module Data.ByteArray.ScrubbedBytes
( ScrubbedBytes
) where
import GHC.Types
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Ptr
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Memory.PtrMethods (memCopy, memConstEqual)
import Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim
import Data.Memory.Internal.Compat (unsafeDoIO)
import Data.Memory.Internal.Imports
import Data.Memory.Internal.Scrubber (getScrubber)
import Data.ByteArray.Types
import Foreign.Storable
data ScrubbedBytes = ScrubbedBytes (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
instance Show ScrubbedBytes where
show _ = "<scrubbed-bytes>"
instance Eq ScrubbedBytes where
(==) = scrubbedBytesEq
instance Ord ScrubbedBytes where
compare = scrubbedBytesCompare
instance Monoid ScrubbedBytes where
mempty = unsafeDoIO (newScrubbedBytes 0)
mappend b1 b2 = unsafeDoIO $ scrubbedBytesAppend b1 b2
mconcat = unsafeDoIO . scrubbedBytesConcat
instance NFData ScrubbedBytes where
rnf b = b `seq` ()
instance IsString ScrubbedBytes where
fromString = scrubbedFromChar8
instance ByteArrayAccess ScrubbedBytes where
length = sizeofScrubbedBytes
withByteArray = withPtr
instance ByteArray ScrubbedBytes where
allocRet = scrubbedBytesAllocRet
newScrubbedBytes :: Int -> IO ScrubbedBytes
newScrubbedBytes (I# sz)
| booleanPrim (sz <# 0#) = error "ScrubbedBytes: size must be >= 0"
| booleanPrim (sz ==# 0#) = IO $ \s ->
case newAlignedPinnedByteArray# 0# 8# s of
(# s2, mba #) -> (# s2, ScrubbedBytes mba #)
| otherwise = IO $ \s ->
case newAlignedPinnedByteArray# sz 8# s of
(# s1, mbarr #) ->
let !scrubber = (getScrubber sz) (byteArrayContents# (unsafeCoerce# mbarr))
!mba = ScrubbedBytes mbarr
in case mkWeak# mbarr () (finalize scrubber mba) s1 of
(# s2, _ #) -> (# s2, mba #)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
finalize :: (State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld) -> ScrubbedBytes -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
finalize scrubber mba@(ScrubbedBytes _) = \s1 ->
case scrubber s1 of
s2 -> case touch# mba s2 of
s3 -> (# s3, () #)
finalize :: (State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld) -> ScrubbedBytes -> IO ()
finalize scrubber mba@(ScrubbedBytes _) = IO $ \s1 -> do
case scrubber s1 of
s2 -> case touch# mba s2 of
s3 -> (# s3, () #)
scrubbedBytesAllocRet :: Int -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO (a, ScrubbedBytes)
scrubbedBytesAllocRet sz f = do
ba <- newScrubbedBytes sz
r <- withPtr ba f
return (r, ba)
scrubbedBytesAlloc :: Int -> (Ptr p -> IO ()) -> IO ScrubbedBytes
scrubbedBytesAlloc sz f = do
ba <- newScrubbedBytes sz
withPtr ba f
return ba
scrubbedBytesConcat :: [ScrubbedBytes] -> IO ScrubbedBytes
scrubbedBytesConcat l = scrubbedBytesAlloc retLen (copy l)
retLen = sum $ map sizeofScrubbedBytes l
copy [] _ = return ()
copy (x:xs) dst = do
withPtr x $ \src -> memCopy dst src chunkLen
copy xs (dst `plusPtr` chunkLen)
chunkLen = sizeofScrubbedBytes x
scrubbedBytesAppend :: ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes -> IO ScrubbedBytes
scrubbedBytesAppend b1 b2 = scrubbedBytesAlloc retLen $ \dst -> do
withPtr b1 $ \s1 -> memCopy dst s1 len1
withPtr b2 $ \s2 -> memCopy (dst `plusPtr` len1) s2 len2
len1 = sizeofScrubbedBytes b1
len2 = sizeofScrubbedBytes b2
retLen = len1 + len2
sizeofScrubbedBytes :: ScrubbedBytes -> Int
sizeofScrubbedBytes (ScrubbedBytes mba) = I# (sizeofMutableByteArray# mba)
withPtr :: ScrubbedBytes -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a
withPtr b@(ScrubbedBytes mba) f = do
a <- f (Ptr (byteArrayContents# (unsafeCoerce# mba)))
touchScrubbedBytes b
return a
touchScrubbedBytes :: ScrubbedBytes -> IO ()
touchScrubbedBytes (ScrubbedBytes mba) = IO $ \s -> case touch# mba s of s' -> (# s', () #)
scrubbedBytesEq :: ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes -> Bool
scrubbedBytesEq a b
| l1 /= l2 = False
| otherwise = unsafeDoIO $ withPtr a $ \p1 -> withPtr b $ \p2 -> memConstEqual p1 p2 l1
l1 = sizeofScrubbedBytes a
l2 = sizeofScrubbedBytes b
scrubbedBytesCompare :: ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes -> Ordering
scrubbedBytesCompare b1@(ScrubbedBytes m1) b2@(ScrubbedBytes m2) = unsafeDoIO $ IO $ \s -> loop 0# s
!l1 = sizeofScrubbedBytes b1
!l2 = sizeofScrubbedBytes b2
!(I# len) = min l1 l2
loop i s1
| booleanPrim (i ==# len) =
if l1 == l2
then (# s1, EQ #)
else if l1 > l2 then (# s1, GT #)
else (# s1, LT #)
| otherwise =
case readWord8Array# m1 i s1 of
(# s2, e1 #) -> case readWord8Array# m2 i s2 of
(# s3, e2 #) ->
if booleanPrim (eqWord# e1 e2)
then loop (i +# 1#) s3
else if booleanPrim (ltWord# e1 e2) then (# s3, LT #)
else (# s3, GT #)
scrubbedFromChar8 :: [Char] -> ScrubbedBytes
scrubbedFromChar8 l = unsafeDoIO $ scrubbedBytesAlloc len (fill l)
len = Prelude.length l
fill :: [Char] -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
fill [] _ = return ()
fill (x:xs) !p = poke p (fromIntegral $ fromEnum x) >> fill xs (p `plusPtr` 1)