- [Installation](#org5e537eb) - [Usage](#orgdbbe2b9) - [Files](#orgb11dc5a) - [Changelog](#orgbd9297a) # Installation ``` git clone https://codeberg.org/useless-utils/mpd-current-json cd mpd-current-json ``` and to install the executable to `./dist`, in the current directory: cabal install --install-method=copy --overwrite-policy=always --installdir=dist or to install to `${CABAL_DIR}/bin` remove the `--installdir=dist` argument. `CABAL_DIR` defaults to `~/.local/share/cabal`. # Usage get values mpd-current-json | jaq .tags.album mpd-current-json | jaq .status.elapsed_percent provide host and port with mpd-current-json -h 'localhost' -p 4321 # Files ## Source ### Main.hs 1. Pragma language extensions ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ``` 2. Module declaration ```haskell module Main ( main, getStatusItem, getTag, processSong, headMay, valueToStringMay, (.=?) ) where ``` 3. Imports Import for the `libmpd` library, added as `libmpd == 0.10.*` to [mpd-current-json.cabal](#org78142c9). ```haskell import qualified Network.MPD as MPD import Network.MPD ( Metadata(..), Song, PlaybackState(Stopped, Playing, Paused) ) import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes ) import Data.Aeson ( object, Key, KeyValue(..), ToJSON ) import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty ( encodePretty ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C import Text.Printf ( printf ) import Options ( optsParserInfo, execParser, Opts(optPass, optHost, optPort) ) ``` 4. Main ```haskell {- | Where the program connects to MPD and uses the helper functions to extract values, organize them into a list of key/value pairs, make them a 'Data.Aeson.Value' using 'Data.Aeson.object', then encode it to a conventional JSON @ByteString@ with 'Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty' for the pretty-print version. -} main :: IO () main = do ``` Parse the command-line options and bind the result to `opts`. ```haskell opts <- execParser optsParserInfo ``` Connect to MPD using either the provided arguments from the command-line or the default values, as defined in [​`Parser Opts` definition](#orgab73638). ```haskell cs <- MPD.withMPDEx (optHost opts) (optPort opts) (optPass opts) MPD.currentSong st <- MPD.withMPDEx (optHost opts) (optPort opts) (optPass opts) MPD.status ``` where `currentSong` returns a `Maybe (Just (Song {...}))` and `status` returns `Maybe (Status {...})` to be parsed. The data record `Song` from the command `currentSong` contains a field label "`sgTags`" that contains all embedded metadata tags in a `fromList [...]`, in this `let` statement store the parser `getTag` function calls to be placed in the JSON object later: ```haskell let artist = getTag Artist cs artistSort = getTag ArtistSort cs album = getTag Album cs albumSort = getTag AlbumSort cs albumArtist = getTag AlbumArtist cs albumArtistSort = getTag AlbumArtistSort cs title = getTag Title cs track = getTag Track cs name = getTag Name cs genre = getTag Genre cs date = getTag Date cs originalDate = getTag OriginalDate cs composer = getTag Composer cs performer = getTag Performer cs conductor = getTag Conductor cs work = getTag Work cs grouping = getTag Grouping cs comment = getTag Comment cs disc = getTag Disc cs label = getTag Label cs musicbrainz_Artistid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID cs musicbrainz_Albumid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID cs musicbrainz_Albumartistid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID cs musicbrainz_Trackid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID cs musicbrainz_Releasetrackid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID cs musicbrainz_Workid = getTag MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID cs ``` Likewise, `getStatusItem` parses values from `Status {...}` returned by `status`, some may require additional `Maybe` checks to get the desired values. ```haskell let state :: Maybe String state = case getStatusItem st MPD.stState of Just ps -> case ps of Playing -> Just "play" -- same as mpc Paused -> Just "pause" -- same as mpc Stopped -> Just "stopped" Nothing -> Nothing time = getStatusItem st MPD.stTime elapsed = case time of Just t -> case t of Just (e, _) -> Just e _ -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing duration = case time of Just t -> case t of Just (_, d) -> Just d _ -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing elapsedPercent :: Maybe Double elapsedPercent = case time of Just t -> case t of Just t1 -> Just (read $ printf "%.2f" (uncurry (/) t1 * 100)) Nothing -> Just 0 Nothing -> Nothing repeatSt = getStatusItem st MPD.stRepeat randomSt = getStatusItem st MPD.stRandom singleSt = getStatusItem st MPD.stSingle consumeSt = getStatusItem st MPD.stConsume pos = getStatusItem st MPD.stSongPos playlistLength = getStatusItem st MPD.stPlaylistLength bitrate = getStatusItem st MPD.stBitrate audioFormat = getStatusItem st MPD.stAudio errorSt = getStatusItem st MPD.stError ``` The `object . catMaybes` constructs a JSON object by combining a list of key/value pairs. The `.