module Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX (
, writeBeamer
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, object, (.=))
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, isDigit, isLetter, isPunctuation, ord,
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, intersperse, isInfixOf, nubBy,
stripPrefix, (\\))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.URI (unEscapeString)
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang (..), getLang, renderLang)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report, toLang)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (formatLaTeXBlock, formatLaTeXInline, highlight,
styleToLaTeX, toListingsLanguage)
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Slides
import Text.Pandoc.Templates
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Printf (printf)
data WriterState =
WriterState { stInNote :: Bool
, stInQuote :: Bool
, stInMinipage :: Bool
, stInHeading :: Bool
, stInItem :: Bool
, stNotes :: [Doc]
, stOLLevel :: Int
, stOptions :: WriterOptions
, stVerbInNote :: Bool
, stTable :: Bool
, stStrikeout :: Bool
, stUrl :: Bool
, stGraphics :: Bool
, stLHS :: Bool
, stBook :: Bool
, stCsquotes :: Bool
, stHighlighting :: Bool
, stIncremental :: Bool
, stInternalLinks :: [String]
, stBeamer :: Bool
, stEmptyLine :: Bool
startingState :: WriterOptions -> WriterState
startingState options = WriterState {
stInNote = False
, stInQuote = False
, stInMinipage = False
, stInHeading = False
, stInItem = False
, stNotes = []
, stOLLevel = 1
, stOptions = options
, stVerbInNote = False
, stTable = False
, stStrikeout = False
, stUrl = False
, stGraphics = False
, stLHS = False
, stBook = case writerTopLevelDivision options of
TopLevelPart -> True
TopLevelChapter -> True
_ -> False
, stCsquotes = False
, stHighlighting = False
, stIncremental = writerIncremental options
, stInternalLinks = []
, stBeamer = False
, stEmptyLine = True }
writeLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
writeLaTeX options document =
evalStateT (pandocToLaTeX options document) $
startingState options
writeBeamer :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
writeBeamer options document =
evalStateT (pandocToLaTeX options document) $
(startingState options){ stBeamer = True }
type LW m = StateT WriterState m
pandocToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> LW m Text
pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let method = writerCiteMethod options
let blocks' = if method == Biblatex || method == Natbib
then case reverse blocks of
Div (_,["references"],_) _:xs -> reverse xs
_ -> blocks
else blocks
let isInternalLink (Link _ _ ('#':xs,_)) = [xs]
isInternalLink _ = []
modify $ \s -> s{ stInternalLinks = query isInternalLink blocks' }
let template = fromMaybe "" $ writerTemplate options
let colwidth = if writerWrapText options == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns options
else Nothing
let render' :: Doc -> Text
render' = render colwidth
metadata <- metaToJSON options
(fmap render' . blockListToLaTeX)
(fmap render' . inlineListToLaTeX)
let bookClasses = ["memoir","book","report","scrreprt","scrbook"]
let documentClass = case P.parse pDocumentClass "template" template of
Right r -> r
Left _ -> ""
case lookup "documentclass" (writerVariables options) `mplus`
fmap stringify (lookupMeta "documentclass" meta) of
Just x | x `elem` bookClasses -> modify $ \s -> s{stBook = True}
| otherwise -> return ()
Nothing | documentClass `elem` bookClasses
-> modify $ \s -> s{stBook = True}
| otherwise -> return ()
let headerIncludesField :: FromJSON a => Maybe a
headerIncludesField = getField "header-includes" metadata
let headerIncludes = fromMaybe [] $ mplus
(fmap return headerIncludesField)
when (any (isInfixOf "{csquotes}") (template : headerIncludes)) $
modify $ \s -> s{stCsquotes = True}
let (blocks'', lastHeader) = if writerCiteMethod options == Citeproc then
(blocks', [])
else case last blocks' of
Header 1 _ il -> (init blocks', il)
_ -> (blocks', [])
beamer <- gets stBeamer
blocks''' <- if beamer
then toSlides blocks''
else return blocks''
body <- mapM (elementToLaTeX options) $ hierarchicalize blocks'''
(biblioTitle :: Text) <- render' <$> inlineListToLaTeX lastHeader
let main = render' $ vsep body
st <- get
titleMeta <- stringToLaTeX TextString $ stringify $ docTitle meta
authorsMeta <- mapM (stringToLaTeX TextString . stringify) $ docAuthors meta
docLangs <- catMaybes <$>
mapM (toLang . Just) (ordNub (query (extract "lang") blocks))
let hasStringValue x = isJust (getField x metadata :: Maybe String)
let geometryFromMargins = intercalate [','] $ mapMaybe (\(x,y) ->
((x ++ "=") ++) <$> getField y metadata)
let toPolyObj lang = object [ "name" .= T.pack name
, "options" .= T.pack opts ]
(name, opts) = toPolyglossia lang
mblang <- toLang $ case getLang options meta of
Just l -> Just l
Nothing | null docLangs -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just "en"
let dirs = query (extract "dir") blocks
let context = defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents options) $
defField "toc-depth" (show (writerTOCDepth options
if stBook st
then 1
else 0)) $
defField "body" main $
defField "title-meta" titleMeta $
defField "author-meta" (intercalate "; " authorsMeta) $
defField "documentclass" (if beamer
then ("beamer" :: String)
else if stBook st
then "book"
else "article") $
defField "verbatim-in-note" (stVerbInNote st) $
defField "tables" (stTable st) $
defField "strikeout" (stStrikeout st) $
defField "url" (stUrl st) $
defField "numbersections" (writerNumberSections options) $
defField "lhs" (stLHS st) $
defField "graphics" (stGraphics st) $
defField "book-class" (stBook st) $
defField "listings" (writerListings options || stLHS st) $
defField "beamer" beamer $
(if stHighlighting st
then case writerHighlightStyle options of
Just sty ->
defField "highlighting-macros"
(styleToLaTeX sty)
Nothing -> id
else id) $
(case writerCiteMethod options of
Natbib -> defField "biblio-title" biblioTitle .
defField "natbib" True
Biblatex -> defField "biblio-title" biblioTitle .
defField "biblatex" True
_ -> id) $
defField "colorlinks" (any hasStringValue
["citecolor", "urlcolor", "linkcolor", "toccolor"]) $
(if null dirs
then id
else defField "dir" ("ltr" :: String)) $
defField "section-titles" True $
defField "geometry" geometryFromMargins $
(case getField "papersize" metadata of
Just (('A':d:ds) :: String)
| all isDigit (d:ds) -> resetField "papersize"
(('a':d:ds) :: String)
_ -> id)
let context' =
maybe id (defField "lang" . renderLang) mblang
$ maybe id (defField "babel-lang" . toBabel) mblang
$ defField "babel-otherlangs" (map toBabel docLangs)
$ defField "babel-newcommands" (concatMap (\(poly, babel) ->
if poly `elem` ["spanish", "galician"]
then "\\let\\oritext" ++ poly ++ "\\text" ++ poly ++ "\n" ++
"\\AddBabelHook{" ++ poly ++ "}{beforeextras}" ++
"{\\renewcommand{\\text" ++ poly ++ "}{\\oritext"
++ poly ++ "}}\n" ++
"\\AddBabelHook{" ++ poly ++ "}{afterextras}" ++
"{\\renewcommand{\\text" ++ poly ++ "}[2][]{\\foreignlanguage{"
++ poly ++ "}{##2}}}\n"
else (if poly == "latin"
then "\\providecommand{\\textlatin}{}\n\\renewcommand"
else "\\newcommand") ++ "{\\text" ++ poly ++
"}[2][]{\\foreignlanguage{" ++ babel ++ "}{#2}}\n" ++
"\\newenvironment{" ++ poly ++
"}[2][]{\\begin{otherlanguage}{" ++
babel ++ "}}{\\end{otherlanguage}}\n"
$ nubBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b)
$ map (\l -> (fst $ toPolyglossia l, toBabel l)) docLangs
$ maybe id (defField "polyglossia-lang" . toPolyObj) mblang
$ defField "polyglossia-otherlangs" (map toPolyObj docLangs)
defField "latex-dir-rtl"
(getField "dir" context == Just ("rtl" :: String)) context
case writerTemplate options of
Nothing -> return main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context'
elementToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Element -> LW m Doc
elementToLaTeX _ (Blk block) = blockToLaTeX block
elementToLaTeX opts (Sec level _ (id',classes,_) title' elements) = do
modify $ \s -> s{stInHeading = True}
header' <- sectionHeader ("unnumbered" `elem` classes) id' level title'
modify $ \s -> s{stInHeading = False}
innerContents <- mapM (elementToLaTeX opts) elements
return $ vsep (header' : innerContents)
data StringContext = TextString
| URLString
| CodeString
deriving (Eq)
stringToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => StringContext -> String -> LW m String
stringToLaTeX _ [] = return ""
stringToLaTeX ctx (x:xs) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
rest <- stringToLaTeX ctx xs
let ligatures = isEnabled Ext_smart opts && ctx == TextString
let isUrl = ctx == URLString
return $
case x of
'{' -> "\\{" ++ rest
'}' -> "\\}" ++ rest
'`' | ctx == CodeString -> "\\textasciigrave{}" ++ rest
'$' | not isUrl -> "\\$" ++ rest
'%' -> "\\%" ++ rest
'&' -> "\\&" ++ rest
'_' | not isUrl -> "\\_" ++ rest
'#' -> "\\#" ++ rest
'-' | not isUrl -> case xs of
('-':_) -> "-\\/" ++ rest
_ -> '-' : rest
'~' | not isUrl -> "\\textasciitilde{}" ++ rest
'^' -> "\\^{}" ++ rest
'\\'| isUrl -> '/' : rest
| otherwise -> "\\textbackslash{}" ++ rest
'|' | not isUrl -> "\\textbar{}" ++ rest
'<' -> "\\textless{}" ++ rest
'>' -> "\\textgreater{}" ++ rest
'[' -> "{[}" ++ rest
']' -> "{]}" ++ rest
'\'' | ctx == CodeString -> "\\textquotesingle{}" ++ rest
'\160' -> "~" ++ rest
'\x202F' -> "\\," ++ rest
'\x2026' -> "\\ldots{}" ++ rest
'\x2018' | ligatures -> "`" ++ rest
'\x2019' | ligatures -> "'" ++ rest
'\x201C' | ligatures -> "``" ++ rest
'\x201D' | ligatures -> "''" ++ rest
'\x2014' | ligatures -> "---" ++ rest
'\x2013' | ligatures -> "--" ++ rest
_ -> x : rest
toLabel :: PandocMonad m => String -> LW m String
toLabel z = go `fmap` stringToLaTeX URLString z
where go [] = ""
go (x:xs)
| (isLetter x || isDigit x) && isAscii x = x:go xs
| x `elem` ("_-+=:;." :: String) = x:go xs
| otherwise = "ux" ++ printf "%x" (ord x) ++ go xs
inCmd :: String -> Doc -> Doc
inCmd cmd contents = char '\\' <> text cmd <> braces contents
toSlides :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> LW m [Block]
toSlides bs = do
opts <- gets stOptions
let slideLevel = fromMaybe (getSlideLevel bs) $ writerSlideLevel opts
let bs' = prepSlides slideLevel bs
concat `fmap` mapM (elementToBeamer slideLevel) (hierarchicalize bs')
elementToBeamer :: PandocMonad m => Int -> Element -> LW m [Block]
elementToBeamer _slideLevel (Blk (Div attr bs)) = do
bs' <- concat `fmap` mapM (elementToBeamer 0) (hierarchicalize bs)
return [Div attr bs']
elementToBeamer _slideLevel (Blk b) = return [b]
elementToBeamer slideLevel (Sec lvl _num (ident,classes,kvs) tit elts)
| lvl > slideLevel = do
bs <- concat `fmap` mapM (elementToBeamer slideLevel) elts
return $ Para ( RawInline "latex" "\\begin{block}{"
: tit ++ [RawInline "latex" "}"] )
: bs ++ [RawBlock "latex" "\\end{block}"]
| lvl < slideLevel = do
bs <- concat `fmap` mapM (elementToBeamer slideLevel) elts
return $ Header lvl (ident,classes,kvs) tit : bs
| otherwise = do
let hasCodeBlock (CodeBlock _ _) = [True]
hasCodeBlock _ = []
let hasCode (Code _ _) = [True]
hasCode _ = []
let fragile = "fragile" `elem` classes ||
not (null $ query hasCodeBlock elts ++ query hasCode elts)
let frameoptions = ["allowdisplaybreaks", "allowframebreaks", "fragile",
"b", "c", "t", "environment",
"label", "plain", "shrink", "standout"]
let optionslist = ["fragile" | fragile && lookup "fragile" kvs == Nothing] ++
[k | k <- classes, k `elem` frameoptions] ++
[k ++ "=" ++ v | (k,v) <- kvs, k `elem` frameoptions]
let options = if null optionslist
then ""
else "[" ++ intercalate "," optionslist ++ "]"
