{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Exception (evaluate) import NixTree.App import NixTree.PathStats import qualified Options.Applicative as Opts import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as Opts import System.Directory (XdgDirectory (XdgState), doesDirectoryExist, getHomeDirectory, getXdgDirectory) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (hPutStrLn) import System.ProgressBar hiding (msg) version :: Text version = VERSION_nix_tree data Opts = Opts { oInstallables :: [Installable], oStore :: Maybe String, oFile :: Maybe FilePath, oVersion :: Bool, oDerivation :: Bool, oImpure :: Bool, oDot :: Bool } optsParser :: Opts.ParserInfo Opts optsParser = Opts.info (parser <**> Opts.helper) $ mconcat [ Opts.progDesc "Interactively browse dependency graphs of Nix derivations.", Opts.fullDesc, Opts.footerDoc (Just keybindingsHelp) ] where parser :: Opts.Parser Opts parser = Opts <$> many ( Installable <$> Opts.strArgument @Text ( Opts.metavar "INSTALLABLE" <> Opts.helpDoc ( Just $ Opts.vsep [ "A store path or a flake reference.", "Paths default to \"~/.nix-profile\" and \"/var/run/current-system\"" ] ) ) ) <*> optional ( Opts.strOption ( Opts.long "store" <> Opts.metavar "STORE" <> Opts.helpDoc ( Just $ Opts.vsep [ "The URL of the Nix store, e.g. \"daemon\" or \"https://cache.nixos.org\"", "See \"nix help-stores\" for supported store types and settings." ] ) ) ) <*> optional ( Opts.strOption ( Opts.long "file" <> Opts.metavar "FILE" <> Opts.helpDoc ( Just $ Opts.vsep ["Interpret installables as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression stored in file."] ) ) ) <*> Opts.switch (Opts.long "version" <> Opts.help "Show the nix-tree version") <*> Opts.switch (Opts.long "derivation" <> Opts.help "Operate on the store derivation rather than its outputs") <*> Opts.switch (Opts.long "impure" <> Opts.help "Allow access to mutable paths and repositories") <*> Opts.switch (Opts.long "dot" <> Opts.help "Print the dependency graph in dot format") keybindingsHelp :: Opts.Doc keybindingsHelp = Opts.vsep [ "Keybindings:", Opts.indent 2 . Opts.vsep $ map Opts.pretty (lines helpText) ] showAndFail :: Text -> IO a showAndFail msg = do hPutStrLn stderr . toString $ "Error: " <> msg exitWith (ExitFailure 1) main :: IO () main = do opts <- Opts.customExecParser (Opts.prefs $ Opts.columns 120) optsParser when (opts & oVersion) $ do putTextLn $ "nix-tree " <> version exitSuccess installables <- case opts & oInstallables of p : ps -> return $ p :| ps [] -> do home <- getHomeDirectory nixXdgDirectory <- getXdgDirectory XdgState "nix/profile" roots <- filterM doesDirectoryExist [ home ".nix-profile", nixXdgDirectory, "/var/run/current-system" ] case roots of [] -> showAndFail "No store path given." p : ps -> return . fmap (Installable . toText) $ p :| ps let seo = StoreEnvOptions { seoIsDerivation = opts & oDerivation, seoIsImpure = opts & oImpure, seoStoreURL = opts & oStore, seoFile = opts & oFile } withStoreEnv seo installables $ \env' -> do let env = calculatePathStats env' allPaths = seAll env bar <- newProgressBar defStyle {stylePostfix = exact} 4 (Progress 0 (length allPaths) ()) allPaths & toList & chunks 50 & mapConcurrently_ (mapM_ (\p -> evaluate (rnf p) >> incProgress bar 1)) if opts & oDot then putTextLn $ storeEnvToDot env else run env chunks :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunks _ [] = [] chunks n xs = let (ys, zs) = splitAt n xs in ys : chunks n zs