# v2.0 - Major code rewrite. - Add command-line flags: - `-n`: is an alias for `--next` - `-nn`: is an alias for `--next-only` - `--next`: Include information about the next queued song in the output JSON. - `--next-only`: Print only the next queued song's information, replacing the `tags` object. - Add support for multi-value tags such as multiple artists. If a tag contains multiple values it should be displayed as an array in the output json. - Major performance increase. # v1.5.0.1 - Fix `next_filename` to display correct filename URI. - It was using Id instead of Position. Position is a 0-indexed number, Id is 1-indexed and it was returning one song after the intended one in the playlist. Oops. # v1.5 - Add json keys - `volume`: Integer for volume percentage - `crossfade`: Integer seconds of crossfase - `mixramp_db`: Decibels for MixRamp, can use float (decimals) number - `mixramp_delay`: Seconds of delay for MixRamp, can use float number - `updating_db`: Returns `true` when updading, not present otherwise - More code refactoring, prepping for v2 for more abstractions :p # v1.4.0 - Add "`next_filename`" for getting next song file URI relative to the music library. # v1.3.2 - Add "`next_position`", "`id`" and "`next_id`" keys to `playlist`. # v1.3.1 - Move helper function `objectJson` to lib # v1.3 - Add `filename` key. - Add `playlist` key and move existing keys to it. - Customize ordering of displayed output JSON. - Add cabal tested-with GHC versions # v1.2.0.0 - Move literate Org Mode code to LITERATE.org file - Move functions from executable source Main.hs to their own library - Bump dependency versions for `aeson` and `bytestring` - Changed status.state from "play" to "playing" and "pause" to "paused". The reason why it was "play" and "pause" before was because that was the socket answer string. # v1.1.0.2 [comment]: # (2023-10-23) - Fixed cabal `build-depends` version bounds for Arch Linux dynamic building. # v1.1.0.1 [comment]: # (2023-10-17) - Added haddock comments - Addressed `cabal check` warnings; - setup for uploading as a Hackage package. # v1.1.0.0 [comment]: # (2023-06-11) - Remove `-h` from `--help` and use `-h` for `--host` - Make `--help` option hidden in the help message # v1.0.0.0 [comment]: # (2023-06-08) Initial working version - Added conditional tags printing, only non-empty values are printed - Accept host, port and password - Nested json objects for `status` and `tags` - Added `elapsed_percent` key shortcut for `elapsed / duration * 100` # v0.0.1.0 [comment]: # (2023-06-01) - initial connection and parsing values - First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.