let latex = RawInline (Format "latex")
slideTitle <-
if tit == [Str "\0"]
then return []
if null ident
then return $ latex "{" : tit ++ [latex "}"]
else do
ref <- toLabel ident
return $ latex ("{%\n\\protect\\hypertarget{" ++
ref ++ "}{%\n") : tit ++ [latex "}}"]
let slideStart = Para $
RawInline "latex" ("\\begin{frame}" ++ options) : slideTitle
let slideEnd = RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}"
bs <- concat `fmap` mapM (elementToBeamer slideLevel) elts
return $ slideStart : bs ++ [slideEnd]
isListBlock :: Block -> Bool
isListBlock (BulletList _) = True
isListBlock (OrderedList _ _) = True
isListBlock (DefinitionList _) = True
isListBlock _ = False
isLineBreakOrSpace :: Inline -> Bool
isLineBreakOrSpace LineBreak = True
isLineBreakOrSpace SoftBreak = True
isLineBreakOrSpace Space = True
isLineBreakOrSpace _ = False
blockToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> Block
-> LW m Doc
blockToLaTeX Null = return empty
blockToLaTeX (Div (identifier,classes,kvs) bs) = do
beamer <- gets stBeamer
linkAnchor' <- hypertarget True identifier empty
let linkAnchor =
case bs of
Para _ : _
| not (isEmpty linkAnchor')
-> "\\leavevmode" <> linkAnchor' <> "%"
_ -> linkAnchor'
let align dir txt = inCmd "begin" dir $$ txt $$ inCmd "end" dir
lang <- toLang $ lookup "lang" kvs
let wrapColumns = if "columns" `elem` classes
then \contents ->
inCmd "begin" "columns" <> brackets "T"
$$ contents
$$ inCmd "end" "columns"
else id
wrapColumn = if "column" `elem` classes
then \contents ->
let fromPct xs =
case reverse xs of
'%':ds -> '0':'.': reverse ds
_ -> xs
w = maybe "0.48" fromPct (lookup "width" kvs)
in inCmd "begin" "column" <>
braces (text w <> "\\textwidth")
$$ contents
$$ inCmd "end" "column"
else id
wrapDir = case lookup "dir" kvs of
Just "rtl" -> align "RTL"
Just "ltr" -> align "LTR"
_ -> id
wrapLang txt = case lang of
Just lng -> let (l, o) = toPolyglossiaEnv lng
ops = if null o
then ""
else brackets $ text o
in inCmd "begin" (text l) <> ops
$$ blankline <> txt <> blankline
$$ inCmd "end" (text l)
Nothing -> txt
wrapNotes txt = if beamer && "notes" `elem` classes
then "\\note" <> braces txt
else linkAnchor $$ txt
(wrapColumns . wrapColumn . wrapDir . wrapLang . wrapNotes)
<$> blockListToLaTeX bs
blockToLaTeX (Plain lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX $ dropWhile isLineBreakOrSpace lst
blockToLaTeX (Para [Image attr@(ident, _, _) txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
inNote <- gets stInNote
inMinipage <- gets stInMinipage
modify $ \st -> st{ stInMinipage = True, stNotes = [] }
capt <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
notes <- gets stNotes
modify $ \st -> st{ stInMinipage = False, stNotes = [] }
captForLof <- if null notes
then return empty
else brackets <$> inlineListToLaTeX (walk deNote txt)
img <- inlineToLaTeX (Image attr txt (src,tit))
let footnotes = notesToLaTeX notes
lab <- labelFor ident
let caption = "\\caption" <> captForLof <> braces capt <> lab
let figure = cr <> "\\begin{figure}" $$ "\\centering" $$ img $$
caption $$ "\\end{figure}" <> cr
figure' <- hypertarget True ident figure
return $ if inNote || inMinipage
then "\\begin{center}" $$ img $+$ capt $$ "\\end{center}"
else figure' $$ footnotes
blockToLaTeX (Para [Str ".",Space,Str ".",Space,Str "."]) = do
beamer <- gets stBeamer
if beamer
then blockToLaTeX (RawBlock "latex" "\\pause")
else inlineListToLaTeX [Str ".",Space,Str ".",Space,Str "."]
blockToLaTeX (Para lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX $ dropWhile isLineBreakOrSpace lst
blockToLaTeX (LineBlock lns) =
blockToLaTeX $ linesToPara lns
blockToLaTeX (BlockQuote lst) = do
beamer <- gets stBeamer
case lst of
[b] | beamer && isListBlock b -> do
oldIncremental <- gets stIncremental
modify $ \s -> s{ stIncremental = not oldIncremental }
result <- blockToLaTeX b
modify $ \s -> s{ stIncremental = oldIncremental }
return result
_ -> do
oldInQuote <- gets stInQuote
modify (\s -> s{stInQuote = True})
contents <- blockListToLaTeX lst
modify (\s -> s{stInQuote = oldInQuote})
return $ "\\begin{quote}" $$ contents $$ "\\end{quote}"
blockToLaTeX (CodeBlock (identifier,classes,keyvalAttr) str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
lab <- labelFor identifier
linkAnchor' <- hypertarget True identifier lab
let linkAnchor = if isEmpty linkAnchor'
then empty
else linkAnchor' <> "%"
let lhsCodeBlock = do
modify $ \s -> s{ stLHS = True }
return $ flush (linkAnchor $$ "\\begin{code}" $$ text str $$
"\\end{code}") $$ cr
let rawCodeBlock = do
st <- get
env <- if stInNote st
then modify (\s -> s{ stVerbInNote = True }) >>
return "Verbatim"
else return "verbatim"
return $ flush (linkAnchor $$ text ("\\begin{" ++ env ++ "}") $$
text str $$ text ("\\end{" ++ env ++ "}")) <> cr
let listingsCodeBlock = do
st <- get
ref <- toLabel identifier
let params = if writerListings (stOptions st)
then (case getListingsLanguage classes of
Just l -> [ "language=" ++ mbBraced l ]
Nothing -> []) ++
[ "numbers=left" | "numberLines" `elem` classes
|| "number" `elem` classes
|| "number-lines" `elem` classes ] ++
[ (if key == "startFrom"
then "firstnumber"
else key) ++ "=" ++ mbBraced attr |
(key,attr) <- keyvalAttr ] ++
(if identifier == ""
then []
else [ "label=" ++ ref ])
else []
| null params = empty
| otherwise = brackets $ hcat (intersperse ", "
(map text params))
return $ flush ("\\begin{lstlisting}" <> printParams $$ text str $$
"\\end{lstlisting}") $$ cr
let highlightedCodeBlock =
case highlight (writerSyntaxMap opts)
formatLaTeXBlock ("",classes,keyvalAttr) str of
