
This package provides MessagePack
serialization / deserialization built on top of
More precisely, this package exposes the following:
- the type class
class ToMsgPack a where
toMsgPack :: a -> Packing ()
msgPackSize :: MonadThrow m => a -> m Int64
- the type class
class FromMsgPack a where
fromMsgPack :: Unpacking a
data Object = ObjectString Text
| ObjectBinary ByteString
| ObjectUInt Word64
| ObjectInt Int64
| ObjectBool Bool
| ObjectFloat32 Float
| ObjectFloat64 Double
| ObjectArray [Object]
| ObjectMap (Map Object Object)
| ObjectNil
For example, to serialize a number into a MessagePack encoded
ByteString, use:
let n = 2342 :: Int
size <- msgPackSize n
let bytes = runPacking size (toMsgPack n)
To deserialize a ByteString
you can use fromMsgPack
specialized to
fromMsgPack :: Unpacking Object
in case the type of the next
MessagePack object is not known. For example:
let obj = runUnpacking fromMsgPack bytes :: Object
On the other hand, if a specific type is expected, fromMsgPack
be used specialized to the respective type as follows:
let n' = runUnpacking fromMsgPack bytes :: Int
Note that a MessagePack signed (resp. unsigned) integer can be as big
as an Int64
(resp. Word64
). Therefore, if you want to make sure
that there are no overflow problems, use Int64
(resp. Word64
during deserialization. In case of overflows exceptions will be
thrown. For example:
let n = (2^62) :: Int64
size <- msgPackSize n
let bytes = runPacking size (toMsgPack n)
n' = runUnpacking fromMsgPack bytes :: Int32
Because the number 2^62
exceeds the boundaries of Int32
, n'
denote a pure exception:
MsgPackDeserializationFailure "Integer Overflow"
Currently, Packer is not
included in Stackage yet. Therefore, if
you would like to use this package together with Stackage, you could
pull them in via extra-deps. For example:
extra-deps: [packer-VERSION, packer-messagepack-VERSION]