## * Added DefaultFromField SqlJson(b) instances for Strict/Lazy Text/ByteString. Thanks to Nathan Jaremko. ## * Added `jsonAgg`, `jsonBuildObject` and `jsonBuildObjectField`. Thanks to Nathan Jaremko. * Added `now` function. Thanks to Nathan Jaremko. * Added `Opaleye.Exists.exists`. Thanks to @duairc. * Added `Opaleye.Experimental.Enum` * Added `Opaleye.Operators.array_position` and `Opaleye.Operators.sqlElem`. Thanks to Ashesh Ambasta. ## * Added `Opaleye.Experimental.Enum` for an easy way to deal with Postgres `ENUM` types. * Added `Opaleye.Manipulation.rReturningI` which has better type inference. * Added `Opaleye.Operators.where_` for easier restriction in monadic style. * Added `Opaleye.Operators.sqlLength` and `Opaleye.Operators.dateOfTimestamp`. ## * Many renamings have taken place to help make Opaleye easier to understand. The old versions have been deprecated. * All previously deprecated functions have been removed. Old | New -----|------- Query | Select QueryArr | SelectArr PG*Type* | Sql*Type* PG*Class* | Sql*Class* Constant | ToFields QueryRunner | FromFields QueryRunnerColumn | FromField QueryRunnerColumnDefault | DefaultFromField TableProperties | TableFields optional | optionalTableField required | requiredTableField readOnly | readOnlyTableField ## 0.6.7006.0 * Added `Opaleye.RunSelect.runSelectI` and `Opaleye.ToFields.toFieldsI` which have better inferability. * Preliminary `FOR UPDATE` support in `Opaleye.Internal.Locking`. * Added `fromFieldArray` for making `FromField`s for arrays. ## 0.6.7005.0 * Thanks to Shane (@duairc) and Ollie Charles (@ocharles) for writing most of the `lateral`- and `MaybeFields`-related code in this release. * Add a `Monad` instance for `Select` (and `SelectArr i`). * Add `Opaleye.Lateral`, to support LATERAL subqueries. * Add `Opaleye.Join.optionalRestrict` and `Opaleye.Join.optional`, as more convenient and composable ways of doing left/right joins. * Add `Opaleye.MaybeFields` * Add `optionalTableField`, `readOnlyTableField`, `requiredTableField`, to replace `optional`, `readOnly` and `required` in a later version. * Add `valuesSafe`, a version of `values`. `values` of an empty list generates incorrect queries when mixed with @OUTER@/@LEFT@/@RIGHT JOIN@s. `valuesSafe` will replace it in version 0.7 * Add `Opaleye.Adaptors` as the forward-compatible place to import `Unpackspec` and `unpackspecField` from, as well as other adaptors. * Unicode characters are escaped properly in `sqlString`/`toFields` * Add `inSelect`, to replace `inQuery` in a future version. * Add `unsafeCoerceField`, to replace `unsafeCoerceColumn` in a future version. * Generalise label to type `label :: String -> S.SelectArr a b -> S.SelectArr a b` * [Fix invalid queries bug](https://github.com/tomjaguarpaw/haskell-opaleye/pull/468) in `union`, `unionAll`, `except` and `exceptAll` where one side was empty. ## 0.6.7004.2 * No user-visible changes ## 0.6.7004.1 * Fixed exponential slowdown in `removeEmpty`. * Fixed `read` compatibility with time-1.9 in test suite. ## 0.6.7004.0 * Many changes to the documentation that use the new names. See entry for version 0.6.7000.0. * Added `fromPGSFromField` to replace `fieldQueryRunnerColumn`. * Added `fromPGSFieldParser` to replace `fieldParserQueryRunnerColumn`. * Added `defaultFromField` to replace `queryRunnerColumnDefault`. * Added `tableField` to replace `tableColumn`. * Added `unsafeFromField` to replace `queryRunnerColumn`. * Added `toFieldsExplicit` to replace `constantExplicit`. * Added `TableRecordField` to replace `TableField` in `Opaleye.TypeFamilies`. The latter may be used to replace `TableColumn` in the future. * Added array functions `arrayAppend`, `arrayRemove`, `arrayRemoveNulls`. ## 0.6.7003.1 * Bumped some depedencies so there is an install plan on GHC 8.6 ## 0.6.7003.0 * Add `tableField` as a future replacement for `tableColumn` * Export `Opaleye.Field` and `Opaleye.RunSelect` from `Opaleye` * Use new nomenclature in tutorials ## 0.6.7002.0 This is a breaking release that doesn't follow the PVP but because it's essentially a pre-release for version 0.7 I'm just going to blacklist the broken versions on Hackage and forget about it. * Swapped `N` and `NN` because they were the wrong way round. ## 0.6.7001.0 * Fix bug with infinity in range bounds * Fix incompatibility with GHC 8.4 * Add range accessors, `upperBound` and `lowerBound` * Add `distinctOn` and `distinctOnBy` ## 0.6.7000.0 This is a pre-release of version GHC >= 8.0 is required. It contains the following new important features * A new API for manipulation, including `ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING` support for `UPDATE` * Initial support for product types written in "Higher kinded data" style (but deriving of related functionality using TH or Generics is not yet provided). * Type inference for outer joins * Many renamings. In particular, `Column` will become `Field` in You should be able to almost completely port your code to the names whilst remaining compatible with 0.6.7000.0. ### Details * Added `Opaleye.RunSelect` * Added `Opaleye.Field` * `queryTable` is renamed `selectTable` * `Query`/`QueryArr` are renamed `Select`/`SelectArr` * `QueryRunner` is renamed `FromFields` * `QueryRunnerColumn` is renamed `FromField` * `Constant` is renamed `ToFields` * `constant` is renamed `toFields` * Added `Opaleye.SqlTypes` and `sql`/`Sql...` names instead of `pg`/`PG...` names * Added `runInsert_`, `runUpdate_`, `runDelete_` and supporting functionality * Add `PGNumeric` type * Added `leftJoinA` * Added `liesWithin` ## * Added `ZonedTime` to `PGTimestamptz` mappings * `ArrowChoice` instance for `QueryArr` ## * Added `runUpdateEasy` * Deprecated * `Show` instance of `Column a` * `Manipulation.arrange...` * `showPGType` * `literalColumn` * `unsafePgFormatTime` * `prepareQuery` * `formatAndShowSQL` * Removed * `unsafeCoerce` * Added `TableColumn` and `tableColumn` which selects `optional` or `required` based on write type. * Added `TableColumns` as synonym for `TableProperties`. `TableProperties` will be deprecated in version 0.7. * Added `table` as synonym for `Table`. `Table` will be deprecated in version 0.7. * Added `tableWithSchema` as synonym for `TableWithSchema`. `Table` will be deprecated in version 0.7. * Replaced `ColumnMaker` with `Unpackspec`, which is identical to it. * Added `Profunctor` instance for `Table` * Added `restrictExists` and `restrictNotExists` as synonyms for `exists` and `notExists`. The latter will be deprecated in version 0.7. ## * Added cursor interface (`Cursor` and friends) ## * `distinctAggregator`, `joinNullable`, `exists`, `notExists`, `index`, `timestamptzAtTimeZone` ## * Added support for range types ## * Corrected fixity for .&& ## * Improved documentation ## * Added `Opaleye.FunctionalJoin` * Fixed handling of `BinExpr OpIn _ (ListExpr _)` in `defaultSqlExpr`. * `in_` now actually uses the SQL `IN` operator. * Added support for `ILIKE` ## * Added * support for JSON operators * Many improvements to the Haddocks * RIGHT and FULL OUTER joins ## * Added * `(.===)`, `aggregateOrdered`, `countStar`, `countRows`, `quot_`, `rem_`, 'charLength` * intersection and except query binary operators * `Constant` instances for `Maybe` and lists * `runInsertManyReturning` * `runQueryFold` ## * Added `.===` and `./==` for comparison of product types * Added `keepWhen` as an alternative to `restrict` * Added `constant` conversion to and from Aeson * Added `pgValueJSON` and `pgValueJSONB` ## * Added `Opaleye.Constant` for lifting constant values * Support microseconds in `pgLocalTime`, `pgTimeOfDay` and `pgUTCTime` * Added `unsafeCompositeField` to help with defining composite types * `Order` is an instance of `Semigroup` Thanks to Adam Bergmark and Matt Wraith for helping with these changes. ## * Added `runUpdateReturning` * Ordering operators and `max` and `min` aggregators are now restricted to a typeclass * Added `stringAgg` and `arrayAgg` aggregations. * Added `PGOrd` typeclass for typesafe ordering operations. * Support sorting NULLs first or last with `ascNullsFirst` and `descNullsFirst` * Added JSON types * Added `runInsertMany` Thanks to Travis Staton, Jakub Ryška and Christopher Lewis for helping with these changes. ## * Use time >= 1.4 and time-locale-compat ## * Bump time to >= 1.5 ## 0.3.1 * SQL code generator escapes column names, so table column names can be the same as SQL keywords. * Add `like` operator * Add the types `PGCitext`, `PGArray`, `PGBytea` ## 0.3 * Replace `Default QueryRunner` with a new class `DefaultQueryRunnerColumn`, migrate with `s/Default QueryRunner/DefaultQueryRunnerColumn` and `s/def/queryRunnerColumnDefault/` * Remove `ShowConstant`, use the monomorphic functions defined in the new module `Opaleye.PGTypes` instead. You will need to replace `Column Bool` with `Column PGBool` etc. in query signatures * Re-export more modules from `Opaleye` * Add `boolAnd`, `boolOr,` `max`, and `min` aggregators * Add `lower` and `upper` * Add operator fixities * Add `maybeToNullable` * Add column instances for `Bool`, `UUID`, `Text`, and `UTCTime` * Expose fieldQueryRunnerColumn from Opaleye.RunQuery * Add `unsafeCast` * Re-export `Unpackspec` from `Opaleye.Manipulation`