-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock
-- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/
-- | Print the core memory usage of programs
-- A utility to accurately report the core memory usage of programs.
-- This is a clone of
-- [ps_mem](https:/github.compixelbps_memblobmasterREADME.md),
-- which is written in python
-- The package provides:
-- - an executable command printmem that mimics
-- ps_mem
-- - a library to enable core memory tracking on linux in haskell
-- programs
-- See the README for further details
@package mem-info
-- | This module defines the command line flags used to control the
-- behavior of the printmem command
module System.MemInfo.Choices
-- | Represents the user-specified choices extracted from the command line
data Choices
Choices :: !Bool -> !Bool -> !Bool -> !Bool -> !Maybe Natural -> !Maybe (NonEmpty ProcessID) -> Choices
[choiceSplitArgs] :: Choices -> !Bool
[choiceOnlyTotal] :: Choices -> !Bool
[choiceByPid] :: Choices -> !Bool
[choiceShowSwap] :: Choices -> !Bool
[choiceWatchSecs] :: Choices -> !Maybe Natural
[choicePidsToShow] :: Choices -> !Maybe (NonEmpty ProcessID)
-- | Specifies a command line that when parsed will provide Choices
cmdInfo :: ParserInfo Choices
-- | Parses the command line arguments.
getChoices :: IO Choices
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Choices.Choices
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Choices.Choices
-- | This module provides data types that
-- along with functions that use these types.
module System.MemInfo.SysInfo
-- | Gathers the inputs needed to generate a memory usage report
data ReportBud
ReportBud :: !NonEmpty ProcessID -> !KernelVersion -> !Bool -> !Bool -> !Bool -> Maybe RamFlaw -> Maybe SwapFlaw -> ReportBud
[rbPids] :: ReportBud -> !NonEmpty ProcessID
[rbKernel] :: ReportBud -> !KernelVersion
[rbHasPss] :: ReportBud -> !Bool
[rbHasSwapPss] :: ReportBud -> !Bool
[rbHasSmaps] :: ReportBud -> !Bool
[rbRamFlaws] :: ReportBud -> Maybe RamFlaw
[rbSwapFlaws] :: ReportBud -> Maybe SwapFlaw
-- | Construct a ReportBud from some ProcessIDs
-- Generates values for the other fields by inspecting the system
-- The result is Nothing only when the KernelVersion
-- cannot be determined
mkReportBud :: NonEmpty ProcessID -> IO (Maybe ReportBud)
-- | Describes inaccuracies in the RAM calculation
data RamFlaw
-- | no shared mem is reported
NoSharedMem :: RamFlaw
-- | some shared mem not reported
SomeSharedMem :: RamFlaw
-- | accurate only considering each process in isolation
ExactForIsolatedMem :: RamFlaw
-- | Describes inaccuracies in the swap measurement
data SwapFlaw
-- | not available
NoSwap :: SwapFlaw
-- | accurate only considering each process in isolation
ExactForIsolatedSwap :: SwapFlaw
-- | Examine the target system for RamFlaws and
-- SwapFlaws, and update bud reflect the
-- findings.
checkForFlaws :: ReportBud -> IO ReportBud
-- | Provide Text that explains the RamFlaw
fmtRamFlaws :: RamFlaw -> Text
-- | Provide Text that explains the SwapFlaw
fmtSwapFlaws :: SwapFlaw -> Text
-- | Represents a version of Linux kernel
type KernelVersion = (Natural, Natural, Natural)
-- | Parses Text into a KernelVersion
parseKernelVersion :: Text -> Maybe KernelVersion
-- | Determines the version of the Linux kernel on the current system.
readKernelVersion :: IO (Maybe KernelVersion)
-- | On linux kernels before smaps became available, there was no reliable
-- way to determine how much of a processes memory was shared
-- http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/7/6/250
fickleSharing :: KernelVersion -> Bool
instance GHC.Classes.Ord System.MemInfo.SysInfo.RamFlaw
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.SysInfo.RamFlaw
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.SysInfo.RamFlaw
instance GHC.Classes.Ord System.MemInfo.SysInfo.SwapFlaw
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.SysInfo.SwapFlaw
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.SysInfo.SwapFlaw
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.SysInfo.ReportBud
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.SysInfo.ReportBud
-- | This module provides types that model data from files in the Linux
-- proc filesystem that track memory usage, combinators for parsing
-- the files contents, and for grouping the results.