Left msg -> do
unless (null msg) $
report $ CouldNotHighlight msg
Right h -> do
st <- get
when (stInNote st) $ modify (\s -> s{ stVerbInNote = True })
modify (\s -> s{ stHighlighting = True })
return (flush $ linkAnchor $$ text (T.unpack h))
case () of
_ | isEnabled Ext_literate_haskell opts && "haskell" `elem` classes &&
"literate" `elem` classes -> lhsCodeBlock
| writerListings opts -> listingsCodeBlock
| not (null classes) && isJust (writerHighlightStyle opts)
-> highlightedCodeBlock
| otherwise -> rawCodeBlock
blockToLaTeX b@(RawBlock f x)
| f == Format "latex" || f == Format "tex"
= return $ text x
| otherwise = do
report $ BlockNotRendered b
return empty
blockToLaTeX (BulletList []) = return empty
blockToLaTeX (BulletList lst) = do
incremental <- gets stIncremental
beamer <- gets stBeamer
let inc = if beamer && incremental then "[<+->]" else ""
items <- mapM listItemToLaTeX lst
let spacing = if isTightList lst
then text "\\tightlist"
else empty
return $ text ("\\begin{itemize}" ++ inc) $$ spacing $$ vcat items $$
blockToLaTeX (OrderedList _ []) = return empty
blockToLaTeX (OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst) = do
st <- get
let inc = if stIncremental st then "[<+->]" else ""
let oldlevel = stOLLevel st
put $ st {stOLLevel = oldlevel + 1}
items <- mapM listItemToLaTeX lst
modify (\s -> s {stOLLevel = oldlevel})
let beamer = stBeamer st
let tostyle x = case numstyle of
Decimal -> "\\arabic" <> braces x
UpperRoman -> "\\Roman" <> braces x
LowerRoman -> "\\roman" <> braces x
UpperAlpha -> "\\Alph" <> braces x
LowerAlpha -> "\\alph" <> braces x
Example -> "\\arabic" <> braces x
DefaultStyle -> "\\arabic" <> braces x
let todelim x = case numdelim of
OneParen -> x <> ")"
TwoParens -> parens x
Period -> x <> "."
_ -> x <> "."
let exemplar = case numstyle of
Decimal -> "1"
UpperRoman -> "I"
LowerRoman -> "i"
UpperAlpha -> "A"
LowerAlpha -> "a"
Example -> "1"
DefaultStyle -> "1"
let enum = text $ "enum" ++ map toLower (toRomanNumeral oldlevel)
let stylecommand
| numstyle == DefaultStyle && numdelim == DefaultDelim = empty
| beamer = brackets (todelim exemplar)
| otherwise = "\\def" <> "\\label" <> enum <>
braces (todelim $ tostyle enum)
let resetcounter = if start == 1 || oldlevel > 4
then empty
else "\\setcounter" <> braces enum <>
braces (text $ show $ start 1)
let spacing = if isTightList lst
then text "\\tightlist"
else empty
return $ text ("\\begin{enumerate}" ++ inc)
$$ stylecommand
$$ resetcounter
$$ spacing
$$ vcat items
$$ "\\end{enumerate}"
blockToLaTeX (DefinitionList []) = return empty
blockToLaTeX (DefinitionList lst) = do
incremental <- gets stIncremental
let inc = if incremental then "[<+->]" else ""
items <- mapM defListItemToLaTeX lst
let spacing = if all isTightList (map snd lst)
then text "\\tightlist"
else empty
return $ text ("\\begin{description}" ++ inc) $$ spacing $$ vcat items $$
blockToLaTeX HorizontalRule =
blockToLaTeX (Header level (id',classes,_) lst) = do
modify $ \s -> s{stInHeading = True}
hdr <- sectionHeader ("unnumbered" `elem` classes) id' level lst
modify $ \s -> s{stInHeading = False}
return hdr
blockToLaTeX (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
let toHeaders hs = do contents <- tableRowToLaTeX True aligns widths hs
return ("\\toprule" $$ contents $$ "\\midrule")
let removeNote (Note _) = Span ("", [], []) []
removeNote x = x
captionText <- inlineListToLaTeX caption
firsthead <- if isEmpty captionText || all null heads
then return empty
else ($$ text "\\endfirsthead") <$> toHeaders heads
head' <- if all null heads
then return "\\toprule"
else toHeaders (if isEmpty firsthead
then heads
else walk removeNote heads)
let capt = if isEmpty captionText
then empty
else text "\\caption" <>
braces captionText <> "\\tabularnewline"
rows' <- mapM (tableRowToLaTeX False aligns widths) rows
let colDescriptors = text $ concatMap toColDescriptor aligns
modify $ \s -> s{ stTable = True }
return $ "\\begin{longtable}[]" <>
braces ("@{}" <> colDescriptors <> "@{}")
$$ capt
$$ firsthead
$$ head'
$$ "\\endhead"
$$ vcat rows'
$$ "\\bottomrule"
$$ "\\end{longtable}"
toColDescriptor :: Alignment -> String
toColDescriptor align =
case align of
AlignLeft -> "l"
AlignRight -> "r"
AlignCenter -> "c"
AlignDefault -> "l"
blockListToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> LW m Doc
blockListToLaTeX lst =
vsep `fmap` mapM (\b -> setEmptyLine True >> blockToLaTeX b) lst
tableRowToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> Bool
-> [Alignment]
-> [Double]
-> [[Block]]
-> LW m Doc
tableRowToLaTeX header aligns widths cols = do
let scaleFactor = 0.97 ** fromIntegral (length aligns)
let isSimple [Plain _] = True
isSimple [Para _] = True
isSimple [] = True
isSimple _ = False
let widths' = if not (all isSimple cols)
then replicate (length aligns)
(0.97 / fromIntegral (length aligns))
else map (scaleFactor *) widths
cells <- mapM (tableCellToLaTeX header) $ zip3 widths' aligns cols
return $ hsep (intersperse "&" cells) <> "\\tabularnewline"
fixLineBreaks :: Block -> Block
fixLineBreaks (Para ils) = Para $ fixLineBreaks' ils
fixLineBreaks (Plain ils) = Plain $ fixLineBreaks' ils
fixLineBreaks x = x
fixLineBreaks' :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
fixLineBreaks' ils = case splitBy (== LineBreak) ils of
[] -> []
[xs] -> xs
chunks -> RawInline "tex" "\\vtop{" :
concatMap tohbox chunks ++
[RawInline "tex" "}"]
where tohbox ys = RawInline "tex" "\\hbox{\\strut " : ys ++
[RawInline "tex" "}"]
displayMathToInline :: Inline -> Inline
