optparse-th: Like `optparse-generic`, but with `TemplateHaskell` for faster builds

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Dependencies base (>=4.14 && <5), optparse-applicative, optparse-generic, template-haskell, text [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2023 Mercury Technologies
Author Matt von Hagen
Maintainer mattp@mercury.com
Category System
Home page https://github.com/MercuryTechnologies/optparse-th#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/MercuryTechnologies/optparse-th/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/MercuryTechnologies/optparse-th
Uploaded by parsonsmatt at 2023-12-07T20:00:45Z
Distributions NixOS:
Downloads 62 total (4 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2023-12-07 [all 1 reports]

Readme for optparse-th-

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This package is designed to provide a TemplateHaskell variant of optparse-generic. The Generic instance for very large sum types becomes an extremely onerous thing to compile. TemplateHaskell is able to generate the required code very quickly, which is much more efficient than going through a Generic pass that must be re-derived every time the module recompiles.