{-| Module: OpenTracing.Tracer This module provides mid and high level tracing functions. -} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} module OpenTracing.Tracer ( Tracer(..) , HasTracer(..) , runTracer , traced , traced_ , startSpan , finishSpan ) where import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import OpenTracing.Log import OpenTracing.Span import OpenTracing.Tags import Prelude hiding (span) -- | A `Tracer` is a set of effectful actions that define the mid-level interface -- to an [OpenTracing tracer](https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#tracer) -- -- Appliction code should generally construct a `Tracer` once and then use other -- higher-level functions such as `traced`, `startSpan`, `finishedSpan`. -- -- @since data Tracer = Tracer { tracerStart :: forall m. MonadIO m => SpanOpts -> m Span -- ^ Start recording a new span with the given options. This is -- a mid-level operation that will handle start timing and random span ID -- generation. -- -- Application code should supply this field with `stdTracer`. , tracerReport :: forall m. MonadIO m => FinishedSpan -> m () -- ^ Report a finished span. What reporting means for each application will -- depend on where this data is going. There are multiple backends that define -- reporters for Google Cloudtrace, Zipkin, and Jaeger, for example. } -- | Typeclass for application environments that contain a `Tracer`. -- -- @since class HasTracer a where tracer :: Getting r a Tracer instance HasTracer Tracer where tracer = id runTracer :: HasTracer r => r -> ReaderT r m a -> m a runTracer = flip runReaderT -- | Trace a computation as a span. This is a high-level operation that will handle -- all aspects of the trace, including timing and reporting. If the traced computation -- throws an excpetion, `traced` will clean up and add logs before rethrowing the -- exception -- -- @ -- traced tracer (spanOpts "hello" mempty ) $ \parent -> -- traced tracer (spanOpts "world" (childOf parent)) $ \child -> -- liftIO $ do -- putStrLn "doing some work..." -- addLogRecord child (Message "doing some work") -- threadDelay 500000 -- @ -- -- @since traced :: ( HasTracer t , MonadMask m , MonadIO m ) => t -- ^ A tracer environment -> SpanOpts -- ^ The options to use when creating the span. Options include: -- -- * Operation name -- -- * Tags -- -- * Relations to other spans -> (ActiveSpan -> m a) -- ^ the computation to trace. The argument is the -- span that is created. It can be used to: -- -- * Add logs -- -- * Add child spans -> m (Traced a) traced t opt f = do span <- startSpan t opt -- /Note/: as per 'withException', we will be reporting any exception incl. -- async ones. Exceptions thrown by 'finishSpan'' will be ignored, and the -- one from 'f' will be rethrown. Observe that 'withException' does _not_ -- run the error handler under `uninterruptibleMask', unlike 'bracket'. This -- is a good thing, as we might be doing blocking I/O. ret <- withException (f span) (onErr span >=> void . finishSpan t) fin <- finishSpan t span return Traced { tracedResult = ret, tracedSpan = fin } where onErr :: MonadIO m => ActiveSpan -> SomeException -> m ActiveSpan onErr span e = liftIO $ do now <- getCurrentTime modifyActiveSpan span $ over spanTags (setTag (Error True)) . over spanLogs (LogRecord now (ErrObj e :| []) :) pure span -- | Variant of `traced` that doesn't return the wrapped value. -- -- @since traced_ :: ( HasTracer t , MonadMask m , MonadIO m ) => t -> SpanOpts -> (ActiveSpan -> m a) -> m a traced_ t opt f = tracedResult <$> traced t opt f -- | Start recording a span -- -- @since startSpan :: (HasTracer t, MonadIO m) => t -> SpanOpts -> m ActiveSpan startSpan t opt = do let Tracer{tracerStart} = view tracer t tracerStart opt >>= liftIO . mkActive -- | Finish recording a span -- -- @since finishSpan :: (HasTracer t, MonadIO m) => t -> ActiveSpan -> m FinishedSpan finishSpan t a = do let Tracer{tracerReport} = view tracer t span <- liftIO (readActiveSpan a) >>= spanFinish case view sampled span of Sampled -> tracerReport span NotSampled -> return () -- TODO: record metric return span