displayMathToInline (Math DisplayMath x) = Math InlineMath x
displayMathToInline x = x
tableCellToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> (Double, Alignment, [Block])
-> LW m Doc
tableCellToLaTeX _ (0, _, blocks) =
blockListToLaTeX $ walk fixLineBreaks $ walk displayMathToInline blocks
tableCellToLaTeX header (width, align, blocks) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stInMinipage = True, stNotes = [] }
cellContents <- blockListToLaTeX blocks
notes <- gets stNotes
modify $ \st -> st{ stInMinipage = False, stNotes = [] }
let valign = text $ if header then "[b]" else "[t]"
let halign = case align of
AlignLeft -> "\\raggedright"
AlignRight -> "\\raggedleft"
AlignCenter -> "\\centering"
AlignDefault -> "\\raggedright"
return $ ("\\begin{minipage}" <> valign <>
braces (text (printf "%.2f\\columnwidth" width)) <>
(halign <> cr <> cellContents <> "\\strut" <> cr) <>
"\\end{minipage}") $$
notesToLaTeX notes
notesToLaTeX :: [Doc] -> Doc
notesToLaTeX [] = empty
notesToLaTeX ns = (case length ns of
n | n > 1 -> "\\addtocounter" <>
braces "footnote" <>
braces (text $ show $ 1 n)
| otherwise -> empty)
vcat (intersperse
("\\addtocounter" <> braces "footnote" <> braces "1")
$ map (\x -> "\\footnotetext" <> braces x)
$ reverse ns)
listItemToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> LW m Doc
listItemToLaTeX lst
| (Header _ _ _ :_) <- lst =
blockListToLaTeX lst >>= return . (text "\\item ~" $$) . nest 2
| otherwise = blockListToLaTeX lst >>= return . (text "\\item" $$) .
nest 2
defListItemToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> LW m Doc
defListItemToLaTeX (term, defs) = do
modify $ \s -> s{stInItem = True}
term' <- inlineListToLaTeX term
modify $ \s -> s{stInItem = False}
let isInternalLink (Link _ _ ('#':_,_)) = True
isInternalLink _ = False
let term'' = if any isInternalLink term
then braces term'
else term'
def' <- liftM vsep $ mapM blockListToLaTeX defs
return $ case defs of
((Header{} : _) : _) ->
"\\item" <> brackets term'' <> " ~ " $$ def'
_ ->
"\\item" <> brackets term'' $$ def'
sectionHeader :: PandocMonad m
=> Bool
-> [Char]
-> Int
-> [Inline]
-> LW m Doc
sectionHeader unnumbered ident level lst = do
txt <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
plain <- stringToLaTeX TextString $ concatMap stringify lst
let removeInvalidInline (Note _) = []
removeInvalidInline (Span (id', _, _) _) | not (null id') = []
removeInvalidInline (Image{}) = []
removeInvalidInline x = [x]
let lstNoNotes = foldr (mappend . (\x -> walkM removeInvalidInline x)) mempty lst
txtNoNotes <- inlineListToLaTeX lstNoNotes
optional <- if unnumbered || lstNoNotes == lst || null lstNoNotes
then return empty
return $ brackets txtNoNotes
let contents = if render Nothing txt == plain
then braces txt
else braces (text "\\texorpdfstring"
<> braces txt
<> braces (text plain))
book <- gets stBook
opts <- gets stOptions
let topLevelDivision = if book && writerTopLevelDivision opts == TopLevelDefault
then TopLevelChapter
else writerTopLevelDivision opts
beamer <- gets stBeamer
let level' = if beamer &&
topLevelDivision `elem` [TopLevelPart, TopLevelChapter]
then if level == 1 then 1 else level 1
else case topLevelDivision of
TopLevelPart -> level 2
TopLevelChapter -> level 1
TopLevelSection -> level
TopLevelDefault -> level
let sectionType = case level' of
1 -> "part"
0 -> "chapter"
1 -> "section"
2 -> "subsection"
3 -> "subsubsection"
4 -> "paragraph"
5 -> "subparagraph"
_ -> ""
inQuote <- gets stInQuote
let prefix = if inQuote && level' >= 4
then text "\\mbox{}%"
else empty
lab <- labelFor ident
let star = if unnumbered && level' < 4 then text "*" else empty
let stuffing = star <> optional <> contents
stuffing' <- hypertarget True ident $
text ('\\':sectionType) <> stuffing <> lab
return $ if level' > 5
then txt
else prefix $$ stuffing'
$$ if unnumbered
then "\\addcontentsline{toc}" <>
braces (text sectionType) <>
braces txtNoNotes
else empty
hypertarget :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> String -> Doc -> LW m Doc
hypertarget _ "" x = return x
hypertarget addnewline ident x = do
ref <- text `fmap` toLabel ident
return $ text "\\hypertarget"
<> braces ref
<> braces ((if addnewline && not (isEmpty x)
then ("%" <> cr)
else empty) <> x)
labelFor :: PandocMonad m => String -> LW m Doc
labelFor "" = return empty
labelFor ident = do
ref <- text `fmap` toLabel ident
return $ text "\\label" <> braces ref
inlineListToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> [Inline]
-> LW m Doc
inlineListToLaTeX lst =
mapM inlineToLaTeX (fixLineInitialSpaces lst)
>>= return . hcat
where fixLineInitialSpaces [] = []
fixLineInitialSpaces (LineBreak : Str s@('\160':_) : xs) =
LineBreak : fixNbsps s ++ fixLineInitialSpaces xs
fixLineInitialSpaces (x:xs) = x : fixLineInitialSpaces xs
fixNbsps s = let (ys,zs) = span (=='\160') s
in replicate (length ys) hspace ++ [Str zs]
hspace = RawInline "latex" "\\hspace*{0.333em}"
isQuoted :: Inline -> Bool
isQuoted (Quoted _ _) = True
isQuoted _ = False
inlineToLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> Inline
-> LW m Doc
inlineToLaTeX (Span (id',classes,kvs) ils) = do
linkAnchor <- hypertarget False id' empty
lang <- toLang $ lookup "lang" kvs
let cmds = ["textup" | "csl-no-emph" `elem` classes] ++
["textnormal" | "csl-no-strong" `elem` classes ||
"csl-no-smallcaps" `elem` classes] ++
["RL" | ("dir", "rtl") `elem` kvs] ++
["LR" | ("dir", "ltr") `elem` kvs] ++
(case lang of
Just lng -> let (l, o) = toPolyglossia lng
ops = if null o then "" else ("[" ++ o ++ "]")
