module Text.CSL.Parser (readCSLFile, parseCSL, parseCSL',
parseLocale, localizeCSL)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Default
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import Text.CSL.Compat.Pandoc (fetchItem)
import Text.CSL.Data (getLocale)
import Text.CSL.Exception
import Text.CSL.Style hiding (parseNames)
import Text.CSL.Util (findFile, toRead)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (fromStringLazy)
import qualified Text.XML as X
import Text.XML.Cursor
parseCSL :: String -> Style
parseCSL = parseCSL' . fromStringLazy
parseLocale :: String -> IO Locale
parseLocale locale =
parseLocaleElement . fromDocument . X.parseLBS_ def <$> getLocale locale
localizeCSL :: Maybe String -> Style -> IO Style
localizeCSL mbLocale s = do
let locale = fromMaybe (styleDefaultLocale s) mbLocale
l <- parseLocale locale
return s { styleLocale = mergeLocales locale l (styleLocale s) }
readCSLFile :: Maybe String -> FilePath -> IO Style
readCSLFile mbLocale src = do
csldir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "csl"
mbSrc <- findFile [".", csldir] src
fetchRes <- fetchItem (fromMaybe src mbSrc)
f <- case fetchRes of
Left err -> E.throwIO err
Right (rawbs, _) -> return $ L.fromChunks [rawbs]
let cur = fromDocument $ X.parseLBS_ def f
let pickParentCur = get "link" >=> attributeIs (X.Name "rel" Nothing Nothing) "independent-parent"
let parentCur = cur $/ get "info" &/ pickParentCur
let parent' = concatMap (stringAttr "href") parentCur
when (parent' == src) $
E.throwIO $ DependentStyleHasItselfAsParent src
case parent' of
"" -> localizeCSL mbLocale $ parseCSLCursor cur
y -> do
let mbLocale' = case stringAttr "default-locale" cur of
"" -> mbLocale
x -> Just x
readCSLFile mbLocale' y
parseCSL' :: L.ByteString -> Style
parseCSL' = parseCSLCursor . fromDocument . X.parseLBS_ def
parseCSLCursor :: Cursor -> Style
parseCSLCursor cur =
Style{ styleVersion = version
, styleClass = class_
, styleInfo = Just info
, styleDefaultLocale = defaultLocale
, styleLocale = locales
, styleAbbrevs = Abbreviations M.empty
, csOptions = filter (\(k,_) -> k `notElem`
"default-locale"]) $ parseOptions cur
, csMacros = macros
, citation = fromMaybe (Citation [] [] Layout{ layFormat = emptyFormatting
, layDelim = ""
, elements = [] }) $ listToMaybe $
cur $/ get "citation" &| parseCitation
, biblio = listToMaybe $ cur $/ get "bibliography" &| parseBiblio
where version = unpack . T.concat $ cur $| laxAttribute "version"
class_ = unpack . T.concat $ cur $| laxAttribute "class"
defaultLocale = case cur $| laxAttribute "default-locale" of
(x:_) -> unpack x
[] -> "en-US"
author = case cur $// get "info" &/ get "author" of
(x:_) -> CSAuthor (x $/ get "name" &/ string)
(x $/ get "email" &/ string)
(x $/ get "uri" &/ string)
_ -> CSAuthor "" "" ""
info = CSInfo
{ csiTitle = cur $/ get "info" &/ get "title" &/ string
, csiAuthor = author
, csiCategories = []
, csiId = cur $/ get "info" &/ get "id" &/ string
, csiUpdated = cur $/ get "info" &/ get "updated" &/ string
locales = cur $/ get "locale" &| parseLocaleElement
macros = cur $/ get "macro" &| parseMacroMap
get :: Text -> Axis
get name =
element (X.Name name (Just "") Nothing)
string :: Cursor -> String
string = unpack . T.concat . content
attrWithDefault :: Read a => Text -> a -> Cursor -> a
attrWithDefault t d cur =
fromMaybe d $ safeRead (toRead $ stringAttr t cur)
stringAttr :: Text -> Cursor -> String
stringAttr t cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
case M.lookup (X.Name t Nothing Nothing)
(X.elementAttributes e) of
Just x -> unpack x
Nothing -> ""
_ -> ""
parseCslTerm :: Cursor -> CslTerm
parseCslTerm cur =
let body = unpack $ T.dropAround (`elem` (" \t\r\n" :: String)) $
T.concat $ cur $/ content
in CT
{ cslTerm = stringAttr "name" cur
, termForm = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
, termGender = attrWithDefault "gender" Neuter cur
, termGenderForm = attrWithDefault "gender-form" Neuter cur
, termSingular = if null body
then cur $/ get "single" &/ string
else body
, termPlural = if null body
then cur $/ get "multiple" &/ string
else body
, termMatch = stringAttr "match" cur
parseLocaleElement :: Cursor -> Locale
parseLocaleElement cur = Locale
{ localeVersion = unpack $ T.concat version
, localeLang = unpack $ T.concat lang
, localeOptions = concat $ cur $/ get "style-options" &| parseOptions
, localeTerms = terms
, localeDate = concat $ cur $/ get "date" &| parseElement
where version = cur $| laxAttribute "version"
lang = cur $| laxAttribute "lang"
terms = cur $/ get "terms" &/ get "term" &| parseCslTerm
parseElement :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseElement cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
case X.nameLocalName $ X.elementName e of
"term" -> parseTerm cur
"text" -> parseText cur
"choose" -> parseChoose cur
"group" -> parseGroup cur
"label" -> parseLabel cur
"number" -> parseNumber cur
"substitute" -> parseSubstitute cur
"names" -> parseNames cur
"date" -> parseDate cur
_ -> []
_ -> []
getFormatting :: Cursor -> Formatting
getFormatting cur =
prefix = stringAttr "prefix" cur
, suffix = stringAttr "suffix" cur
, fontFamily = stringAttr "font-family" cur
, fontStyle = stringAttr "font-style" cur
, fontVariant = stringAttr "font-variant" cur
, fontWeight = stringAttr "font-weight" cur
, textDecoration = stringAttr "text-decoration" cur
, verticalAlign = stringAttr "vertical-align" cur
, textCase = stringAttr "text-case" cur
, display = stringAttr "display" cur
, quotes = if attrWithDefault "quotes" False cur
then NativeQuote
else NoQuote
, stripPeriods = attrWithDefault "strip-periods" False cur
, noCase = attrWithDefault "no-case" False cur
, noDecor = attrWithDefault "no-decor" False cur
parseDate :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseDate cur = [Date (words variable) form format delim parts partsAttr]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
form = case stringAttr "form" cur of
"text" -> TextDate
"numeric" -> NumericDate
_ -> NoFormDate
format = getFormatting cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
parts = cur $/ get "date-part" &| parseDatePart form
partsAttr = stringAttr "date-parts" cur
parseDatePart :: DateForm -> Cursor -> DatePart
parseDatePart defaultForm cur =
DatePart { dpName = stringAttr "name" cur
, dpForm = case stringAttr "form" cur of
"" -> case defaultForm of
TextDate -> "long"
NumericDate -> "numeric"
_ -> "long"
x -> x
, dpRangeDelim = case stringAttr "range-delimiter" cur of
"" -> "-"
x -> x
, dpFormatting = getFormatting cur
parseNames :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseNames cur = [Names (words variable) names formatting delim others]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
elts = cur $/ parseName
names = case rights elts of
[] -> [Name NotSet emptyFormatting [] [] []]
xs -> xs
others = lefts elts
parseName :: Cursor -> [Either Element Name]
parseName cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
case X.nameLocalName $ X.elementName e of
"name" -> [Right $ Name (attrWithDefault "form" NotSet cur)
format (nameAttrs e) delim nameParts]
"label" -> [Right $ NameLabel (attrWithDefault "form" Long cur)
format plural]
"et-al" -> [Right $ EtAl format $ stringAttr "term" cur]
_ -> map Left $ parseElement cur
_ -> map Left $ parseElement cur
where format = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" Contextual cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
nameParts = cur $/ get "name-part" &| parseNamePart
nameAttrs x = [(T.unpack n, T.unpack v) |
(X.Name n _ _, v) <- M.toList (X.elementAttributes x),
n `elem` nameAttrKeys]
nameAttrKeys = [ "et-al-min"
, "et-al-use-first"
, "et-al-subsequent-min"
, "et-al-subsequent-use-first"
, "et-al-use-last"
, "delimiter-precedes-et-al"
, "and"
, "delimiter-precedes-last"
, "sort-separator"
, "initialize"
, "initialize-with"
, "name-as-sort-order" ]
parseNamePart :: Cursor -> NamePart
parseNamePart cur = NamePart s format
