Copyright (C) 2015 Leon Medvinsky

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Module      : Needles.Bot.Trigger.Examples
Description : Example Triggers
Copyright   : (c) Leon Medvinsky, 2015

License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : lmedvinsky@hotmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : ghc

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Needles.Bot.Trigger.Examples (
                                    , replyPmTrig
                                    , simpleStateTrig
                                    , stateTrig
                                    ) where

import           Data.Text           (Text, append)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import           Needles.Bot.Trigger

-- | Trigger that replies with an example message
replyTrig :: Trigger
replyTrig = mkTrigger replyTest replyAct ()

replyTest :: MessageInfo -> Bool
replyTest mi = mType mi == MTChat && (".replychat" == what mi)

replyAct :: MessageInfo -> TriggerAct a b ()
replyAct mi = respond mi message
  where message = "Hi " `append` who mi `append` ", this is an example message."

-- | Replies in pm
replyPmTrig :: Trigger
replyPmTrig = mkTrigger replyPmTest replyPmAct ()

replyPmTest :: MessageInfo -> Bool
replyPmTest mi = (mType mi == MTChat || mType mi == MTPm) && (".replypm" == what mi)

replyPmAct :: MessageInfo -> TriggerAct a b ()
replyPmAct mi = sendPm (who mi) "This is an example pm."

-- | Simple state
simpleStateTrig :: Trigger
simpleStateTrig = mkTrigger simpleStateTest simpleStateAct "Not Set"

simpleStateTest :: MessageInfo -> Bool
simpleStateTest mi = (mType mi == MTChat || mType mi == MTPm) &&
                     (".sSimple " `T.isPrefixOf` what mi)

simpleStateAct :: MessageInfo -> TriggerAct Text b ()
simpleStateAct mi = do
  prev <- getVar
  respond mi ("Previous data: " `append` prev)
  storeVar (T.drop 9 $ what mi)

-- | Shared state
statePutTest :: MessageInfo -> Bool
statePutTest mi = (mType mi == MTChat || mType mi == MTPm) &&
                  (".sPut " `T.isPrefixOf` what mi)

statePutAct :: MessageInfo -> TriggerAct Text b ()
statePutAct mi = do
  storeVar (T.drop 6 $ what mi)
  testdata <- getVar
  respond mi ("Data stored: " `append` testdata)

stateGetTest :: MessageInfo -> Bool
stateGetTest mi = (mType mi == MTChat || mType mi == MTPm) &&
                  (".sGet" `T.isPrefixOf` what mi)

stateGetAct :: MessageInfo -> TriggerAct Text b ()
stateGetAct mi = do
  datas <- getVar
  respond mi ("Data: " `append` datas)

stateTrig :: Trigger
stateTrig = clusterTrigger [(statePutTest, statePutAct), (stateGetTest, stateGetAct)] ""