name: monad-journal license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE version: 0.6 synopsis: Pure logger typeclass and monad transformer description: This package provides a typeclass for logging in pure code, or more generally, in any kind of context. You can do whatever you want with logs, especially get them, clear them or even sink them through 'IO' if you're logging in @(MonadIO m) => m@. homepage: bug-reports: author: Dimitri Sabadie maintainer: Dimitri Sabadie category: Control build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 extra-source-files: , source-repository head type: git location: git:// library default-extensions: BangPatterns , FlexibleInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses other-extensions: FunctionalDependencies , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances exposed-modules: Control.Monad.Journal , Control.Monad.Journal.Class , Control.Monad.Trans.Journal build-depends: base >= 4.5 && < 4.8 , mtl >= 2.1 && < 2.3 , transformers >= 0.3 && < 0.5 , either >= 4.1 && < 4.4 , monad-control >= 0.3 && < 1.1 , transformers-base >= 0.4 && < 0.5 default-language: Haskell2010