module System.MemInfo.Proc
-- | Represents the measured memory usage of a program
data MemUsage
MemUsage :: !Int -> !Int -> !Int -> !Int -> MemUsage
-- | the total shared memory in use
[muShared] :: MemUsage -> !Int
-- | the total private memory in use
[muPrivate] :: MemUsage -> !Int
-- | the number of processes running as the program
[muCount] :: MemUsage -> !Int
-- | the total swap memory in use
[muSwap] :: MemUsage -> !Int
-- | Combine ProcUsage, grouping them by the effective
-- program name
amass :: Ord a => Bool -> [(a, ProcUsage)] -> Map a MemUsage
-- | Represents the memory metrics for a single process
data ProcUsage
ProcUsage :: !Int -> !Int -> !Int -> !Int -> !Int -> ProcUsage
[puPrivate] :: ProcUsage -> !Int
[puShared] :: ProcUsage -> !Int
[puSharedHuge] :: ProcUsage -> !Int
[puSwap] :: ProcUsage -> !Int
[puMemId] :: ProcUsage -> !Int
-- | Parse ProcUsage from the contents of
-- /proc/<pid>/smap
parseFromSmap :: Text -> ProcUsage
-- | Parse ProcUsage from the contents of
-- /proc/<pid>/statm
parseFromStatm :: KernelVersion -> Text -> Maybe ProcUsage
-- | Represents the information about a process obtained from
-- /proc/<pid>/exe
data ExeInfo
ExeInfo :: !Text -> !Text -> !Bool -> ExeInfo
-- | the path that the link /proc/<pid>/exe resolves to
[eiTarget] :: ExeInfo -> !Text
-- | a sanitized form of eiTarget; it removes the (deleted) suffix
[eiOriginal] :: ExeInfo -> !Text
-- | does eiTarget end with (deleted)?
[eiDeleted] :: ExeInfo -> !Bool
-- | Parses the target of /proc/<pid>/exe into a
-- ExeInfo
parseExeInfo :: Text -> ExeInfo
-- | Parses the content of /proc/<pid>/status into a
-- StatusInfo
parseStatusInfo :: Text -> Either BadStatus StatusInfo
-- | Represents the information about a process obtained from
-- procpid/status
data StatusInfo
StatusInfo :: !Text -> !ProcessID -> StatusInfo
[siName] :: StatusInfo -> !Text
[siParent] :: StatusInfo -> !ProcessID
-- | Indicates why parseStatusInfo failed
data BadStatus
NoCmd :: BadStatus
NoParent :: BadStatus
instance GHC.Generics.Generic System.MemInfo.Proc.StatusInfo
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.StatusInfo
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.StatusInfo
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.BadStatus
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.BadStatus
instance GHC.Generics.Generic System.MemInfo.Proc.ExeInfo
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.ExeInfo
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.ExeInfo
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.MemUsage
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.MemUsage
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.SubTotal
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.SubTotal
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.ProcUsage
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.ProcUsage
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Proc.SmapStats
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Proc.SmapStats
instance Data.Validity.Validity System.MemInfo.Proc.ExeInfo
instance Data.Validity.Validity System.MemInfo.Proc.StatusInfo
-- | This module provides functions that format the output of the
-- printmem command
module System.MemInfo.Print
-- | Identifies a type as a label to use to index programs in the report
-- output
-- The label is also used to group related processes under a single
-- program
class AsCmdName a
asCmdName :: AsCmdName a => a -> Text
-- | Generates the text of the printed header of the memory report
fmtAsHeader :: Bool -> Text
-- | Generates the text showing the overall memory in the memory report
fmtOverall :: Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Text
-- | Generates the text of a row displaying the metrics for a single
-- command in the memory report
fmtMemUsage :: AsCmdName a => Bool -> a -> MemUsage -> Text
instance GHC.Enum.Bounded System.MemInfo.Print.Power
instance GHC.Enum.Enum System.MemInfo.Print.Power
instance GHC.Classes.Ord System.MemInfo.Print.Power
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.Print.Power
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.Print.Power
instance System.MemInfo.Print.AsCmdName Data.Text.Internal.Text
instance System.MemInfo.Print.AsCmdName (System.Posix.Types.ProcessID, Data.Text.Internal.Text)
-- | Implements printmem, a command that computes the memory usage
-- of some processes
module System.MemInfo
-- | Parses the command line arguments.
