{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-| This module is mainly intended to be used for rare occassions. "Nero.Request" and "Nero.Payload" should provide everything you need for HTTP parameters. -} module Nero.Param ( -- * HTTP Parameters Param(..) -- * MultiMap , MultiMap , encodeMultiMap ) where import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8 import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, intercalate) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Text.Lazy.Lens (utf8) import Nero.Prelude -- * HTTP Parameters -- | A 'Traversal'' of the values of a given HTTP parameter. class Param a where param :: Text -> Traversal' a Text -- * MultiMap -- | A 'Map' with multiple values. Also known as a @MultiDict@ in most web -- frameworks. newtype MultiMap = MultiMap { unMultiMap :: Map Text [Text] } deriving (Eq) instance Show MultiMap where show = B8.unpack . encodeMultiMap -- | The default monoid implementation is left biased, this implementation -- /mappends/ the values. instance Monoid MultiMap where mappend (MultiMap m1) (MultiMap m2) = MultiMap $ Map.unionWith mappend m1 m2 mempty = MultiMap mempty instance Wrapped MultiMap where type Unwrapped MultiMap = Map Text [Text] _Wrapped' = iso unMultiMap MultiMap type instance Index MultiMap = Text type instance IxValue MultiMap = [Text] instance Ixed MultiMap where ix k = _Wrapped' . ix k instance At MultiMap where at k = _Wrapped' . at k instance Param MultiMap where param k = ix k . traverse -- | Encode a 'MultiMap' with the typical query string format. This is -- useful to render 'MultiMap's when testing. The web server adapter for -- @Nero@ should do this for you in the real application. encodeMultiMap :: MultiMap -> ByteString encodeMultiMap = review utf8 . intercalate "&" -- Map.foldMapWithKey not supported in `containers-` coming with -- GHC==7.6.3 . fold . Map.mapWithKey (map . mappend . flip mappend "=") . unMultiMap