{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Cover (coverage) where import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.List (tails) import Data.Git.Formats import Data.Git.Hash import Data.Git.Internal.Types import Data.Git.Object import Data.Git.Ref import Data.Git.RefName import Data.Git.Types import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Semigroup import Data.String import TestUtil -- | This exists to give coverage to some things that don't have much meaning like show instances. -- All they really test is that we know when they change. They shouldn't show stability. -- If any of these should be stable they should be moved to another area of the test suite. coverage :: TestTree coverage = testGroup "Coverage - these properties are not stable" [ testShow "Ref" [ (HEAD, "HEAD") , (Branch "master", "Branch (RefName {getRefName = \"master\"})") , (TagRef "tag" Nothing, "TagRef (RefName {getRefName = \"tag\"}) Nothing") , (TagRef "tag" (Just $ sha1 ("sha"::BS.ByteString)) ,"TagRef (RefName {getRefName = \"tag\"}) (Just (Sha1 {getSha1 = \"\\216\\244Y\\ETX \\225\\&4:\\145[c\\148\\ETB\\ACKP\\168\\243]i&\"}))") , (RemRef "remote" "master" ,"RemRef (RemoteName {getRemoteName = \"remote\"}) (RefName {getRefName = \"master\"})") , (ExpRef "path/this/is", "ExpRef (RefName {getRefName = \"path/this/is\"})") ] , testShow "RefName" [ ("remote"::RefName, "RefName {getRefName = \"remote\"}") ] , testBottom "IsString RefName can fail" (""::RefName) , testShow "RemoteName" [ ("remote"::RemoteName, "RemoteName {getRemoteName = \"remote\"}") ] , testBottom "IsString RefName can fail" (""::RemoteName) , testOrder "ObjectType Ordering" [ BlobType, TreeType, CommitType, TagType ] , testOrder "Blob Ordering" [Blob "", Blob "a", Blob "b"] , testShow "Blob" [ (Blob "", "Blob {getBlob = \"\"}"), (Blob "test", "Blob {getBlob = \"test\"}") ] , testShow "TreeEntry" [(Entry "this" BlobMode, "Entry {entryName = PC {getPC = \"this\"}, entryMode = BareMode 33188}") ] , testShow "Tree" [ (Tree mempty, "Tree {getTree = fromList []}") ] , testOrder "Tree Ordering" [ Tree mempty , Tree $ Map.fromList [(Entry "file" BlobMode, sha1 (""::Blob))] ] , testVectors "Tree Monoid" (==) $ let mkEnt nm = (Entry (fromString nm) BlobMode, sha1 (Blob (fromString nm))) ent1 = mkEnt "file1" ent2 = mkEnt "file2" t1 = Tree (Map.fromList [ent1]) t2 = Tree (Map.fromList [ent2]) t12 = Tree (Map.fromList [ent1, ent2]) in [ (mempty, emptyTree) , (t1 <> t2, t12) , (stimes (5::Int) t1, t1) , (sconcat (t1 :| []), t1) , (mconcat [t1, t2], t12) , (t1 `mappend` t2, t12) ] , testShow "Tag" [ (Tag (sha1 (""::Blob)) BlobType "name" (testContact, testDate) "msg" ,"Tag {tagObject = Sha1 {getSha1 = "<> "\"\\230\\157\\226\\155\\178\\209\\214CK\\139)\\174wZ\\216\\194\\228\\140S\\145\"}, tagType = BlobType, "<> "tagName = LfFree {getLfFree = \"name\"}, tagTagger = (Contact {contactName = SS {getSS = "<> "\"Bob McTesterton\"}, contactEmail = SS {getSS = \"bob@mctesterton.gov\"}},(1467644623,"<> "\"+0000\")), tagMessage = \"msg\"}") ] , testOrder "Tag Ordering" [ Tag (sha1 (""::Blob)) BlobType "file" (testContact, testDate) "msg" , Tag (sha1 (""::Blob)) BlobType "name" (testContact, testDate) "msg" , Tag (sha1 (""::Blob)) BlobType "name" (testContact, testDate) "msg1" ] , testOrder "Commit Ordering" [ testCommit { commitMessage = "New message" } , testCommit , testCommit { commitParents = [emptyTreeSha] } ] , testShow "Commit" [ (testCommit ,"Commit {commitTree = Sha1 {getSha1 = "<> "\"K\\130]\\198B\\203n\\185\\160`\\229K\\248\\214\\146\\136\\251\\238I\\EOT\"}, "<> "commitParents = [], commitAuthor = (Contact {contactName = SS {getSS = "<> "\"Bob McTesterton\"}, contactEmail = SS {getSS = \"bob@mctesterton.gov\"}},(1467644623,"<> "\"+0000\")), commitCommitter = (Contact {contactName = SS {getSS = \"Bob McTesterton\"}, "<> "contactEmail = SS {getSS = \"bob@mctesterton.gov\"}},(1467644623,\"+0000\")), "<> "commitMessage = \"msg\"}") ] , testShow "Object" [ (BlobObj $ Blob "", "BlobObj (Blob {getBlob = \"\"})") , (BlobObj $ Blob "test", "BlobObj (Blob {getBlob = \"test\"})") , (TreeObj $ Tree mempty, "TreeObj (Tree {getTree = fromList []})") , (TagObj $ Tag (sha1 (""::Blob)) BlobType "name" (testContact, testDate) "msg" ,"TagObj (Tag {tagObject = Sha1 {getSha1 = "<> "\"\\230\\157\\226\\155\\178\\209\\214CK\\139)\\174wZ\\216\\194\\228\\140S\\145\"}, tagType = BlobType, "<> "tagName = LfFree {getLfFree = \"name\"}, tagTagger = (Contact {contactName = SS {getSS = "<> "\"Bob McTesterton\"}, contactEmail = SS {getSS = \"bob@mctesterton.gov\"}},(1467644623,"<> "\"+0000\")), tagMessage = \"msg\"})") , (CommitObj testCommit ,"CommitObj (Commit {commitTree = Sha1 {getSha1 = "<> "\"K\\130]\\198B\\203n\\185\\160`\\229K\\248\\214\\146\\136\\251\\238I\\EOT\"}, "<> "commitParents = [], commitAuthor = (Contact {contactName = SS {getSS = "<> "\"Bob McTesterton\"}, contactEmail = SS {getSS = \"bob@mctesterton.gov\"}},(1467644623,"<> "\"+0000\")), commitCommitter = (Contact {contactName = SS {getSS = \"Bob McTesterton\"}, "<> "contactEmail = SS {getSS = \"bob@mctesterton.gov\"}},(1467644623,\"+0000\")), "<> "commitMessage = \"msg\"})") ] , testBottom "makeContact can fail on name" (makeContact "<>" "") , testBottom "makeContact can fail on email" (makeContact "" "<>") , testOrder "Mode Ordering" [TreeMode, BareMode 0o100643, BlobMode, ExecMode, LinkMode, SubmMode] , testShow "Mode" [(TreeMode, "BareMode 16384"), (BareMode 0o100643, "BareMode 33187") ,(BlobMode, "BareMode 33188"), (ExecMode, "BareMode 33261"), (LinkMode, "BareMode 40960") ,(SubmMode, "BareMode 57344")] , testOrder "SafeString Ordering" [mempty::SafeString, "a", "aa"<>"a", stimes (4::Int) "a", sconcat ("a" :| ["ab"]) ,"a"`mappend`"bb", "b", mconcat ["ba","a"]] , testBottom "safeString can fail" ("<>"::SafeString) , testShow "SafeString" [(""::SafeString, "SS {getSS = \"\"}")] , testOrder "LfFree Ordering" [mempty::LfFree, "a", "a"<>"a", "b", sconcat ("b" :| ["a"]), stimes (3::Int) "b" ,"c", "c"`mappend`"b", mconcat ["c", "d"]] , testBottom "lfFree can fail" ("\n"::LfFree) , testShow "LfFree" [(""::LfFree, "LfFree {getLfFree = \"\"}")] , testOrder "PathComponent Ordering" ["a"::PathComponent, "a"<>"a", "b", sconcat ("b" :| ["a"]), stimes (3::Int) "b", "c"] , testBottom "pathComponent can fail" (""::PathComponent) , testShow "PathComponent" [("a"::PathComponent, "PC {getPC = \"a\"}")] , testVectors "slashify" (\a b -> b == slashify a) [("a"::PathComponent, "a/")] , testVectors "utcTimeToDate" (\a b -> b == utcTimeToDate a) [(read "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC", (0, "+0000"))] , testOrder "Contact Ordering" [ Contact "a" "", Contact "a" "b", Contact "d" "", Contact "d" "c"] , testOrder "Sha1 Ordering" . map sha1 $ [ "test2"::BS.ByteString, "test3", "test", "test1" ] , testOrder "Sha1hex Ordering" . map sha1hex $ [ "test2"::BS.ByteString, "test3", "test", "test1" ] , testShow "Sha1Hex" . map (first sha1hex) $ [ ("test3"::BS.ByteString, "Sha1Hex {getSha1Hex = \"3ebfa301dc59196f18593c45e519287a23297589\"}") , ("test" , "Sha1Hex {getSha1Hex = \"a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3\"}") , ("test2", "Sha1Hex {getSha1Hex = \"109f4b3c50d7b0df729d299bc6f8e9ef9066971f\"}") , ("test1", "Sha1Hex {getSha1Hex = \"b444ac06613fc8d63795be9ad0beaf55011936ac\"}") ] , testOrder "RefFile Ordering" [ ShaRef (sha1 ("test2"::BS.ByteString)), ShaRef (sha1 ("test3"::BS.ByteString)) , SymRef HEAD, SymRef (ExpRef "path") ] , testShow "RefFile" [ (ShaRef (sha1 ("test2"::BS.ByteString)) ,"ShaRef (Sha1 {getSha1 = \"\\DLE\\159K