=?` operator is used to create each key/value pair. If the value is `Just`, the key/value pair is included in the list; if the value is `Nothing`, it is filtered out using `catMaybes` to prevent generating fields with a value of `null` in the final JSON object. Then, the `object` function converts the list of key/value pairs `[Pair]` into a `Value` data structure that can be 'encoded' using `Data.Aeson`'s "`encode`" or `Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty`'s "`encodePretty`". ```haskell -- sgTags let jTags = object . catMaybes $ [ "artist" .=? artist , "artist_sort" .=? artistSort , "album" .=? album , "album_sort" .=? albumSort , "album_artist" .=? albumArtist , "album_artist_sort" .=? albumArtistSort , "title" .=? title , "track" .=? track , "name" .=? name , "genre" .=? genre , "date" .=? date , "original_date" .=? originalDate , "composer" .=? composer , "performer" .=? performer , "conductor" .=? conductor , "work" .=? work , "grouping" .=? grouping , "comment" .=? comment , "disc" .=? disc , "label" .=? label , "musicbrainz_artistid" .=? musicbrainz_Artistid , "musicbrainz_albumid" .=? musicbrainz_Albumid , "musicbrainz_albumartistid" .=? musicbrainz_Albumartistid , "musicbrainz_trackid" .=? musicbrainz_Trackid , "musicbrainz_releasetrackid" .=? musicbrainz_Releasetrackid , "musicbrainz_workid" .=? musicbrainz_Workid ] -- status let jStatus = object . catMaybes $ [ "state" .=? state , "repeat" .=? repeatSt , "elapsed" .=? elapsed , "duration" .=? duration , "elapsed_percent" .=? elapsedPercent , "random" .=? randomSt , "single" .=? singleSt , "consume" .=? consumeSt , "song_position" .=? pos , "playlist_length" .=? playlistLength , "bitrate" .=? bitrate , "audio_format" .=? audioFormat , "error" .=? errorSt ] ``` Having two objects, one for "tags" and other for "status", create a nested JSON with labels before each of them. ```haskell let jObject = object [ "tags" .= jTags , "status" .= jStatus ] ``` e.g. so they can be parsed as "`.tags.title`" or "`.status.elapsed_percent`". Finally, encode it to real JSON and print it to the terminal. `Data.Aeson`'s encoding is returned as a `ByteString` so use the `Data.ByteString...` import that provides an implementation of `putStrLn` that supports `ByteString`​s. ```haskell C.putStrLn $ encodePretty jObject ``` 1. Utility Functions The `getStatusItem` function takes an `Either MPD.MPDError MPD.Status` value and a field label function `f` as arguments. It returns `Just (f st)` if the input status is `Right st`, where `st` is the `MPD.Status` value. This function helps to extract a specific field from the status data record by providing the corresponding field label function. If the input status is not `Right st`, indicating an error, or the field label function is not applicable, it returns `Nothing`. ```haskell {- | Extract a field from the returned MPD.Status data record. This takes an @Either@ 'Network.MPD.MPDError' 'Network.MPD.Status' value and a field label function @f@ as arguments. It returns @Just (f st)@ if the input status is @Right st@, where @st@ is the 'Network.MPD.Status' value. This function helps to extract a specific field from the @MPD.Status@ data record by providing the corresponding field label function. If the input status "@st@" is not @Right st@, indicating an error, or the field label function is not applicable, it returns @Nothing@. -} getStatusItem :: Either MPD.MPDError MPD.Status -> (MPD.Status -> a) -> Maybe a getStatusItem (Right st) f = Just (f st) getStatusItem _ _ = Nothing ``` The `getTag` function takes a metadata type `t` and an `Either` value `c` containing a `Maybe Song`. It checks if the `Either` value is `Left _`, indicating an error, and returns `Nothing`. If the `Either` value is `Right song`, it calls the `processSong` function with the metadata type `t` and the `Just song` value, which extracts the tag value from the song. The `getTag` function helps to retrieve a specific tag value from the song if it exists. ```haskell {- | @Either@ check for the returned value of 'Network.MPD.currentSong', then call 'processSong' or return @Nothing@. -} getTag :: Metadata -> Either a (Maybe Song) -> Maybe String getTag t c = case c of Left _ -> Nothing Right song -> processSong t song ``` The `processSong` function takes a metadata type `tag` and a `Maybe Song`. If the `Maybe Song` value is `Nothing`, indicating an empty value, it returns `Nothing`. If the `Maybe Song` value is `Just song`, it retrieves the tag value using the `MPD.sgGetTag` function with the provided metadata type and song. It then applies the `headMay` function to extract the first element from the list of tag values and the `valueToStringMay` function to convert the value to a string within a `Maybe` context. This function helps to process the tag values of a song and convert them to strings if they exist. ```haskell {- | Use 'Network.MPD.sgGetTag' to extract a @tag@ from a @song@, safely get only the head item of the returned @Maybe@ list, then safely convert it to a string. -} processSong :: Metadata -> Maybe Song -> Maybe String processSong _ Nothing = Nothing processSong tag (Just song) = do let tagVal = MPD.sgGetTag tag song valueToStringMay =<< (headMay =<< tagVal) ``` The `headMay` function is a utility function that safely gets the head of a list. It takes a list as input and returns `Nothing` if the list is empty or `Just x` where `x` is the first element of the list. ```haskell {- | Safely get the head of a list. Same as 'Safe.headMay'. -} headMay :: [a] -> Maybe a headMay [] = Nothing headMay (x:_) = Just x ``` The `valueToStringMay` function is a utility function that converts a `MPD.Value` to a `String` within a `Maybe` context. It takes a `MPD.Value` as input and returns `Just (MPD.toString x)` where `x` is the input value converted to a string. ```haskell {- | Convert 'Network.MPD.Value' to @String@ within a @Maybe@ context. This @Value@ is from 'Network.MPD' and is basically the same as a @String@ but used internally to store metadata values. __Example__: @ processSong :: Metadata -> Maybe Song -> Maybe String processSong _ Nothing = Nothing processSong tag (Just song) = do let tagVal = MPD.sgGetTag tag song valueToStringMay =<< (headMay =<< tagVal) @ 'MPD.sgGetTag' returns a @Maybe [Value]@. 'Network.MPD' also provides 'Network.MPD.toString' that can convert, along other types, a 'Network.MPD.Value' to a @String@. -} valueToStringMay :: MPD.Value -> Maybe String valueToStringMay x = Just (MPD.toString x) ``` The `.=?` operator is a utility function to define optional fields in the key-value pairs of a JSON object. It takes a `Key` and a `Maybe` value `v` as input. If the `Maybe` value is `Just value`, it returns `Just (key .= value)`, where `key` is the input key and `value` is the input value. If the `Maybe` value is `Nothing`, it returns `Nothing`. This operator helps to conditionally include or exclude fields in the JSON object based on the presence or absence of values. ```haskell {- | Check if @Maybe v@ exists and is of type expected by 'Data.Aeson.object' as defined in 'Data.Aeson.Value', if it is return both the @key@ and @value@ within the @Maybe@ context tied with 'Data.Aeson..='. This gives support to \'optional\' fields using 'Data.Maybe.catMaybes' that discard @Nothing@ values and is meant to prevent creating JSON key/value pairs with @null@ values, e.g.: @ jsonTags = object . catMaybes $ [ "artist" .=? artist , "album" .=? album , "title" .=? title ] @ Where if a value on the right is @Nothing@ that key/value pair will not be included in 'Data.Aeson.object' because of 'Data.Maybe.catMaybes'. -} (.=?) :: (KeyValue a, ToJSON v) => Key -> Maybe v -> Maybe a key .=? Just value = Just (key .= value) _ .=? Nothing = Nothing ``` ### Options.hs ```haskell module Options ( Opts(..) , execParser , prefs , showHelpOnEmpty , optsParser , optsParserInfo ) where import Options.Applicative ( (<**>), auto, fullDesc, header, help, info, long, metavar, option, strOption, prefs, progDesc, short, showHelpOnEmpty, value, execParser, Parser, ParserInfo, infoOption, hidden ) import Options.Applicative.Extra ( helperWith ) import Version ( versionStr, progName ) import Data.Kind (Type) ``` 1. Data record for holding parsed 'Parser' values ```haskell data Opts = Opts -- ^ Custom data record for storing 'Options.Applicative.Parser' values { optPort :: Integer -- ^ MPD port to connect. , optHost :: String -- ^ MPD host address to connect. , optPass :: String -- ^ Plain text password to connect to MPD. , optVersion :: Type -> Type -- ^ Print program version. } ``` 2. `Parser Opts` definition > A [Parser](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative- a is an option parser returning a value of type a. Specify how `Options.Applicative` should parse arguments. Their returned values are stored in the custom defined data record `Opts`. ```haskell optsParser :: Parser Opts optsParser = Opts <$> portOptParser <*> hostOptParser <*> passOptParser <*> versionOptParse portOptParser :: Parser Integer portOptParser = option auto $ long "port" <> short 'p' <> metavar "PORTNUM" <> value 6600 <> help "Port number" hostOptParser :: Parser String