Copyright 2016 Markus Ongyerth
This file is part of Monky.
Monky is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Module : Monky.Outputs/Dzen2
Description : Output module for dzen2
Maintainer : ongy
Stability : testing
Portability : Linux
This module provides the output generation for piping into a dzen2 bar
module Monky.Outputs.Dzen2
( DzenOutput
, getDzenOut
, getDzenOut'
, getDzenOutDiv
import System.Directory(getCurrentDirectory)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Monky.Modules
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- |The output handle for dzen2 pipe
data DzenOutput = DzenOutput Int Text MonkyOut
doOut :: DzenOutput -> MonkyOut -> IO ()
doOut _ (MonkyPlain t) = T.putStr t
doOut (DzenOutput _ p _) (MonkyImage path _) = do
T.putStr ("^i(" `T.append` p)
T.putStr path
T.putStr ".xbm) "
doOut (DzenOutput h _ _) (MonkyBar p) = do
T.putStr "^p(3)^p(_TOP)^r(6x"
putStr . show $ h - div (h * p) 100
T.putStr ")^pa()"
doOut (DzenOutput h _ _) (MonkyHBar p) = do
T.putStr "^r("
putStr . show $ p
T.putStr ("x" `T.append` (T.pack . show $ h `div` 2) `T.append` ")")
-- Reverse colours for HBar to support the way we draw them
doOut h (MonkyColor (f, b) (MonkyBar p)) = do
T.putStr ("^bg(" `T.append` f `T.append` ")^fg(" `T.append` b `T.append` ")")
doOut h (MonkyBar p)
T.putStr "^bg()^fg()"
doOut h (MonkyColor (f, b) o) = do
T.putStr ("^bg(" `T.append` b `T.append` ")^fg(" `T.append` f `T.append` ")")
doOut h o
T.putStr "^bg()^fg()"
doSegment :: DzenOutput -> [MonkyOut] -> IO ()
doSegment h = mapM_ (doOut h)
instance MonkyOutput DzenOutput where
doLine _ [] = error "Why are you calling doLine without any modules? I don't think your config makes sense"
doLine h [x] = do
doSegment h x
putStr "\n"
hFlush stdout
doLine h@(DzenOutput _ _ d) (x:xs) = do
doSegment h x
doOut h d
doLine h xs
-- |Get an output handle for dzen2 formatting
-- Assumes @" | "@ as divider
:: Int -- ^The height of your dzen bar in pixel (required for block-drawing)
-> Text -- ^Path to the directory cointaining your .xbm files.
-> IO DzenOutput
getDzenOut h p = return $ DzenOutput h (T.append p "/") $ MonkyPlain " | "
-- |Get the output handle for dzen2 formatting. Will asume your .xbm files are
-- in \\/xbm\/
:: Int -- ^The height of your dzen bar in pixel (for block drawing)
-> IO DzenOutput
getDzenOut' h = do
pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
getDzenOut h (T.pack pwd `T.append` "/xbm/")
-- |Get an output handle for dzen2 formatting
:: Int -- ^The height of your dzen bar in pixel (required for block-drawing)
-> Text -- ^Path to the directory containing your .xbm files.
-> MonkyOut -- ^Divider
-> IO DzenOutput
getDzenOutDiv h p d = return $ DzenOutput h (T.append p "/") d