{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Options.Applicative.Common (
  -- * Option parsers
  -- | A 'Parser' is composed of a list of options. Several kinds of options
  -- are supported:
  --  * Flags: simple no-argument options. When a flag is encountered on the
  --  command line, its value is returned.
  --  * Options: options with an argument. An option can define a /reader/,
  --  which converts its argument from String to the desired value, or throws a
  --  parse error if the argument does not validate correctly.
  --  * Arguments: positional arguments, validated in the same way as option
  --  arguments.
  --  * Commands. A command defines a completely independent sub-parser. When a
  --  command is encountered, the whole command line is passed to the
  --  corresponding parser.

  -- * Program descriptions
  -- A 'ParserInfo' describes a command line program, used to generate a help
  -- screen. Two help modes are supported: brief and full. In brief mode, only
  -- an option and argument summary is displayed, while in full mode each
  -- available option and command, including hidden ones, is described.
  -- A basic 'ParserInfo' with default values for fields can be created using
  -- the 'info' function.
  -- A 'ParserPrefs' contains general preferences for all command-line
  -- options, and can be built with the 'prefs' function.

  -- * Running parsers

  -- * Low-level utilities
  ) where

import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>), (<$>), (<|>), (<$))
import Control.Monad (guard, mzero, msum, when, liftM, MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT(..), get, put, runStateT)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))

import Options.Applicative.Internal
import Options.Applicative.Types

showOption :: OptName -> String
showOption (OptLong n) = "--" ++ n
showOption (OptShort n) = '-' : [n]

optionNames :: OptReader a -> [OptName]
optionNames (OptReader names _ _) = names
optionNames (FlagReader names _) = names
optionNames _ = []

isOptionPrefix :: OptName -> OptName -> Bool
isOptionPrefix (OptShort x) (OptShort y) = x == y
isOptionPrefix (OptLong x) (OptLong y) = x `isPrefixOf` y
isOptionPrefix _ _ = False

-- | Create a parser composed of a single option.
liftOpt :: Option a -> Parser a
liftOpt = OptP

data MatchResult
  = NoMatch
  | Match (Maybe String)

instance Monoid MatchResult where
  mempty = NoMatch
  mappend m@(Match _) _ = m
  mappend _ m = m

argMatches :: MonadP m => OptReader a -> String
           -> Maybe (StateT Args m a)
argMatches opt arg = case opt of
  ArgReader rdr -> do
    result <- crReader rdr arg
    Just $ return result
  CmdReader _ f ->
    flip fmap (f arg) $ \subp -> StateT $ \args -> do
      setContext (Just arg) subp
      prefs <- getPrefs
      let runSubparser
            | prefBacktrack prefs = \i a -> do
                runParser (getPolicy i) (infoParser i) a
            | otherwise = \i a
            -> (,) <$> runParserInfo i a <*> pure []
      runSubparser subp args
  _ -> Nothing

optMatches :: MonadP m => Bool -> OptReader a -> OptWord -> Maybe (StateT Args m a)
optMatches disambiguate opt (OptWord arg1 val) = case opt of
  OptReader names rdr no_arg_err -> do
    guard $ has_name arg1 names
    Just $ do
      args <- get
      let mb_args = uncons $ maybeToList val ++ args
      let missing_arg = lift $ missingArgP no_arg_err (crCompleter rdr)
      (arg', args') <- maybe missing_arg return mb_args
      put args'
      case runReadM (crReader rdr arg') of
        Left e -> lift $ errorFor arg1 e
        Right r -> return r
  FlagReader names x -> do
    guard $ has_name arg1 names
    guard $ isNothing val
    Just $ return x
  _ -> Nothing
    errorFor name (ErrorMsg msg) =
      errorP (ErrorMsg ("option " ++ showOption name ++ ": " ++ msg))
    errorFor _ e = errorP e

    has_name a
      | disambiguate = any (isOptionPrefix a)
      | otherwise = elem a

isArg :: OptReader a -> Bool
isArg (ArgReader _) = True
isArg _ = False

data OptWord = OptWord OptName (Maybe String)

parseWord :: String -> Maybe OptWord
parseWord ('-' : '-' : w) = Just $ let
  (opt, arg) = case span (/= '=') w of
    (_, "") -> (w, Nothing)
    (w', _ : rest) -> (w', Just rest)
  in OptWord (OptLong opt) arg
parseWord ('-' : w) = case w of
  [] -> Nothing
  (a : rest) -> Just $ let
    arg = rest <$ guard (not (null rest))
    in OptWord (OptShort a) arg
parseWord _ = Nothing

searchParser :: Monad m
             => (forall r . Option r -> NondetT m r)
             -> Parser a -> NondetT m (Parser a)
searchParser _ (NilP _) = mzero
searchParser f (OptP opt) = liftM pure (f opt)
searchParser f (MultP p1 p2) = foldr1 (<!>)
  [ do p1' <- searchParser f p1
       return (p1' <*> p2)
  , do p2' <- searchParser f p2
       return (p1 <*> p2') ]
searchParser f (AltP p1 p2) = msum
  [ searchParser f p1
  , searchParser f p2 ]
searchParser f (BindP p k) = do
  p' <- searchParser f p
  x <- hoistMaybe (evalParser p')
  return (k x)

