# Revision history for nothunks ## -- 2024-02-06 * Support `wherefrom` with `GHC-9.2` or newer. (Teo Camarasu, [#49](https://github.com/input-output-hk/nothunks/pull/49)) ## 0.2.0 -- 2024-01-27 * Use `whereFrom` to get source information, which is avialable when the source is compiled with `GHC-9.6` (or newer) and with `-finfo-table-map` (and even more accurate when `-fdistinct-constructor-table` is passed). For that reason the `ThunkInfo` type has changed. * `NoThunks` instance for `Data.Tuple.Solo`. * `NoThunks` instances for `Data.Semigroup` and `Data.Monoid` newtype wrappers. ## 0.1.5 -- 2023-10-29 * `NoThunks ThreadId` instance. * `NoThunks Identity` instance * Fix tests on ghc 9.8. Andreas Abel * Tested with ghc 8.10 to 9.8. ## 0.1.4 -- 2023-03-27 * Made cabal flags manual. * Support ghc-9.2 to 9.6. * `ThunkInfo` is a newtype. ## 0.1.3 -- 2021-06-28 * Fix tests on ghc-9.0.1 Joe Hermaszewski * Make bytestring, text and vector optional dependencies Bodigrim ## 0.1.2 -- 2020-12-03 * Add IORef, MVar and TVar instances. Oleg Grenrus ## -- 2020-09-29 * Export `Context` and `GWNoThunks` * Fix typos in Haddocks * Improve bounds (and add upper bounds) ## -- 2020-09-09 * Initial public release