module Options.Applicative.Builder.Internal ( -- * Internals Mod(..), HasName(..), HasCompleter(..), HasValue(..), HasMetavar(..), OptionFields(..), FlagFields(..), CommandFields(..), ArgumentFields(..), DefaultProp(..), optionMod, fieldMod, baseProps, mkCommand, mkParser, mkOption, mkProps, internal ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (mplus) import Data.Semigroup hiding (Option) import Prelude import Options.Applicative.Common import Options.Applicative.Types data OptionFields a = OptionFields { optNames :: [OptName] , optCompleter :: Completer , optNoArgError :: String -> ParseError } data FlagFields a = FlagFields { flagNames :: [OptName] , flagActive :: a } data CommandFields a = CommandFields { cmdCommands :: [(String, ParserInfo a)] , cmdGroup :: Maybe String } data ArgumentFields a = ArgumentFields { argCompleter :: Completer } class HasName f where name :: OptName -> f a -> f a instance HasName OptionFields where name n fields = fields { optNames = n : optNames fields } instance HasName FlagFields where name n fields = fields { flagNames = n : flagNames fields } class HasCompleter f where modCompleter :: (Completer -> Completer) -> f a -> f a instance HasCompleter OptionFields where modCompleter f p = p { optCompleter = f (optCompleter p) } instance HasCompleter ArgumentFields where modCompleter f p = p { argCompleter = f (argCompleter p) } class HasValue f where -- this is just so that it is not necessary to specify the kind of f hasValueDummy :: f a -> () instance HasValue OptionFields where hasValueDummy _ = () instance HasValue ArgumentFields where hasValueDummy _ = () class HasMetavar f where hasMetavarDummy :: f a -> () instance HasMetavar OptionFields where hasMetavarDummy _ = () instance HasMetavar ArgumentFields where hasMetavarDummy _ = () instance HasMetavar CommandFields where hasMetavarDummy _ = () -- mod -- data DefaultProp a = DefaultProp (Maybe a) (Maybe (a -> String)) instance Monoid (DefaultProp a) where mempty = DefaultProp Nothing Nothing mappend = (<>) instance Semigroup (DefaultProp a) where (DefaultProp d1 s1) <> (DefaultProp d2 s2) = DefaultProp (d1 `mplus` d2) (s1 `mplus` s2) -- | An option modifier. -- -- Option modifiers are values that represent a modification of the properties -- of an option. -- -- The type parameter @a@ is the return type of the option, while @f@ is a -- record containing its properties (e.g. 'OptionFields' for regular options, -- 'FlagFields' for flags, etc...). -- -- An option modifier consists of 3 elements: -- -- - A field modifier, of the form @f a -> f a@. These are essentially -- (compositions of) setters for some of the properties supported by @f@. -- -- - An optional default value and function to display it. -- -- - A property modifier, of the form @OptProperties -> OptProperties@. This -- is just like the field modifier, but for properties applicable to any -- option. -- -- Modifiers are instances of 'Monoid', and can be composed as such. -- -- One rarely needs to deal with modifiers directly, as most of the times it is -- sufficient to pass them to builders (such as 'strOption' or 'flag') to -- create options (see 'Options.Applicative.Builder'). data Mod f a = Mod (f a -> f a) (DefaultProp a) (OptProperties -> OptProperties) optionMod :: (OptProperties -> OptProperties) -> Mod f a optionMod = Mod id mempty fieldMod :: (f a -> f a) -> Mod f a fieldMod f = Mod f mempty id instance Monoid (Mod f a) where mempty = Mod id mempty id mappend = (<>) -- | @since instance Semigroup (Mod f a) where Mod f1 d1 g1 <> Mod f2 d2 g2 = Mod (f2 . f1) (d2 <> d1) (g2 . g1) -- | Base default properties. baseProps :: OptProperties baseProps = OptProperties { propMetaVar = "" , propVisibility = Visible , propHelp = mempty , propShowDefault = Nothing , propDescMod = Nothing } mkCommand :: Mod CommandFields a -> (Maybe String, [String], String -> Maybe (ParserInfo a)) mkCommand m = (group, map fst cmds, (`lookup` cmds)) where Mod f _ _ = m CommandFields cmds group = f (CommandFields [] Nothing) mkParser :: DefaultProp a -> (OptProperties -> OptProperties) -> OptReader a -> Parser a mkParser d@(DefaultProp def _) g rdr = liftOpt opt <|> maybe empty pure def where opt = mkOption d g rdr mkOption :: DefaultProp a -> (OptProperties -> OptProperties) -> OptReader a -> Option a mkOption d g rdr = Option rdr (mkProps d g) mkProps :: DefaultProp a -> (OptProperties -> OptProperties) -> OptProperties mkProps (DefaultProp def sdef) g = props where props = (g baseProps) { propShowDefault = sdef <*> def } -- | Hide this option from the help text internal :: Mod f a internal = optionMod $ \p -> p { propVisibility = Internal }