{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | An 'OMap' behaves much like a 'M.Map', with mostly the same asymptotics, but
-- also remembers the order that keys were inserted. All operations whose
-- asymptotics are worse than 'M.Map' have documentation saying so.
module Data.Map.Ordered
        ( OMap
        -- * Trivial maps
        , empty, singleton
        -- * Insertion
        -- | Conventions:
        -- * The open side of an angle bracket points to an 'OMap'
        -- * The pipe appears on the side whose indices take precedence if both sides contain the same key
        -- * The left argument's indices are lower than the right argument's indices
        -- * If both sides contain the same key, the tuple's value wins
        , (<|), (|<), (>|), (|>)
        , (<>|), (|<>), unionWithL, unionWithR
        , Bias(Bias, unbiased), L, R
        -- * Deletion
        , delete, filter, (\\)
        , (|/\), (/\|), intersectionWith
        -- * Query
        , null, size, member, notMember, lookup
        -- * Indexing
        , Index, findIndex, elemAt
        -- * List conversions
        , fromList, assocs, toAscList
        -- * 'M.Map' conversion
        , toMap
        ) where

import qualified Data.Map as M ()
import Data.Map.Ordered.Internal
import Data.Map.Util
import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup, null)