in ["text" ++ l ++ ops]
Nothing -> [])
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX ils
return $ (if null id'
then empty
else "\\protect" <> linkAnchor) <>
(if null cmds
then braces contents
else foldr inCmd contents cmds)
inlineToLaTeX (Emph lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . inCmd "emph"
inlineToLaTeX (Strong lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . inCmd "textbf"
inlineToLaTeX (Strikeout lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX $ protectCode lst
modify $ \s -> s{ stStrikeout = True }
return $ inCmd "sout" contents
inlineToLaTeX (Superscript lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . inCmd "textsuperscript"
inlineToLaTeX (Subscript lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . inCmd "textsubscript"
inlineToLaTeX (SmallCaps lst) =
inlineListToLaTeX lst >>= return . inCmd "textsc"
inlineToLaTeX (Cite cits lst) = do
st <- get
let opts = stOptions st
case writerCiteMethod opts of
Natbib -> citationsToNatbib cits
Biblatex -> citationsToBiblatex cits
_ -> inlineListToLaTeX lst
inlineToLaTeX (Code (_,classes,_) str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
inHeading <- gets stInHeading
inItem <- gets stInItem
let listingsCode = do
let listingsopt = case getListingsLanguage classes of
Just l -> "[language=" ++ mbBraced l ++ "]"
Nothing -> ""
inNote <- gets stInNote
when inNote $ modify $ \s -> s{ stVerbInNote = True }
let chr = case "!\"&'()*,-./:;?@_" \\ str of
(c:_) -> c
[] -> '!'
let str' = escapeStringUsing (backslashEscapes "\\{}%~_") str
return $ text $ "\\passthrough{\\lstinline" ++ listingsopt ++ [chr] ++ str' ++ [chr] ++ "}"
let rawCode = liftM (text . (\s -> "\\texttt{" ++ escapeSpaces s ++ "}"))
$ stringToLaTeX CodeString str
where escapeSpaces = concatMap
(\c -> if c == ' ' then "\\ " else [c])
let highlightCode =
case highlight (writerSyntaxMap opts)
formatLaTeXInline ("",classes,[]) str of
Left msg -> do
unless (null msg) $ report $ CouldNotHighlight msg
Right h -> modify (\st -> st{ stHighlighting = True }) >>
return (text (T.unpack h))
case () of
_ | writerListings opts && not (inHeading || inItem) -> listingsCode
| isJust (writerHighlightStyle opts) && not (null classes)
-> highlightCode
| otherwise -> rawCode
inlineToLaTeX (Quoted qt lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX lst
csquotes <- liftM stCsquotes get
opts <- gets stOptions
if csquotes
then return $ "\\enquote" <> braces contents
else do
let s1 = if not (null lst) && isQuoted (head lst)
then "\\,"
else empty
let s2 = if not (null lst) && isQuoted (last lst)
then "\\,"
else empty
let inner = s1 <> contents <> s2
return $ case qt of
DoubleQuote ->
if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then text "``" <> inner <> text "''"
else char '\x201C' <> inner <> char '\x201D'
SingleQuote ->
if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then char '`' <> inner <> char '\''
else char '\x2018' <> inner <> char '\x2019'
inlineToLaTeX (Str str) = do
setEmptyLine False
liftM text $ stringToLaTeX TextString str
inlineToLaTeX (Math InlineMath str) = do
setEmptyLine False
return $ "\\(" <> text str <> "\\)"
inlineToLaTeX (Math DisplayMath str) = do
setEmptyLine False
return $ "\\[" <> text str <> "\\]"
inlineToLaTeX il@(RawInline f str)
| f == Format "latex" || f == Format "tex"
= do
setEmptyLine False
return $ text str
| otherwise = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return empty
inlineToLaTeX LineBreak = do
emptyLine <- gets stEmptyLine
setEmptyLine True
return $ (if emptyLine then "~" else "") <> "\\\\" <> cr
inlineToLaTeX SoftBreak = do
wrapText <- gets (writerWrapText . stOptions)
case wrapText of
WrapAuto -> return space
WrapNone -> return space
WrapPreserve -> return cr
inlineToLaTeX Space = return space
inlineToLaTeX (Link _ txt ('#':ident, _)) = do
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
lab <- toLabel ident
return $ text "\\protect\\hyperlink" <> braces (text lab) <> braces contents
inlineToLaTeX (Link _ txt (src, _)) =
case txt of
[Str x] | escapeURI x == src ->
do modify $ \s -> s{ stUrl = True }
src' <- stringToLaTeX URLString (escapeURI src)
return $ text $ "\\url{" ++ src' ++ "}"
[Str x] | Just rest <- stripPrefix "mailto:" src,
escapeURI x == rest ->
do modify $ \s -> s{ stUrl = True }
src' <- stringToLaTeX URLString (escapeURI src)
contents <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
return $ "\\href" <> braces (text src') <>
braces ("\\nolinkurl" <> braces contents)
_ -> do contents <- inlineListToLaTeX txt
src' <- stringToLaTeX URLString (escapeURI src)
return $ text ("\\href{" ++ src' ++ "}{") <>
contents <> char '}'
inlineToLaTeX il@(Image _ _ ('d':'a':'t':'a':':':_, _)) = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return empty
inlineToLaTeX (Image attr _ (source, _)) = do
setEmptyLine False
modify $ \s -> s{ stGraphics = True }
opts <- gets stOptions
let showDim dir = let d = text (show dir) <> "="
in case dimension dir attr of
Just (Pixel a) ->
[d <> text (showInInch opts (Pixel a)) <> "in"]
Just (Percent a) ->
[d <> text (showFl (a / 100)) <> "\\textwidth"]
Just dim ->
[d <> text (show dim)]
Nothing ->
case dir of
Width | isJust (dimension Height attr) ->
[d <> "\\textwidth"]
Height | isJust (dimension Width attr) ->
[d <> "\\textheight"]
_ -> []
dimList = showDim Width ++ showDim Height
dims = if null dimList
then empty
else brackets $ cat (intersperse "," dimList)
source' = if isURI source
then source
else unEscapeString source
source'' <- stringToLaTeX URLString source'
