorderV = 3 postR = fromIntegral post preR = fromIntegral pre mmFromPt :: Double -> Int mmFromPt pt = round $ pt / PS.mm_pt 1 in path (PS.Paper (mmFromPt width) (mmFromPt height)) $ map (\(brightness,block) -> flip PS.over (PS.Fill (PS.greyGS brightness) $ PS.rectangle (PS.Pt 0 0) width height) $ foldr PS.over (PS.Fill (PS.greyGS (0.8*brightness)) (PS.rectangle (PS.Pt (left-barBorderH) (top-preR*fontHeight-barBorderV)) (barWidth $ length $ snd $ block!!pre) fontHeight)) $ zipWith (\y ((highlight,endOfBlock),line) -> let fontName = Option.fontName font ++ Mn.when highlight "-Bold" hline = PS.Stroke (PS.greyGS 0) $ PS.line [PS.Pt (left-barBorderH) (y-barBorderV), PS.Pt (left-barBorderH+barWidth(length line)) (y-barBorderV)] in (if endOfBlock then PS.over hline else id) $ (PS.Fill (PS.greyGS 0) $ PS.MoveTo (PS.Pt left y) +++ PS.Text (PS.Font fontName fontHeight) line)) (iterate (subtract fontHeight) top) block) blocks