{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Network.Multiaddr instance QC.Arbitrary IPv4 where arbitrary = fromBytes <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary IPv6 where arbitrary = do (a, b, c, d) <- QC.arbitrary (e, f, g, h) <- QC.arbitrary pure (fromPieces (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)) ipv4Tests :: TestTree ipv4Tests = testGroup "IPv4" [ QC.testProperty "round trips" $ \ipv4 -> readIPv4 (toText (ipv4 :: IPv4)) == Just ipv4 , testCase "parses and formats sample IPs" $ mapM_ (\t -> toText (fromJust (readIPv4 t)) @?= t) [ "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ] , testCase "fails to parse bad IPs" $ mapM_ (\t -> readIPv4 t @?= Nothing) [ "" , "foo" , "..." , "127 0 0 1" , "1" , "" , "-" , "" , "1.2.3.ff" ] , testCase "Bounded instance" $ do (minBound :: IPv4) @?= IPv4 0 (maxBound :: IPv4) @?= IPv4 0xFFFFFFFF ] ipv6Tests :: TestTree ipv6Tests = testGroup "IPv6" [ testCase "parses sample IPs" $ do readIPv6 "::" @?= Just (IPv6 0 0 0 0) readIPv6 "::1" @?= Just (IPv6 0 0 0 1) readIPv6 "::2" @?= Just (IPv6 0 0 0 2) readIPv6 "::ffff" @?= Just (IPv6 0 0 0 0xFFFF) readIPv6 "::ff:ffff" @?= Just (IPv6 0 0 0 0xFFFFFF) readIPv6 "::ffff:ffff" @?= Just (IPv6 0 0 0 0xFFFFFFFF) readIPv6 "2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:0000:0000:0000:0000" @?= Just (IPv6 0x20010DB8 0xAC10FE01 0 0) readIPv6 "2001:0DB8:AC10:FE01:0:0:0:0" @?= Just (IPv6 0x20010DB8 0xAC10FE01 0 0) readIPv6 "2001:db8:ac10:fe01::" @?= Just (IPv6 0x20010DB8 0xAC10FE01 0 0) , testCase "round trips RFC 5952 IPs" $ mapM_ (\t -> toText (fromJust (readIPv6 t)) @?= t) [ "::" , "::1" , "::1:1" , "1::" , "1::1" , "1::1:1" , "2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348" ] , QC.testProperty "round trips arbitrary IPs" $ \ip -> readIPv6 (toText (ip :: IPv6)) == Just ip , testCase "Bounded instance" $ do (minBound :: IPv6) @?= IPv6 0 0 0 0 (maxBound :: IPv6) @?= IPv6 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFF ] multiaddrTests :: TestTree multiaddrTests = testGroup "multiaddr" [ testCase "round trips sample multiaddrs via text" $ mapM_ (\t -> toText (fromJust (readMultiaddr t)) @?= t) [ "" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" , "/ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC" , "/ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC/tcp/1234" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" ] , testCase "round trips sample multiaddrs via binary" $ mapM_ (\t -> let ma = fromJust (readMultiaddr t) in fromJust (decode (encode ma)) @?= ma) [ "" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" , "/ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC" , "/ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC/tcp/1234" , "/ip4/" , "/ip4/" ] , testCase "protocolNames" $ mapM_ (\(ma, ps) -> protocolNames (fromJust (readMultiaddr ma)) @?= ps) [ ("", []) , ("/ip4/", ["ip4"]) , ("/ip4/", ["ip4", "tcp"]) , ("/ip4/", ["ip4", "tcp", "ip6"]) , ("/ip4/", ["ip4", "tcp", "ip6", "udp"]) , ("/ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC", ["ipfs"]) , ("/ipfs/QmcgpsyWgH8Y8ajJz1Cu72KnS5uo2Aa2LpzU7kinSupNKC/tcp/1234", ["ipfs", "tcp"]) , ("/ip4/", ["ip4", "udp", "udt"]) , ("/ip4/", ["ip4", "udp", "utp"]) ] ] tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Network.Multiaddr" [ipv4Tests, ipv6Tests, multiaddrTests] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests