module Text.CSL.Input.Bibutils
( readBiblioFile
, readBiblioString
, BibFormat (..)
, convertRefs
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import Text.CSL.Compat.Pandoc (readMarkdown)
import Text.CSL.Exception
import Text.CSL.Input.Bibtex
import Text.CSL.Reference hiding (Value)
import Text.CSL.Util (parseString)
import Text.Pandoc hiding (readMarkdown)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Control.Exception (bracket, catch)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import System.IO.Error (isAlreadyExistsError)
import Text.Bibutils
readBiblioFile :: (String -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [Reference]
readBiblioFile idpred f
= case getExt f of
".json" -> BL.readFile f >>= either
(E.throwIO . ErrorReadingBibFile f)
(return . filterEntries idpred) . eitherDecode
".yaml" -> UTF8.readFile f >>= either
(E.throwIO . ErrorReadingBibFile f) return .
readYamlBib idpred
".bib" -> readBibtex idpred False True f
".bibtex" -> readBibtex idpred True True f
".biblatex" -> readBibtex idpred False True f
".mods" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f mods_in
".ris" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f ris_in
".enl" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f endnote_in
".xml" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f endnotexml_in
".wos" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f isi_in
".medline" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f medline_in
".copac" -> readBiblioFile' idpred f copac_in
_ -> E.throwIO $ ErrorReadingBibFile f "the format of the bibliographic database could not be recognized from the file extension"
_ -> E.throwIO $ ErrorReadingBibFile f "bibliography format not supported"
data BibFormat
= Json
| Yaml
| Bibtex
| BibLatex
| Ris
| Endnote
| EndnotXml
| Isi
| Medline
| Copac
| Mods
deriving Show
readBiblioString :: (String -> Bool) -> BibFormat -> String -> IO [Reference]
readBiblioString idpred b s
| Json <- b = either (E.throwIO . ErrorReadingBib)
return $ eitherDecode $ UTF8.fromStringLazy s
| Yaml <- b = either (E.throwIO . ErrorReadingBib)
return $ readYamlBib idpred s
| Bibtex <- b = readBibtexString idpred True True s
| BibLatex <- b = readBibtexString idpred False True s
| Ris <- b = go ris_in
| Endnote <- b = go endnote_in
| EndnotXml <- b = go endnotexml_in
| Isi <- b = go isi_in
| Medline <- b = go medline_in
| Copac <- b = go copac_in
| Mods <- b = go mods_in
| otherwise = E.throwIO $ ErrorReadingBib $
"unsupported format " ++ show b
go f = withTempDir "citeproc" $ \tdir -> do
let tfile = tdir </> "bibutils-tmp.biblio"
UTF8.writeFile tfile s
readBiblioFile' idpred tfile f
readBiblioFile' :: (String -> Bool) -> FilePath -> BiblioIn -> IO [Reference]
readBiblioFile' idpred fin bin
| bin == biblatex_in = readBibtex idpred False True fin
| otherwise = withTempDir "citeproc"
$ \tdir -> do
let tfile = tdir </> "bibutils-tmp"
E.handle handleBibfileError $ do
param <- bibl_initparams bin bibtex_out "hs-bibutils"
bibl <- bibl_init
unsetBOM param
setCharsetIn param bibl_charset_unicode
setCharsetOut param bibl_charset_unicode
_ <- bibl_read param bibl fin
_ <- bibl_write param bibl tfile
bibl_free bibl
bibl_freeparams param
refs <- readBibtex idpred True False tfile
return $! refs
where handleBibfileError :: E.SomeException -> IO ()
handleBibfileError e = E.throwIO $ ErrorReadingBibFile fin (show e)
withTempDir :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempDir baseName = bracket (createTempDir 0 baseName)
createTempDir :: Integer -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
createTempDir num baseName = do
sysTempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let dirName = sysTempDir </> baseName <.> show num
liftIO $ Control.Exception.catch (createDirectory dirName >> return dirName) $
\e -> if isAlreadyExistsError e
then createTempDir (num + 1) baseName
else ioError e
getExt :: String -> String
getExt = takeExtension . map toLower
readYamlBib :: (String -> Bool) -> String -> Either String [Reference]
readYamlBib idpred s =
case readMarkdown s' of
(Pandoc meta _) -> convertRefs (lookupMeta "references" meta)
where s' = addTop $ addBottom
$ UTF8.toString
$ selectEntries idpred
$ UTF8.fromString
$ s
addTop = ("---\n" ++)
addBottom = (++ "...\n")
selectEntries :: (String -> Bool) -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
selectEntries idpred bs =
case Yaml.decodeEither bs of
Right (Array vs) -> Yaml.encode (filterObjects $ V.toList vs)
Right (Object o) ->
case HM.lookup (T.pack "references") o of
Just (Array vs) ->
Yaml.encode (HM.insert (T.pack "references")
(filterObjects $ V.toList vs) mempty)
_ -> BS.empty
Right _ -> BS.empty
Left e -> E.throw $ ErrorParsingReferences e
where filterObjects = filter
(\x -> case x of
Object o ->
case HM.lookup (T.pack "id") o of
Just i ->
case Yaml.parseMaybe parseString i of
Just s -> idpred s
Nothing -> False
_ -> False
_ -> False)
filterEntries :: (String -> Bool) -> [Reference] -> [Reference]
filterEntries idpred = filter (\r -> idpred (unLiteral (refId r)))
convertRefs :: Maybe MetaValue -> Either String [Reference]
convertRefs Nothing = Right []
convertRefs (Just v) =
case fromJSON (metaValueToJSON v) of
Data.Aeson.Error s ->
case fromJSON (metaValueToJSON v) of
Success "" -> Right []
_ -> Left s
Success x -> Right x
metaValueToJSON :: MetaValue -> Value
metaValueToJSON (MetaMap m) = toJSON $ metaValueToJSON m
metaValueToJSON (MetaList xs) = toJSON $ map metaValueToJSON xs
metaValueToJSON (MetaString t) = toJSON t
metaValueToJSON (MetaBool b) = toJSON b
metaValueToJSON (MetaInlines ils) = toJSON ils
metaValueToJSON (MetaBlocks bs) = toJSON bs