name: movie-monad version: synopsis: Plays videos using GStreamer and GTK+. description: Desktop video player that uses GStreamer and GTK+. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Lettier maintainer: Lettier copyright: 2017 David Lettier category: Application , Multimedia , Multimedia Player , Video build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 extra-source-files: , LICENSE , , ./src/dev/Paths_movie_monad.hs , ./src/data/ , ./src/data/movie-monad-logo.svg , ./src/data/movie-monad-icon.png , ./src/Records.hs , ./src/Constants.hs , ./src/Window.hs , ./src/CommandLine.hs , ./src/Keyboard.hs , ./src/Mouse.hs , ./src/FileChooser.hs , ./src/Seek.hs , ./src/PlayPause.hs , ./src/VideoSizeSelector.hs , ./src/Fullscreen.hs , ./src/ErrorMessage.hs , ./src/About.hs , ./src/VideoInfo.hs , ./src/Playbin.hs , ./src/Uri.hs , ./src/Utils.hs , ./src/ScreensaverAndPowerManagement.hs data-files: data/ , data/movie-monad-logo.svg , data/movie-monad-icon.png data-dir: ./src/ source-repository head type: git location: executable movie-monad main-is: Main.hs default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , filepath == 1.4.* , system-fileio == 0.3.* , system-filepath == 0.4.* , text == 1.2.* , time == 1.6.* , process == 1.4.* , MissingH == 1.4.* , network-uri == 2.6.* , haskell-gi-base == 0.20.4 , gi-gobject == 2.0.* , gi-glib == 2.0.* , gi-gdk == 3.0.* , gi-gdkpixbuf == 2.0.* , gi-gst == 1.0.* , gi-gstvideo == 1.0.* , gi-gtk == 3.0.18 ghc-options: -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall -freverse-errors other-modules: Paths_movie_monad , Records , Constants , Window , CommandLine , Keyboard , Mouse , FileChooser , Seek , PlayPause , VideoSizeSelector , Fullscreen , ErrorMessage , About , VideoInfo , Uri , Playbin , Utils , ScreensaverAndPowerManagement hs-source-dirs: ./src/