N-ary Functors

Using existing instances
and Bifunctor
are both in base
, but what about Trifunctor
? Quadrifunctor
? There must be a better solution than creating an infinite tower of typeclasses. Here's the API I managed to implement:
> nmap <#> (+1) <#> (+2) $ (0, 0)
> nmap <#> (+1) <#> (+2) <#> (+3) $ (0, 0, 0)
> nmap <#> (+1) <#> (+2) <#> (+3) <#> (+4) $ (0, 0, 0, 0)
What about Contravariant
and Profunctor
? No need to define Bicontravariant
nor Noobfunctor
, the NFunctor
typeclass supports contravariant type-parameters too!
> let intToInt = succ
> let intToString = nmap <#> show $ succ
> let stringToString = nmap >#< length <#> show $ succ
> intToInt 3
> intToString 3
> stringToString "foo"
As the examples above demonstrate, n-ary-functor has an equivalent for both the Functor ((->) a)
instance and the Profunctor (->)
instance. Even better: when writing your own instance, you only need to define an NFunctor (->)
instance, and the NFunctor ((->) a)
instance will be derived for you. NFunctor ((->) a b)
too, but that's less useful since that nmap
is just the identity function.
That's not all! Consider a type like StateT s m a
. The last type parameter is covariant, but what about the first two? Well, s -> m (a, s)
has both positive and negative occurences of s
, so you need both an s -> t
and a t -> s
function in order to turn a StateT s m a
into a StateT t m a
. And what about m
? You need a natural transformation forall a. m a -> n a
. Yes, n-ary-functor supports these too!
> let stateIntIdentityInt = ((`div` 2) <$> get) >>= lift . Identity
> let stateStringMaybeString = nmap
<#>/>#< (flip replicate '.', length) -- (s -> t, t -> s)
<##> NT (Just . runIdentity) -- NT (forall a. m a -> n a)
<#> show -- a -> b
$ stateIntIdentityInt
> runStateT stateIntIdentityInt 4
Identity (2,4)
> runStateT stateStringMaybeString "four"
Just ("2","....")
Notice how even in such a complicated case, no type annotations are needed, as n-ary-functor is written with type inference in mind.
Defining your own instance
When defining an instance of NFunctor
, you need to specify the variance of every type parameter using a "variance stack" ending with (->)
. Here is the instance for (,,)
, whose three type parameters are covariant:
instance NFunctor (,,) where
type VarianceStack (,,) = CovariantT (CovariantT (CovariantT (->)))
nmap = CovariantT $ \f1
-> CovariantT $ \f2
-> CovariantT $ \f3
-> \(x1,x2,x3)
-> (f1 x1, f2 x2, f3 x3)
Its nmap
then receives 3 functions, which it applies to the 3 components of the 3-tuple.
Here is a more complicated instance, that of StateT
instance NFunctor StateT where
type VarianceStack StateT = InvariantT (Covariant1T (CovariantT (->)))
nmap = InvariantT $ \(f1, f1')
-> Covariant1T $ \f2
-> CovariantT $ \f3
-> \body
-> StateT $ \s'
-> fmap (f3 *** f1) $ unwrapNT f2 $ runStateT body $ f1' s'
The s
type parameter is "invariant", a standard but confusing name which does not mean that the parameter cannot vary, but rather that we need both an s -> t
and a t -> s
. The m
parameter is covariant, but for a type parameter of kind * -> *
, so we follow the convention and add a 1
to the name of the variance transformer, hence Covariant1T
We've seen plenty of strange variances already and n-ary-functor provides stranger ones still (can you guess what the 👻#👻
operator does?), but if your type parameters vary in an even more unusual way, you can define your own variance transformer. Here's what the definition of CovariantT
looks like:
newtype CovariantT to f g = CovariantT
{ (<#>) :: forall a b
. (a -> b)
-> f a `to` g b
One thing which is unusual in that newtype definition is that instead of naming the eliminator unCovariantT
, we give it the infix name (<#>)
. See this blog post for more details on that aspect.
Let's look at the type wrapped by the newtype. to
is the rest of the variance stack, so in the simplest case, to
is just (->)
, in which case the wrapped type is (a -> b) -> f a -> g b
, which is really close to the type of fmap
. The reason we produce a g b
instead of an f b
is because previous type parameters might already be mapped; for example, in nmap <#> show <#> show $ (0, 0)
, the overall transformation has type (,) Int Int -> (,) String String
, so from the point of view of the second (<#>)
, f
is (,) Int
and g
is (,) String
One last thing is that variance transformers must implement the VarianceTransformer
typeclass. It simply ensures that there exists a neutral argument, in this case id
, which doesn't change the type parameter at all.
instance VarianceTransformer CovariantT a where
t -#- () = t <#> id
Flavor example
A concrete situation in which you'd want to define your own variance transformer is if you have a DataKind type parameter which corresponds to a number of other types via type families.
import qualified Data.ByteString as Strict
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Data.Text as Strict
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
data Flavor
= Strict
| Lazy
type family ByteString (flavor :: Flavor) :: * where
ByteString 'Lazy = Lazy.ByteString
ByteString 'Strict = Strict.ByteString
type family Text (flavor :: Flavor) :: * where
Text 'Lazy = Lazy.Text
Text 'Strict = Strict.Text
data File (flavor :: Flavor) = File
{ name :: Text flavor
, size :: Int
, contents :: ByteString flavor
In order to convert a File 'Lazy
to a File 'Strict
, we need to map both the underlying Text 'Lazy
to a Text 'Strict
and the underlying ByteString 'Lazy
to a ByteString 'Strict
. So those are exactly the two functions our custom variance transformer will ask for:
newtype FlavorvariantT to f g = FlavorvariantT
{ (😋#😋) :: forall flavor1 flavor2
. ( ByteString flavor1 -> ByteString flavor2
, Text flavor1 -> Text flavor2
-> f flavor1 `to` g flavor2
instance VarianceTransformer FlavorvariantT a where
t -#- () = t 😋#😋 (id, id)
We can now implement our NFunctor File
instance by specifying that its flavor
type parameter is flavorvariant.
instance NFunctor File where
type VarianceStack File = FlavorvariantT (->)
nmap = FlavorvariantT $ \(f, g)
-> \(File n s c)
-> File (g n) s (f c)