microlens-platform: microlens + all batteries included (best for apps)
This is a package candidate release! Here you can preview how this package release will appear once published to the main package index (which can be accomplished via the 'maintain' link below). Please note that once a package has been published to the main package index it cannot be undone! Please consult the package uploading documentation for more information.
- [option-o2] 'ghc-options: -O2' is rarely needed. Check that it is giving a real benefit and not just imposing longer compile times on your users.
This package exports a module which is the recommended starting point for using microlens if you aren't trying to keep your dependencies minimal. By importing Lens.Micro.Platform
you get all functions and instances from microlens, microlens-th, microlens-mtl, microlens-ghc, as well as instances for Vector
, Text
, and HashMap
The minor and major versions of microlens-platform are incremented whenever the minor and major versions of any other microlens package are incremented, so you can depend on the exact version of microlens-platform without specifying the version of microlens (microlens-mtl, etc) you need.
This package is a part of the microlens family; see the readme on Github.
- Lens
- Micro
- Lens.Micro.Platform
- Lens.Micro.Platform.Internal
- Lens.Micro.Platform
- Micro
- microlens-platform- [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
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