hostOptParser = strOption $ metavar "ADDRESS" <> long "host" <> short 'h' <> value "localhost" <> help "Host address" passOptParser :: Parser String passOptParser = option auto $ metavar "PASSWORD" <> long "password" <> short 'P' <> value "" <> help "Password for connecting (will be sent as plain text)" versionOptParse :: Parser (a -> a) versionOptParse = infoOption versionStr $ long "version" <> short 'V' <> help "Display the version number" ``` 3. Create ParserInfo > A [ParserInfo](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative- describes a command line program, used to generate a help screen. — [Options.Applicative](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative- - `optsParserInfo` Utility function for `Options.Applicative`'s "`info`" that create a `ParserInfo` given a [​`Parser`​](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative- and a modifier, where `Parser`​s are defined using a [​custom data record​](#orga7622d9). ```haskell optsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Opts optsParserInfo = info (optsParser <**> helper') $ fullDesc <> progDesc "Print currently playing song information as JSON" <> header (progName ++ " - " ++ "Current MPD song information as JSON") ``` 4. Custom helper > Like helper, but with a minimal set of modifiers that can be extended as desired. > > ```haskell > opts :: ParserInfo Sample > opts = info (sample <**> helperWith (mconcat [ > long "help", > short 'h', > help "Show this help text", > hidden > ])) mempty > ``` > > — source of [Options.Applicative#helper](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative- Define a helper command that only accepts long `--help`: ```haskell helper' :: Parser (a -> a) helper' = helperWith $ long "help" -- <> help "Show this help text" <> hidden -- don't show in help messages ``` ### Version.hs ```haskell module Version ( versionStr, progName ) where import Data.Version (showVersion) import Paths_mpd_current_json (version) -- generated by Cabal progName :: [Char] progName = "mpd-current-json" versionStr :: [Char] versionStr = progName ++ " version " ++ (showVersion version) ``` ### Setup.hs Allow `runhaskell` to use `cabal` ```haskell import Distribution.Simple main = defaultMain ``` ## Extra ### mpd-current-json.cabal ```haskell-cabal cabal-version: 3.0 name: mpd-current-json -- The package version. -- See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) for standards -- guiding when and how versions should be incremented. -- https://pvp.haskell.org -- PVP summary: +-+------- breaking API changes -- | | +----- non-breaking API additions -- | | | +--- code changes with no API change version: synopsis: Print current MPD song and status as json -- A longer description of the package. description: Print currently playing MPD's song metadata and status as JSON homepage: https://codeberg.org/useless-utils/mpd-current-json -- A URL where users can report bugs. -- bug-reports: license: Unlicense license-file: UNLICENSE author: Lucas G maintainer: g@11xx.org -- A copyright notice. -- copyright: category: Network extra-source-files: CHANGELOG.md README.md source-repository head type: git location: https://codeberg.org/useless-utils/mpd-current-json executable mpd-current-json main-is: Main.hs -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main. other-modules: Options Paths_mpd_current_json Version autogen-modules: Paths_mpd_current_json -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package. -- other-extensions: build-depends: base ^>= , libmpd == 0.10.* , optparse-applicative == 0.18.* , aeson == 2.1.* , bytestring == 0.11.* , aeson-pretty == 0.8.* -- Directories containing source files. hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 -- [[https://kowainik.github.io/posts/2019-02-06-style-guide#ghc-options][Haskell Style Guide :: Kowainik]] ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wredundant-constraints -Wmissing-export-lists -Wpartial-fields -Wmissing-deriving-strategies -Wunused-packages -fwrite-ide-info -hiedir=.hie ``` # Changelog ```markdown # v1.1.0.1 [comment]: # (2023-10-17) - Added haddock comments - Addressed `cabal check` warnings; - setup for uploading as a Hackage package. # v1.1.0.0 [comment]: # (2023-06-11) - Remove `-h` from `--help` and use `-h` for `--host` - Make `--help` option hidden in the help message # v1.0.0.0 [comment]: # (2023-06-08) Initial working version - Added conditional tags printing, only non-empty values are printed - Accept host, port and password - Nested json objects for `status` and `tags` - Added `elapsed_percent` key shortcut for `elapsed / duration * 100` # v0.0.1.0 [comment]: # (2023-06-01) - initial connection and parsing values - First version. Released on an unsuspecting world. ```