Copyright 2015 Markus Ongyerth, Stephan Guenther
This file is part of Monky.
Monky is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Monky is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Monky. If not, see .
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TemplateHaskell #-}
Module : Monky.Template
Description : This module provides a template haskell splice for including librarys
Maintainer : ongy, moepi
Stability : testing
Portability : Linux
This module is intended to be used by Monky modules, /not/ for configuration.
This module provides the 'importLib' templateHaskell function to import a
C-library easily.
To use this, set the __LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell__ pragma in your module
file and include this module.
Use 'importLib' as top-level declaration in your file. Like:
importLib "LibAlsa" "libasound.so" []
This will create a data type for the library, and a function to get a handle for
this library (data and get).
To call your functions use the record syntax on that handle.
module Monky.Template
( importLib
, module Foreign.Ptr
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (nub)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr, castFunPtr)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Monky.Utility
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker (DL, dlclose, dlopen, dlsym, RTLDFlags(RTLD_LAZY))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
monkyStrict :: Bang
monkyStrict = Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness
monkyStrict :: Strict
monkyStrict = NotStrict
-- trim a string
ltrim :: String -> String
ltrim = dropWhile isSpace
rtrim :: String -> String
rtrim = reverse . ltrim . reverse
trim :: String -> String
trim = rtrim . ltrim
-- Split type string
prepareFun :: String -> [String]
prepareFun = map trim . splitAtEvery "->" . trim
-- get constructor name
getName :: String -> Q Name
getName name =
fromMaybe (error $ "Could not find constructor: " ++ name) <$> lookupTypeName name
-- Get a type from a String, this can do ONE application, so IO works
getType :: String -> Q Type
getType xs = if ' ' `elem` xs
then let [t,a] = words xs in
liftM2 AppT (getT t) (getT a)
else getT xs
where getT "()" = return (TupleT 0)
getT ys = ConT <$> getName ys
-- Apply arrows to create a function from types
applyArrows :: [Type] -> Type
applyArrows [] = error "Cannot work with empty function type"
applyArrows [x] = x
applyArrows (x:xs) = AppT (AppT ArrowT x) (applyArrows xs)
-- Create function declarations for the constructor
mkFunDesc :: (String, String) -> VarStrictTypeQ
mkFunDesc (x,y) = do
t <- applyArrows <$> mapM getType (prepareFun y)
return (mkName x, monkyStrict, t)
cleanName :: Char -> String
cleanName '(' = "vo"
cleanName ')' = "id"
cleanName x = return x
-- Get the transformer name, this is some ugly name mangeling
transName :: String -> String
transName = concatMap cleanName . ("mkFun" ++) . filter isOk
where isOk c = not (isSpace c) && c /= '-' && c /= '>'
-- Get the function described by the three-tuple (Alias, C-Name, TypeString)
getFunQ :: Name -> (String, String, String) -> Q Stmt
getFunQ handle (alias, name, typeString) = do
let castFPtr = [| $(varE . mkName $ transName typeString) . castFunPtr |]
let getSym = [| dlsym $(varE handle) name |]
BindS (VarP (mkName (alias ++ "_"))) <$> [| fmap $(castFPtr) $(getSym) |]
-- Create the return statement, this applies the constructor
mkRet :: Name -> [String] -> Name -> Exp -> Q Stmt
mkRet hname xs rawN raw= do
let funs = map (\x -> return (mkName x, VarE (mkName (x ++ "_")))) xs
let con = recConE hname (return (rawN,raw):funs)
NoBindS <$> [| return $(con) |]
-- Create the statement to get the handle
mkGetHandle :: Name -> String -> Q Stmt
mkGetHandle h libname =
BindS (VarP h) <$> [| dlopen libname [RTLD_LAZY] |]
-- Create the get function
mkGetFun :: String -> String -> Name -> [(String, String, String)] -> Name -> Q [Dec]
mkGetFun lname name hname funs raw = do
let funName = mkName ("get" ++ name)
let handle = mkName "handle"
ghandle <- mkGetHandle handle lname
funStmts <- mapM (getFunQ handle) funs
ret <- mkRet hname (map (\(x,_,_) -> x) funs) raw (VarE handle)
let fun = FunD funName [Clause [] (NormalB $ DoE (ghandle:funStmts ++ [ret])) []]
sig <- sigD funName [t| IO $(conT . mkName $ name) |]
return [sig,fun]
-- Create the transformer function used by get
mkTransformer :: String -> Q Dec
mkTransformer f = do
let name = mkName . transName $ f
let ty = applyArrows <$> mapM getType (prepareFun f)
ForeignD . ImportF CCall Safe "dynamic" name <$> [t| (FunPtr $(ty)) -> $(ty) |]
mkDestroyFun :: String -> Name -> Q [Dec]
mkDestroyFun name raw = do
let libT = mkName name
let hname = mkName "handle"
let funName = mkName ("destroy" ++ name)
let body = [| dlclose ($(varE raw) $(varE hname)) |]
sig <- sigD funName [t| $(conT libT) -> IO () |]
fun <- funD funName [clause [varP hname] (normalB body) []]
return [sig ,fun]
-- |Import a library
:: String -- ^The name of the library data type
-> String -- ^The name of the library
-> [(String, String, String)] -- ^The functions in the library (Name, CName, Declaration)
-> Q [Dec]
importLib hname lname xs = do
let name = mkName hname
funs <- mapM (mkFunDesc . (\(x,_,y) -> (x,y))) xs
transformers <- mapM mkTransformer $ nub $ map (\(_,_,x) -> x) xs
let rawRN = mkName "rawDL"
let raw = (rawRN, monkyStrict, ConT ''DL)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
let dhandle = DataD [] name [] Nothing [RecC (mkName hname) (raw:funs)] []
let dhandle = DataD [] name [] [RecC (mkName hname) (raw:funs)] []
fun <- mkGetFun lname hname name xs rawRN
dest <- mkDestroyFun hname rawRN
return (dhandle:dest ++ transformers ++ fun)