getChoices :: IO Choices
-- | Print a report to stdout displaying the memory usage of the
-- programs specified by Choices
printProcs :: Choices -> IO ()
-- | Load the MemUsage of a program specified by its
-- ProcessID
readForOnePid :: ProcessID -> IO (Either NotRun (ProcName, MemUsage))
-- | Loads the MemUsage specified by a
-- ReportBud
-- Fails if
-- - the system does not have the expected /proc filesystem memory
-- records
-- - any of the processes specified by ReportBud are
-- missing or inaccessible
readMemUsage' :: Ord a => ProcNamer -> Indexer a -> ReportBud -> IO (Either LostPid (Map a MemUsage))
-- | Like readMemUsage' but uses the default
-- ProcNamer and Indexer
readMemUsage :: ReportBud -> IO (Either LostPid (Map ProcName MemUsage))
-- | Represents errors that prevent a report from being generated
data NotRun
PidLost :: LostPid -> NotRun
MissingPids :: NonEmpty ProcessID -> NotRun
NeedsRoot :: NotRun
OddKernel :: NotRun
NoRecords :: NotRun
-- | Represents reasons a specified pid may not have memory
-- records.
data LostPid
NoExeFile :: ProcessID -> LostPid
NoStatusCmd :: ProcessID -> LostPid
NoStatusParent :: ProcessID -> LostPid
NoCmdLine :: ProcessID -> LostPid
BadStatm :: ProcessID -> LostPid
NoProc :: ProcessID -> LostPid
-- | Unfold MemUsages specified by a
-- ReportBud
-- The ProcessID of stopped processes are reported, both as part
-- of intermediate invocations (via the [ProcessID] in the
-- Right), and in the final one (as the value of the
-- Left).
unfoldMemUsage :: Ord a => ProcNamer -> Indexer a -> ReportBud -> IO (Either [ProcessID] ((Map a MemUsage, [ProcessID]), ReportBud))
-- | Like unfoldMemUsage but computes the
-- MemUsages after a delay
unfoldMemUsageAfter' :: (Ord a, Integral seconds) => ProcNamer -> Indexer a -> seconds -> ReportBud -> IO (Either [ProcessID] ((Map a MemUsage, [ProcessID]), ReportBud))
-- | Like unfoldMemUsageAfter', but uses the default
-- ProcName and Indexer
unfoldMemUsageAfter :: Integral seconds => seconds -> ReportBud -> IO (Either [ProcessID] ((Map Text MemUsage, [ProcessID]), ReportBud))
-- | Functions that obtain a process name given its pid
type ProcNamer = ProcessID -> IO (Either LostPid ProcName)
-- | Obtain the ProcName by examining the path linked by
-- {proc_root}/pid/exe
nameFromExeOnly :: ProcNamer
-- | Obtain the ProcName by examining the path linked by
-- {proc_root}/pid/exe or its parent's name if that is a better
-- match
nameFor :: ProcNamer
-- | Obtain the ProcName as the full cmd path
nameAsFullCmd :: ProcNamer
-- | The name of a process or program in the memory report.
type ProcName = Text
-- | Functions that generate the report index
type Indexer index = (ProcessID, ProcName, ProcUsage) -> (index, ProcUsage)
-- | Index a ProcUsage using just the program name
-- ProcUsage's with the same ProcName will be merged
-- when added to a MemUsage
dropId :: Indexer ProcName
-- | Index a ProcUsage using the program name and process
-- ID.
-- Each ProcUsage remains distinct when added to a
-- MemUsage
withPid :: Indexer (ProcessID, ProcName)
-- | Print the program name and memory usage, optionally hiding the swap
-- size
printUsage' :: AsCmdName a => (a, MemUsage) -> Bool -> IO ()
-- | Like printUsage', but alway shows the swap size
printUsage :: AsCmdName a => (a, MemUsage) -> IO ()
-- | Construct a ReportBud from some ProcessIDs
-- Generates values for the other fields by inspecting the system
-- The result is Nothing only when the KernelVersion
-- cannot be determined
mkReportBud :: NonEmpty ProcessID -> IO (Maybe ReportBud)
type ProcessID = CPid
-- | Identifies a type as a label to use to index programs in the report
-- output
-- The label is also used to group related processes under a single
-- program
class AsCmdName a
asCmdName :: AsCmdName a => a -> Text
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.LostPid
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.LostPid
instance GHC.Show.Show System.MemInfo.NotRun
instance GHC.Classes.Eq System.MemInfo.NotRun