searchOpt :: MonadP m => ParserPrefs -> OptWord -> Parser a
          -> NondetT (StateT Args m) (Parser a)
searchOpt pprefs w = searchParser $ \opt -> do
  let disambiguate = prefDisambiguate pprefs
                  && optVisibility opt > Internal
  case optMatches disambiguate (optMain opt) w of
    Just matcher -> lift matcher
    Nothing -> mzero

searchArg :: MonadP m => String -> Parser a
          -> NondetT (StateT Args m) (Parser a)
searchArg arg = searchParser $ \opt -> do
  when (isArg (optMain opt)) cut
  case argMatches (optMain opt) arg of
    Just matcher -> lift matcher
    Nothing -> mzero

stepParser :: MonadP m => ParserPrefs -> ArgPolicy -> String
           -> Parser a -> NondetT (StateT Args m) (Parser a)
stepParser pprefs SkipOpts arg p = case parseWord arg of
  Just w -> searchOpt pprefs w p
  Nothing -> searchArg arg p
stepParser pprefs AllowOpts arg p = msum
  [ searchArg arg p
  , do w <- hoistMaybe (parseWord arg)
       searchOpt pprefs w p ]

-- | Apply a 'Parser' to a command line, and return a result and leftover
-- arguments.  This function returns an error if any parsing error occurs, or
-- if any options are missing and don't have a default value.
runParser :: MonadP m => ArgPolicy -> Parser a -> Args -> m (a, Args)
runParser policy p args = case args of
  [] -> exitP p result
  ("--" : argt) -> runParser AllowOpts p argt
  (arg : argt) -> do
    prefs <- getPrefs
    (mp', args') <- do_step prefs arg argt
    case mp' of
      Nothing -> hoistMaybe result <|> parseError arg
      Just p' -> runParser policy p' args'
    result = (,) <$> evalParser p <*> pure args
    do_step prefs arg argt = (`runStateT` argt)
                           . disamb (not (prefDisambiguate prefs))
                           $ stepParser prefs policy arg p

parseError :: MonadP m => String -> m a
parseError arg = errorP . ErrorMsg $ msg
    msg = case arg of
      ('-':_) -> "Invalid option `" ++ arg ++ "'"
      _       -> "Invalid argument `" ++ arg ++ "'"

getPolicy :: ParserInfo a -> ArgPolicy
getPolicy i = if infoIntersperse i
  then SkipOpts
  else AllowOpts

runParserInfo :: MonadP m => ParserInfo a -> Args -> m a
runParserInfo i args
  = runParserFully (getPolicy i) (infoParser i) args

runParserFully :: MonadP m => ArgPolicy -> Parser a -> Args -> m a
runParserFully policy p args = do
  (r, args') <- runParser policy p args
  guard $ null args'
  return r

-- | The default value of a 'Parser'.  This function returns an error if any of
-- the options don't have a default value.
evalParser :: Parser a -> Maybe a
evalParser (NilP r) = r
evalParser (OptP _) = Nothing
evalParser (MultP p1 p2) = evalParser p1 <*> evalParser p2
evalParser (AltP p1 p2) = evalParser p1 <|> evalParser p2
evalParser (BindP p k) = evalParser p >>= evalParser . k

-- | Map a polymorphic function over all the options of a parser, and collect
-- the results in a list.
mapParser :: (forall x. OptHelpInfo -> Option x -> b)
              -> Parser a -> [b]
mapParser f = flatten . treeMapParser f
    flatten (Leaf x) = [x]
    flatten (MultNode xs) = xs >>= flatten
    flatten (AltNode xs) = xs >>= flatten

-- | Like 'mapParser', but collect the results in a tree structure.
treeMapParser :: (forall x . OptHelpInfo -> Option x -> b)
          -> Parser a
          -> OptTree b
treeMapParser g = simplify . go False False g
    has_default :: Parser a -> Bool
    has_default p = isJust (evalParser p)

    go :: Bool -> Bool
       -> (forall x . OptHelpInfo -> Option x -> b)
       -> Parser a
       -> OptTree b
    go _ _ _ (NilP _) = MultNode []
    go m d f (OptP opt)
      | optVisibility opt > Internal
      = Leaf (f (OptHelpInfo m d) opt)
      | otherwise
      = MultNode []
    go m d f (MultP p1 p2) = MultNode [go m d f p1, go m d f p2]
    go m d f (AltP p1 p2) = AltNode [go m d' f p1, go m d' f p2]
      where d' = d || has_default p1 || has_default p2
    go _ d f (BindP p _) = go True d f p

simplify :: OptTree a -> OptTree a
simplify (Leaf x) = Leaf x
simplify (MultNode xs) =
  case concatMap (remove_mult . simplify) xs of
    [x] -> x
    xs' -> MultNode xs'
    remove_mult (MultNode ts) = ts
    remove_mult t = [t]
simplify (AltNode xs) =
  case concatMap (remove_alt . simplify) xs of
    []  -> MultNode []
    [x] -> x
    xs' -> AltNode xs'
    remove_alt (AltNode ts) = ts
    remove_alt (MultNode []) = []
    remove_alt t = [t]