module Codec.MIME.Type where
import Data.List ( isSuffixOf )
data Type
= Type
{ mimeType :: MIMEType
, mimeParams :: [(String,String)]
} deriving ( Show, Ord, Eq )
nullType :: Type
nullType = Type
{ mimeType = Text "plain"
, mimeParams = []
showType :: Type -> String
showType t = showMIMEType (mimeType t) ++ showMIMEParams (mimeParams t)
showMIMEParams :: [(String,String)] -> String
showMIMEParams ps = concatMap showP ps
showP (a,b) = ';':' ':a ++ '=':'"':b ++ "\""
data MIMEType
= Application SubType
| Audio SubType
| Image SubType
| Message SubType
| Model SubType
| Multipart Multipart
| Text TextType
| Video SubType
| Other String SubType
deriving ( Show, Ord, Eq )
showMIMEType :: MIMEType -> String
showMIMEType t =
case t of
Application s -> "application/"++s
Audio s -> "audio/"++s
Image s -> "image/"++s
Message s -> "message/"++s
Model s -> "model/"++s
Multipart s -> "multipart/"++showMultipart s
Text s -> "text/"++s
Video s -> "video/"++s
Other a b -> a ++ '/':b
data MIMEPair
= MIMEPair String SubType
deriving ( Eq )
showMIMEPair :: MIMEPair -> String
showMIMEPair (MIMEPair a b) = a ++ '/':b
type SubType = String
type TextType = SubType
subTypeString :: Type -> String
subTypeString t =
case break (=='/') (showMIMEType (mimeType t)) of
(_,"") -> ""
(_,_:bs) -> bs
majTypeString :: Type -> String
majTypeString t =
case break (=='/') (showMIMEType (mimeType t)) of
(as,_) -> as
data Multipart
= Alternative
| Byteranges
| Digest
| Encrypted
| FormData
| Mixed
| Parallel
| Related
| Signed
| Extension String
| OtherMulti String
deriving ( Show, Ord, Eq )
isXmlBased :: Type -> Bool
isXmlBased t =
case mimeType t of
Multipart{} -> False
_ -> "+xml" `isSuffixOf` subTypeString t
isXmlType :: Type -> Bool
isXmlType t = isXmlBased t ||
case mimeType t of
Application s -> s `elem` xml_media_types
Text s -> s `elem` xml_media_types
_ -> False
xml_media_types :: [String]
xml_media_types =
[ "xml"
, "xml-external-parsed-entity"
showMultipart :: Multipart -> String
showMultipart m =
case m of
Alternative -> "alternative"
Byteranges -> "byteranges"
Digest -> "digest"
Encrypted -> "encrypted"
FormData -> "form-data"
Mixed -> "mixed"
Parallel -> "parallel"
Related -> "related"
Signed -> "signed"
Extension e -> e
OtherMulti e -> e
type Content = String
data MIMEValue = MIMEValue
{ mime_val_type :: Type
, mime_val_disp :: Maybe Disposition
, mime_val_content :: MIMEContent
, mime_val_headers :: [(String,String)]
, mime_val_inc_type :: Bool
} deriving ( Show, Eq )
nullMIMEValue :: MIMEValue
nullMIMEValue = MIMEValue
{ mime_val_type = nullType
, mime_val_disp = Nothing
, mime_val_content = Multi []
, mime_val_headers = []
, mime_val_inc_type = True
data MIMEContent
= Single Content
| Multi [MIMEValue]
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Disposition
= Disposition
{ dispType :: DispType
, dispParams :: [DispParam]
} deriving ( Show, Eq )
data DispType
= DispInline
| DispAttachment
| DispFormData
| DispOther String
deriving ( Show, Eq)
data DispParam
= Name String
| Filename String
| CreationDate String
| ModDate String
| ReadDate String
| Size String
| OtherParam String String
deriving ( Show, Eq)