where format = getFormatting cur
s = stringAttr "name" cur
parseSubstitute :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseSubstitute cur = [Substitute (cur $/ parseElement)]
parseTerm :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseTerm cur =
let termForm' = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" True cur
name = stringAttr "name" cur
in [Term name termForm' formatting plural]
parseText :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseText cur =
let term = stringAttr "term" cur
variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
macro = stringAttr "macro" cur
value = stringAttr "value" cur
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" True cur
textForm = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
in if not (null term)
then [Term term textForm formatting plural]
else if not (null macro)
then [Macro macro formatting]
else if not (null variable)
then [Variable (words variable) textForm formatting delim]
else [Const value formatting | not (null value)]
parseChoose :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseChoose cur =
let ifPart = cur $/ get "if" &| parseIf
elseIfPart = cur $/ get "else-if" &| parseIf
elsePart = cur $/ get "else" &/ parseElement
in [Choose (head ifPart) elseIfPart elsePart]
parseIf :: Cursor -> IfThen
parseIf cur = IfThen cond mat elts
where cond = Condition {
isType = go "type"
, isSet = go "variable"
, isNumeric = go "is-numeric"
, isUncertainDate = go "is-uncertain-date"
, isPosition = go "position"
, disambiguation = go "disambiguate"
, isLocator = go "locator"
mat = attrWithDefault "match" All cur
elts = cur $/ parseElement
go x = words $ stringAttr x cur
parseLabel :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseLabel cur = [Label variable form formatting plural]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
form = attrWithDefault "form" Long cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
plural = attrWithDefault "plural" Contextual cur
parseNumber :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseNumber cur = [Number variable numForm formatting]
where variable = stringAttr "variable" cur
numForm = attrWithDefault "form" Numeric cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
parseGroup :: Cursor -> [Element]
parseGroup cur =
let elts = cur $/ parseElement
delim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
formatting = getFormatting cur
in [Group formatting delim elts]
parseMacroMap :: Cursor -> MacroMap
parseMacroMap cur = (name, elts)
where name = cur $| stringAttr "name"
elts = cur $/ parseElement
parseCitation :: Cursor -> Citation
parseCitation cur = Citation{ citOptions = parseOptions cur
, citSort = concat $ cur $/ get "sort" &| parseSort
, citLayout = case cur $/ get "layout" &| parseLayout of
(x:_) -> x
[] -> Layout
{ layFormat = emptyFormatting
, layDelim = ""
, elements = [] }
parseSort :: Cursor -> [Sort]
parseSort cur = concat $ cur $/ get "key" &| parseKey
parseKey :: Cursor -> [Sort]
parseKey cur =
case stringAttr "variable" cur of
"" ->
case stringAttr "macro" cur of
"" -> []
x -> [SortMacro x sorting (attrWithDefault "names-min" 0 cur)
(attrWithDefault "names-use-first" 0 cur)
(stringAttr "names-use-last" cur)]
x -> [SortVariable x sorting]
where sorting = case stringAttr "sort" cur of
"descending" -> Descending ""
_ -> Ascending ""
parseBiblio :: Cursor -> Bibliography
parseBiblio cur =
bibOptions = parseOptions cur,
bibSort = concat $ cur $/ get "sort" &| parseSort,
bibLayout = case cur $/ get "layout" &| parseLayout of
(x:_) -> x
[] -> Layout
{ layFormat = emptyFormatting
, layDelim = ""
, elements = [] }
parseOptions :: Cursor -> [Option]
parseOptions cur =
case node cur of
X.NodeElement e ->
[(T.unpack n, T.unpack v) |
(X.Name n _ _, v) <- M.toList (X.elementAttributes e)]
_ -> []
parseLayout :: Cursor -> Layout
parseLayout cur =
{ layFormat = getFormatting cur
, layDelim = stringAttr "delimiter" cur
, elements = cur $/ parseElement