{-# LINE 1 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
#include "HsNetDef.h"
{-# LINE 7 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
module Network.Socket.Buffer (
, sendBuf
, recvBufFrom
, recvBuf
, recvBufNoWait
, sendBufMsg
, recvBufMsg
) where
{-# LINE 19 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
import Foreign.C.Error (getErrno, eAGAIN, eWOULDBLOCK)
{-# LINE 23 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(InvalidArgument))
import System.IO.Error (mkIOError, ioeSetErrorString, catchIOError)
{-# LINE 34 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
import Network.Socket.Posix.CmsgHdr
import Network.Socket.Posix.MsgHdr
import Network.Socket.Posix.IOVec
{-# LINE 38 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
import Network.Socket.Imports
import Network.Socket.Internal
import Network.Socket.Name
import Network.Socket.Types
import Network.Socket.Flag
{-# LINE 49 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
sendBufTo :: SocketAddress sa =>
-> Ptr a
-> Int
-> sa
-> IO Int
sendBufTo s ptr nbytes sa =
withSocketAddress sa $ \p_sa siz -> fromIntegral <$> do
withFdSocket s $ \fd -> do
let sz = fromIntegral siz
n = fromIntegral nbytes
flags = 0
throwSocketErrorWaitWrite s "Network.Socket.sendBufTo" $
c_sendto fd ptr n flags p_sa sz
{-# LINE 76 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
sendBuf :: Socket
-> Ptr Word8
-> Int
-> IO Int
sendBuf s str len = fromIntegral <$> do
{-# LINE 95 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
withFdSocket s $ \fd -> do
let flags = 0
clen = fromIntegral len
throwSocketErrorWaitWrite s "Network.Socket.sendBuf" $
c_send fd str clen flags
{-# LINE 101 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
recvBufFrom :: SocketAddress sa => Socket -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO (Int, sa)
recvBufFrom s ptr nbytes
| nbytes <= 0 = ioError (mkInvalidRecvArgError "Network.Socket.recvBufFrom")
| otherwise = withNewSocketAddress $ \ptr_sa sz -> alloca $ \ptr_len ->
withFdSocket s $ \fd -> do
poke ptr_len (fromIntegral sz)
let cnbytes = fromIntegral nbytes
flags = 0
len <- throwSocketErrorWaitRead s "Network.Socket.recvBufFrom" $
c_recvfrom fd ptr cnbytes flags ptr_sa ptr_len
sockaddr <- peekSocketAddress ptr_sa
`catchIOError` \_ -> getPeerName s
return (fromIntegral len, sockaddr)
recvBuf :: Socket -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
recvBuf s ptr nbytes
| nbytes <= 0 = ioError (mkInvalidRecvArgError "Network.Socket.recvBuf")
| otherwise = do
{-# LINE 151 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
len <- withFdSocket s $ \fd ->
throwSocketErrorWaitRead s "Network.Socket.recvBuf" $
c_recv fd (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral nbytes) 0
{-# LINE 155 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
return $ fromIntegral len
recvBufNoWait :: Socket -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
recvBufNoWait s ptr nbytes = withFdSocket s $ \fd -> do
{-# LINE 183 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
r <- c_recv fd (castPtr ptr) (fromIntegral nbytes) 0
if r >= 0 then
return $ fromIntegral r
else do
err <- getErrno
if err == eAGAIN || err == eWOULDBLOCK then
return (-1)
return (-2)
{-# LINE 193 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
mkInvalidRecvArgError :: String -> IOError
mkInvalidRecvArgError loc = ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError
loc Nothing Nothing) "non-positive length"
sendBufMsg :: SocketAddress sa
=> Socket
-> sa
-> [(Ptr Word8,Int)]
-> [Cmsg]
-> MsgFlag
-> IO Int
sendBufMsg s sa bufsizs cmsgs flags = do
sz <- withSocketAddress sa $ \addrPtr addrSize ->
{-# LINE 210 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
withIOVec bufsizs $ \(iovsPtr, iovsLen) -> do
{-# LINE 214 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
withCmsgs cmsgs $ \ctrlPtr ctrlLen -> do
let msgHdr = MsgHdr {
msgName = addrPtr
, msgNameLen = fromIntegral addrSize
{-# LINE 219 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
, msgIov = iovsPtr
, msgIovLen = fromIntegral iovsLen
{-# LINE 225 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
, msgCtrl = castPtr ctrlPtr
, msgCtrlLen = fromIntegral ctrlLen
, msgFlags = 0
cflags = fromMsgFlag flags
withFdSocket s $ \fd ->
with msgHdr $ \msgHdrPtr ->
throwSocketErrorWaitWrite s "Network.Socket.Buffer.sendMsg" $
{-# LINE 234 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
c_sendmsg fd msgHdrPtr cflags
{-# LINE 239 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
return $ fromIntegral sz
recvBufMsg :: SocketAddress sa
=> Socket
-> [(Ptr Word8,Int)]
-> Int
-> MsgFlag
-> IO (sa,Int,[Cmsg],MsgFlag)
recvBufMsg s bufsizs clen flags = do
withNewSocketAddress $ \addrPtr addrSize ->
allocaBytes clen $ \ctrlPtr ->
{-# LINE 259 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
withIOVec bufsizs $ \(iovsPtr, iovsLen) -> do
let msgHdr = MsgHdr {
msgName = addrPtr
, msgNameLen = fromIntegral addrSize
, msgIov = iovsPtr
, msgIovLen = fromIntegral iovsLen
, msgCtrl = castPtr ctrlPtr
, msgCtrlLen = fromIntegral clen
, msgFlags = 0
{-# LINE 279 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
_cflags = fromMsgFlag flags
withFdSocket s $ \fd -> do
with msgHdr $ \msgHdrPtr -> do
len <- (fmap fromIntegral) <$>
{-# LINE 285 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
throwSocketErrorWaitRead s "Network.Socket.Buffer.recvmsg" $
c_recvmsg fd msgHdrPtr _cflags
{-# LINE 293 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
sockaddr <- peekSocketAddress addrPtr `catchIOError` \_ -> getPeerName s
hdr <- peek msgHdrPtr
cmsgs <- parseCmsgs msgHdrPtr
let flags' = MsgFlag $ fromIntegral $ msgFlags hdr
return (sockaddr, len, cmsgs, flags')
{-# LINE 300 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe "send"
c_send :: CInt -> Ptr a -> CSize -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "sendmsg"
c_sendmsg :: CInt -> Ptr (MsgHdr sa) -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "recvmsg"
c_recvmsg :: CInt -> Ptr (MsgHdr sa) -> CInt -> IO CInt
{-# LINE 317 "Network/Socket/Buffer.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe "recv"
c_recv :: CInt -> Ptr CChar -> CSize -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import CALLCONV SAFE_ON_WIN "sendto"
c_sendto :: CInt -> Ptr a -> CSize -> CInt -> Ptr sa -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import CALLCONV SAFE_ON_WIN "recvfrom"
c_recvfrom :: CInt -> Ptr a -> CSize -> CInt -> Ptr sa -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt