{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Common where import Control.Monad (unless, when) import Data.List (isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, (!!)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.String (fromString) import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import qualified Data.Text as T import System.Directory ( createDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getTemporaryDirectory, listDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive, removePathForcibly, ) import System.FilePath (takeExtensions, ()) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import qualified Text.Pandoc.Definition as B import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Internal import Text.Pandoc.JSON defaultTestConfig :: Configuration defaultTestConfig = defaultConfiguration { logVerbosity = Silent, logSink = StdErr } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that plot files and source files are created when the filter is run testFileCreation :: Toolkit -> TestTree testFileCreation tk = testCase "writes output files in appropriate directory" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-file-creation-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let cb = (addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk)) _ <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make cb filesCreated <- length <$> listDirectory tempDir assertEqual "" 2 filesCreated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that plot files and source files are created when the filter is run -- and the path of the files involves spaces. See Issue #2 testFileCreationPathWithSpaces :: Toolkit -> TestTree testFileCreationPathWithSpaces tk = testCase "writes output files in appropriate directory (with spaces)" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-file-creation-with-spaces- -" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let cb = (addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk)) _ <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make cb filesCreated <- length <$> listDirectory tempDir assertEqual "" 2 filesCreated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that pandoc-plot appropriately transforms code blocks that are -- nested in other blocks (e.g. Divs) testNestedCodeBlocks :: Toolkit -> TestTree testNestedCodeBlocks tk = testCase "transforms code blocks nested in other blocks" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-nester-blocks-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let block = Div mempty $ singleton $ addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) _ <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make block filesCreated <- length <$> listDirectory tempDir assertEqual "" 2 filesCreated where singleton :: a -> [a] singleton = return ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that included files are found within the source testFileInclusion :: Toolkit -> TestTree testFileInclusion tk = testCase "includes plot inclusions" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-file-inclusion-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let cb = ( addPreamble (include tk) $ addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) ) _ <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make cb inclusion <- readFile (include tk) sourcePath <- head . filter (isExtensionOf ".src.html") <$> listDirectory tempDir src <- readFile (tempDir sourcePath) assertIsInfix inclusion src where include Matplotlib = "tests/includes/matplotlib.py" include PlotlyPython = "tests/includes/plotly-python.py" include PlotlyR = "tests/includes/plotly-r.r" include Matlab = "tests/includes/matlabplot.m" include Mathematica = "tests/includes/mathplot.m" include Octave = "tests/includes/octave.m" include GGPlot2 = "tests/includes/ggplot2.r" include GNUPlot = "tests/includes/gnuplot.gp" include Graphviz = "tests/includes/graphviz.dot" include Bokeh = "tests/includes/bokeh.py" include Plotsjl = "tests/includes/plotsjl.jl" include PlantUML = "tests/includes/plantuml.txt" include SageMath = "tests/includes/sagemath.sage" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that the files are saved in the appropriate format testSaveFormat :: Toolkit -> TestTree testSaveFormat tk = testCase "saves in the appropriate format" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-safe-format-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let fmt = head (supportedSaveFormats tk) cb = ( addSaveFormat fmt $ addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) ) _ <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make cb numberjpgFiles <- length <$> filter (isExtensionOf (extension fmt)) <$> listDirectory tempDir assertEqual "" numberjpgFiles 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that the appropriate error is raised when trying to save figures -- in an incompatible format testSaveFormatIncompatibility :: Toolkit -> TestTree testSaveFormatIncompatibility tk = testCase "raises the appropriate error on save format incompatibility" $ do let allSaveFormats = enumFromTo minBound maxBound :: [SaveFormat] incompatibleFormats = S.toList $ S.difference (S.fromList allSaveFormats) (S.fromList $ supportedSaveFormats tk) if null incompatibleFormats then return () else do let fmt = head incompatibleFormats cb = addSaveFormat fmt $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) result <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ makeEither cb let expectedCheck :: Either PandocPlotError a -> Bool expectedCheck (Left (IncompatibleSaveFormatError fmt' tk')) = (fmt' == fmt) && (tk' == tk) expectedCheck _ = False assertBool "" (expectedCheck result) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that it is possible to not render source links in captions testWithSource :: Toolkit -> TestTree testWithSource tk = testCase "appropriately omits links to source code" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-caption-links-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let expected = "caption content" noSource = addWithSource False $ addDirectory tempDir $ addCaption expected $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) withSource = addWithSource True $ addDirectory tempDir $ addCaption expected $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) blockNoSource <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make noSource blockWithSource <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make withSource -- In the case where source=false, the caption is used verbatim. -- Otherwise, links will be appended to the caption; hence, the caption -- is no longer equal to the initial value assertEqual "" (B.toList $ fromString expected) (extractCaption blockNoSource) assertNotEqual "" (B.toList $ fromString expected) (extractCaption blockWithSource) where extractCaption (B.Para blocks) = extractImageCaption . head $ blocks extractCaption _ = mempty extractImageCaption (Image _ c _) = c extractImageCaption _ = mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that it is possible to change the source code label in captions testSourceLabel :: Toolkit -> TestTree testSourceLabel tk = testCase "appropriately changes the source code label" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-source-label-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir -- Note that this test requires that the actual caption be empty -- so that the caption is only the source code label let withSource = addWithSource True $ addDirectory tempDir $ addCaption mempty $ -- This test requires that the actual caption be empty codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) blockWithSource <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig {sourceCodeLabel = "Test label"} $ make withSource -- The caption will look like [Space, Str "(", Link ... ]. Hence, we skip the first elements with (!!) let resultCaption = linkLabel $ (!! 2) . B.toList $ extractCaption blockWithSource assertEqual "" (B.str "Test label") resultCaption where extractCaption (B.Para blocks) = extractImageCaption . head $ blocks extractCaption _ = mempty extractImageCaption (Image _ c _) = B.fromList c extractImageCaption _ = mempty linkLabel (B.Link _ ils _) = B.fromList ils linkLabel _ = mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that parameters in code blocks will override the defaults in configuration testOverrideConfiguration :: Toolkit -> TestTree testOverrideConfiguration tk = -- We set the default save format to JPG via the configuration, -- but set the code block parameter to PNG. -- Therefore, after the filter has been used, there should be one PNG file and -- no JPG files. testCase "code block attributes override configuration defaults" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-caption-links-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let config = defaultTestConfig { defaultDirectory = tempDir, defaultSaveFormat = JPG } -- Not all toolkits support both save formats when ( JPG `elem` supportedSaveFormats tk && PNG `elem` supportedSaveFormats tk ) $ do let cb = addDirectory tempDir $ addSaveFormat PNG $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) _ <- runPlotM Nothing config $ make cb numberPngFiles <- length <$> filter (isExtensionOf (extension PNG)) <$> listDirectory (defaultDirectory config) numberJpgFiles <- length <$> filter (isExtensionOf (extension JPG)) <$> listDirectory (defaultDirectory config) assertEqual "" numberPngFiles 1 assertEqual "" numberJpgFiles 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that Markdown bold formatting in captions is correctly rendered testMarkdownFormattingCaption1 :: Toolkit -> TestTree testMarkdownFormattingCaption1 tk = testCase "appropriately parses captions 1" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-caption-parsing1-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir -- Note that this test is fragile, in the sense that the expected result must be carefully -- constructed let expected = [B.Strong [B.Str "caption"]] cb = addDirectory tempDir $ addCaption "**caption**" $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) fmt = B.Format "markdown" result <- runPlotM Nothing (defaultTestConfig {captionFormat = fmt}) $ make cb assertIsInfix expected (extractCaption result) where extractCaption (B.Para blocks) = extractImageCaption . head $ blocks extractCaption _ = mempty extractImageCaption (Image _ c _) = c extractImageCaption _ = mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that Markdown bold formatting in captions is correctly rendered testMarkdownFormattingCaption2 :: Toolkit -> TestTree testMarkdownFormattingCaption2 tk = testCase "appropriately parses captions 2" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-caption-parsing2-" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir -- Note that this test is fragile, in the sense that the expected result must be carefully -- constructed let expected = [Link ("", [], []) [Str "title"] ("https://google.com", "")] cb = addDirectory tempDir $ addCaption "[title](https://google.com)" $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) fmt = B.Format "markdown" result <- runPlotM Nothing (defaultTestConfig {captionFormat = fmt}) $ make cb assertIsInfix expected (extractCaption result) where extractCaption (B.Para blocks) = extractImageCaption . head $ blocks extractCaption _ = mempty extractImageCaption (Image _ c _) = c extractImageCaption _ = mempty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that cleanOutpuDirs correctly cleans the output directory specified in a block. testCleanOutputDirs :: Toolkit -> TestTree testCleanOutputDirs tk = testCase "correctly cleans output directories" $ do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-clean-output-dir" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let cb = addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock tk (trivialContent tk) result <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ make cb cleanedDirs <- cleanOutputDirs defaultTestConfig cb assertEqual "" [tempDir] cleanedDirs outputDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist tempDir assertEqual "" outputDirExists False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test that toolkit checks failed when appropriate. testChecksFail :: Toolkit -> TestTree testChecksFail tk = testCase "script checks fail when appropriate" $ do assertChecksFail tk where assertChecksFail Matplotlib = do let postfix = unpack . cls $ tk tempDir <- ( "test-checks" <> postfix) <$> getTemporaryDirectory ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty tempDir let cb = addDirectory tempDir $ codeBlock Matplotlib "plt.show()" result <- runPlotM Nothing defaultTestConfig $ makeEither cb let expectedCheck :: Either PandocPlotError a -> Bool expectedCheck (Left (ScriptChecksFailedError _)) = True expectedCheck _ = False assertBool "" (expectedCheck result) assertChecksFail _ = assertEqual "Test skipped" True True codeBlock :: Toolkit -> Script -> Block codeBlock tk script = CodeBlock (mempty, [cls tk], mempty) script trivialContent :: Toolkit -> Script trivialContent Matplotlib = "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n" trivialContent PlotlyPython = "import plotly.graph_objects as go; fit = go.Figure()\n" trivialContent PlotlyR = "library(plotly)\nfig <- plot_ly(midwest, x = ~percollege, color = ~state, type = \"box\")" trivialContent Matlab = "figure('visible', 'off')\n" trivialContent Mathematica = "\n" trivialContent Octave = "figure('visible', 'off')\nplot (-10:0.1:10);" trivialContent GGPlot2 = "library(ggplot2)\nggplot()\n" trivialContent GNUPlot = "plot sin(x)" trivialContent Graphviz = "digraph {A -> B [label=\"test\"];}" trivialContent Bokeh = T.unlines [ "from bokeh.plotting import figure", "p = figure(title='simple line example')", "p.line([1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8])" ] trivialContent Plotsjl = "using Plots; x = 1:10; y = rand(10); plot(x, y);" trivialContent PlantUML = "@startuml\nAlice -> Bob: test\n@enduml" trivialContent SageMath = "G = plot(sin, 1, 10)" addCaption :: String -> Block -> Block addCaption caption (CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs) script) = CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs ++ [(tshow CaptionK, pack caption)]) script addDirectory :: FilePath -> Block -> Block addDirectory dir (CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs) script) = CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs ++ [(tshow DirectoryK, pack dir)]) script addPreamble :: FilePath -> Block -> Block addPreamble inclusionPath (CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs) script) = CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs ++ [(tshow PreambleK, pack inclusionPath)]) script addSaveFormat :: SaveFormat -> Block -> Block addSaveFormat saveFormat (CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs) script) = CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs ++ [(tshow SaveFormatK, pack . extension $ saveFormat)]) script addDPI :: Int -> Block -> Block addDPI dpi (CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs) script) = CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs ++ [(tshow DpiK, pack . show $ dpi)]) script addWithSource :: Bool -> Block -> Block addWithSource yn (CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs) script) = CodeBlock (id', cls, attrs ++ [(tshow WithSourceK, pack . show $ yn)]) script -- | Assert that a file exists assertFileExists :: HasCallStack => FilePath -> Assertion assertFileExists filepath = do fileExists <- doesFileExist filepath unless fileExists (assertFailure msg) where msg = mconcat ["File ", filepath, " does not exist."] -- | Assert not equal assertNotEqual :: (HasCallStack, Eq a, Show a) => String -> a -> a -> Assertion assertNotEqual msg expected actual = unless (expected /= actual) (assertFailure $ mconcat [msg, ": expected ", show expected, " but got ", show actual]) -- | Not available with GHC < 8.4 -- since this function was added in filepath-1.4.2 -- but GHC 8.2.2 comes with filepath- isExtensionOf :: String -> FilePath -> Bool isExtensionOf ext@('.' : _) = isSuffixOf ext . takeExtensions isExtensionOf ext = isSuffixOf ('.' : ext) . takeExtensions -- | Assert that the first list is contained, -- wholly and intact, anywhere within the second. assertIsInfix :: (Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) => [a] -> [a] -> Assertion assertIsInfix xs ys = unless (xs `isInfixOf` ys) (assertFailure msg) where msg = mconcat ["Expected ", show xs, " to be an infix of ", show ys] -- Ensure a directory is empty but exists. ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty :: FilePath -> IO () ensureDirectoryExistsAndEmpty dir = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir if exists then removePathForcibly dir else return () createDirectory dir tshow :: Show a => a -> Text tshow = pack . show