inHeading <- gets stInHeading
return $
(if inHeading then "\\protect\\includegraphics" else "\\includegraphics") <>
dims <> braces (text source'')
inlineToLaTeX (Note contents) = do
setEmptyLine False
inMinipage <- gets stInMinipage
modify (\s -> s{stInNote = True})
contents' <- blockListToLaTeX contents
modify (\s -> s {stInNote = False})
let optnl = case reverse contents of
(CodeBlock _ _ : _) -> cr
_ -> empty
let noteContents = nest 2 contents' <> optnl
beamer <- gets stBeamer
let beamerMark = if beamer
then text "<.->"
else empty
modify $ \st -> st{ stNotes = noteContents : stNotes st }
return $
if inMinipage
then "\\footnotemark{}"
else "\\footnote" <> beamerMark <> braces noteContents
protectCode :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
protectCode [] = []
protectCode (x@(Code ("",[],[]) _) : xs) = x : protectCode xs
protectCode (x@(Code _ _) : xs) = ltx "\\mbox{" : x : ltx "}" : xs
where ltx = RawInline (Format "latex")
protectCode (x : xs) = x : protectCode xs
setEmptyLine :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> LW m ()
setEmptyLine b = modify $ \st -> st{ stEmptyLine = b }
citationsToNatbib :: PandocMonad m => [Citation] -> LW m Doc
= citeCommand c p s k
Citation { citationId = k
, citationPrefix = p
, citationSuffix = s
, citationMode = m
= one
c = case m of
AuthorInText -> "citet"
SuppressAuthor -> "citeyearpar"
NormalCitation -> "citep"
citationsToNatbib cits
| noPrefix (tail cits) && noSuffix (init cits) && ismode NormalCitation cits
= citeCommand "citep" p s ks
noPrefix = all (null . citationPrefix)
noSuffix = all (null . citationSuffix)
ismode m = all ((==) m . citationMode)
p = citationPrefix $
head cits
s = citationSuffix $
last cits
ks = intercalate ", " $ map citationId cits
citationsToNatbib (c:cs) | citationMode c == AuthorInText = do
author <- citeCommand "citeauthor" [] [] (citationId c)
cits <- citationsToNatbib (c { citationMode = SuppressAuthor } : cs)
return $ author <+> cits
citationsToNatbib cits = do
cits' <- mapM convertOne cits
return $ text "\\citetext{" <> foldl' combineTwo empty cits' <> text "}"
combineTwo a b | isEmpty a = b
| otherwise = a <> text "; " <> b
convertOne Citation { citationId = k
, citationPrefix = p
, citationSuffix = s
, citationMode = m
= case m of
AuthorInText -> citeCommand "citealt" p s k
SuppressAuthor -> citeCommand "citeyear" p s k
NormalCitation -> citeCommand "citealp" p s k
citeCommand :: PandocMonad m
=> String -> [Inline] -> [Inline] -> String -> LW m Doc
citeCommand c p s k = do
args <- citeArguments p s k
return $ text ("\\" ++ c) <> args
citeArguments :: PandocMonad m
=> [Inline] -> [Inline] -> String -> LW m Doc
citeArguments p s k = do
let s' = case s of
[x] : r) | isPunctuation x -> dropWhile (== Space) r
(Str (x:xs) : r) | isPunctuation x -> Str xs : r
_ -> s
pdoc <- inlineListToLaTeX p
sdoc <- inlineListToLaTeX s'
let optargs = case (isEmpty pdoc, isEmpty sdoc) of
(True, True ) -> empty
(True, False) -> brackets sdoc
(_ , _ ) -> brackets pdoc <> brackets sdoc
return $ optargs <> braces (text k)
citationsToBiblatex :: PandocMonad m => [Citation] -> LW m Doc
= citeCommand cmd p s k
Citation { citationId = k
, citationPrefix = p
, citationSuffix = s
, citationMode = m
} = one
cmd = case m of
SuppressAuthor -> "autocite*"
AuthorInText -> "textcite"
NormalCitation -> "autocite"
citationsToBiblatex (c:cs) = do
args <- mapM convertOne (c:cs)
return $ text cmd <> foldl' (<>) empty args
cmd = case citationMode c of
SuppressAuthor -> "\\autocites*"
AuthorInText -> "\\textcites"
NormalCitation -> "\\autocites"
convertOne Citation { citationId = k
, citationPrefix = p
, citationSuffix = s
= citeArguments p s k
citationsToBiblatex _ = return empty
getListingsLanguage :: [String] -> Maybe String
getListingsLanguage xs
= foldr ((<|>) . toListingsLanguage) Nothing xs
mbBraced :: String -> String
mbBraced x = if not (all isAlphaNum x)
then "{" <> x <> "}"
else x
extract :: String -> Block -> [String]
extract key (Div attr _) = lookKey key attr
extract key (Plain ils) = query (extractInline key) ils
extract key (Para ils) = query (extractInline key) ils
extract key (Header _ _ ils) = query (extractInline key) ils
extract _ _ = []
extractInline :: String -> Inline -> [String]
extractInline key (Span attr _) = lookKey key attr
extractInline _ _ = []
lookKey :: String -> Attr -> [String]
lookKey key (_,_,kvs) = maybe [] words $ lookup key kvs
toPolyglossiaEnv :: Lang -> (String, String)
toPolyglossiaEnv l =
case toPolyglossia l of
("arabic", o) -> ("Arabic", o)
x -> x
toPolyglossia :: Lang -> (String, String)
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "DZ" _) = ("arabic", "locale=algeria")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "IQ" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "JO" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "LB" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "LY" _) = ("arabic", "locale=libya")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "MA" _) = ("arabic", "locale=morocco")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "MR" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mauritania")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "PS" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "SY" _) = ("arabic", "locale=mashriq")
toPolyglossia (Lang "ar" _ "TN" _) = ("arabic", "locale=tunisia")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ _ vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "AT" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "variant=austrian, spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "AT" _) = ("german", "variant=austrian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "CH" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = ("german", "variant=swiss, spelling=old")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ "CH" _) = ("german", "variant=swiss")
toPolyglossia (Lang "de" _ _ _) = ("german", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "dsb" _ _ _) = ("lsorbian", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "el" _ "polyton" _) = ("greek", "variant=poly")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "AU" _) = ("english", "variant=australian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "CA" _) = ("english", "variant=canadian")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "GB" _) = ("english", "variant=british")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "NZ" _) = ("english", "variant=newzealand")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "UK" _) = ("english", "variant=british")
toPolyglossia (Lang "en" _ "US" _) = ("english", "variant=american")
toPolyglossia (Lang "grc" _ _ _) = ("greek", "variant=ancient")
toPolyglossia (Lang "hsb" _ _ _) = ("usorbian", "")
toPolyglossia (Lang "la" _ _ vars)
| "x-classic" `elem` vars = ("latin", "variant=classic")
toPolyglossia (Lang "sl" _ _ _) = ("slovenian", "")
toPolyglossia x = (commonFromBcp47 x, "")
toBabel :: Lang -> String
toBabel (Lang "de" _ "AT" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "austrian"
| otherwise = "naustrian"
toBabel (Lang "de" _ "CH" vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "swissgerman"
| otherwise = "nswissgerman"
toBabel (Lang "de" _ _ vars)
| "1901" `elem` vars = "german"
| otherwise = "ngerman"
toBabel (Lang "dsb" _ _ _) = "lowersorbian"
toBabel (Lang "el" _ _ vars)
| "polyton" `elem` vars = "polutonikogreek"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "AU" _) = "australian"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "CA" _) = "canadian"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "GB" _) = "british"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "NZ" _) = "newzealand"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "UK" _) = "british"
toBabel (Lang "en" _ "US" _) = "american"
toBabel (Lang "fr" _ "CA" _) = "canadien"
toBabel (Lang "fra" _ _ vars)
| "aca" `elem` vars = "acadian"
toBabel (Lang "grc" _ _ _) = "polutonikogreek"
toBabel (Lang "hsb" _ _ _) = "uppersorbian"
toBabel (Lang "la" _ _ vars)
| "x-classic" `elem` vars = "classiclatin"
toBabel (Lang "sl" _ _ _) = "slovene"
toBabel x = commonFromBcp47 x
commonFromBcp47 :: Lang -> String
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "pt" _ "BR" _) = "brazil"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "sr" "Cyrl" _ _) = "serbianc"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang "zh" "Latn" _ vars)
| "pinyin" `elem` vars = "pinyin"
commonFromBcp47 (Lang l _ _ _) = fromIso l
fromIso "af" = "afrikaans"
fromIso "am" = "amharic"
fromIso "ar" = "arabic"
fromIso "as" = "assamese"
fromIso "ast" = "asturian"
fromIso "bg" = "bulgarian"
fromIso "bn" = "bengali"
fromIso "bo" = "tibetan"
fromIso "br" = "breton"
fromIso "ca" = "catalan"
fromIso "cy" = "welsh"
fromIso "cs" = "czech"
fromIso "cop" = "coptic"
fromIso "da" = "danish"
fromIso "dv" = "divehi"
fromIso "el" = "greek"
fromIso "en" = "english"
fromIso "eo" = "esperanto"
fromIso "es" = "spanish"
fromIso "et" = "estonian"
fromIso "eu" = "basque"
fromIso "fa" = "farsi"
fromIso "fi" = "finnish"
fromIso "fr" = "french"
fromIso "fur" = "friulan"
fromIso "ga" = "irish"
fromIso "gd" = "scottish"
fromIso "gez" = "ethiopic"
fromIso "gl" = "galician"
fromIso "he" = "hebrew"
fromIso "hi" = "hindi"
fromIso "hr" = "croatian"
fromIso "hu" = "magyar"
fromIso "hy" = "armenian"
fromIso "ia" = "interlingua"
fromIso "id" = "indonesian"
fromIso "ie" = "interlingua"
fromIso "is" = "icelandic"
fromIso "it" = "italian"
fromIso "jp" = "japanese"
fromIso "km" = "khmer"
fromIso "kmr" = "kurmanji"
fromIso "kn" = "kannada"
fromIso "ko" = "korean"
fromIso "la" = "latin"
fromIso "lo" = "lao"
fromIso "lt" = "lithuanian"
fromIso "lv" = "latvian"
fromIso "ml" = "malayalam"
fromIso "mn" = "mongolian"
fromIso "mr" = "marathi"
fromIso "nb" = "norsk"
fromIso "nl" = "dutch"
fromIso "nn" = "nynorsk"
fromIso "no" = "norsk"
fromIso "nqo" = "nko"
fromIso "oc" = "occitan"
fromIso "pa" = "panjabi"
fromIso "pl" = "polish"
fromIso "pms" = "piedmontese"
fromIso "pt" = "portuguese"
fromIso "rm" = "romansh"
fromIso "ro" = "romanian"
fromIso "ru" = "russian"
fromIso "sa" = "sanskrit"
fromIso "se" = "samin"
fromIso "sk" = "slovak"
fromIso "sq" = "albanian"
fromIso "sr" = "serbian"
fromIso "sv" = "swedish"
fromIso "syr" = "syriac"
fromIso "ta" = "tamil"
fromIso "te" = "telugu"
fromIso "th" = "thai"
fromIso "ti" = "ethiopic"
fromIso "tk" = "turkmen"
fromIso "tr" = "turkish"
fromIso "uk" = "ukrainian"
fromIso "ur" = "urdu"
fromIso "vi" = "vietnamese"
fromIso _ = ""
pDocumentOptions :: P.Parsec String () [String]
pDocumentOptions = do
P.char '['
opts <- P.sepBy
(P.many $ P.spaces *> P.noneOf (" ,]" :: String) <* P.spaces)
(P.char ',')
P.char ']'
return opts
pDocumentClass :: P.Parsec String () String
pDocumentClass =
do P.skipMany (P.satisfy (/='\\'))
P.string "\\documentclass"
classOptions <- pDocumentOptions <|> return []
if ("article" :: String) `elem` classOptions
then return "article"
else do P.skipMany (P.satisfy (/='{'))
P.char '{'
P.manyTill P.letter (P.char '}')