module Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Pandoc(..)
, Meta(..)
, MetaValue(..)
, nullMeta
, isNullMeta
, lookupMeta
, docTitle
, docAuthors
, docDate
, Block(..)
, Inline(..)
, Alignment(..)
, ListAttributes
, ListNumberStyle(..)
, ListNumberDelim(..)
, Format(..)
, Attr
, nullAttr
, TableCell
, QuoteType(..)
, Target
, MathType(..)
, Citation(..)
, CitationMode(..)
, pandocTypesVersion
) where
import Data.Generics (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..))
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Rep (..))
import Data.String
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Monoid
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.DeepSeq.Generics
import Paths_pandoc_types (version)
import Data.Version (Version)
data Pandoc = Pandoc Meta [Block]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
instance Monoid Pandoc where
mempty = Pandoc mempty mempty
(Pandoc m1 bs1) `mappend` (Pandoc m2 bs2) =
Pandoc (m1 `mappend` m2) (bs1 `mappend` bs2)
newtype Meta = Meta { unMeta :: M.Map String MetaValue }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
instance Monoid Meta where
mempty = Meta (M.empty)
(Meta m1) `mappend` (Meta m2) = Meta (M.union m1 m2)
data MetaValue = MetaMap (M.Map String MetaValue)
| MetaList [MetaValue]
| MetaBool Bool
| MetaString String
| MetaInlines [Inline]
| MetaBlocks [Block]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
nullMeta :: Meta
nullMeta = Meta M.empty
isNullMeta :: Meta -> Bool
isNullMeta (Meta m) = M.null m
lookupMeta :: String -> Meta -> Maybe MetaValue
lookupMeta key (Meta m) = M.lookup key m
docTitle :: Meta -> [Inline]
docTitle meta =
case lookupMeta "title" meta of
Just (MetaString s) -> [Str s]
Just (MetaInlines ils) -> ils
Just (MetaBlocks [Plain ils]) -> ils
Just (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) -> ils
_ -> []
docAuthors :: Meta -> [[Inline]]
docAuthors meta =
case lookupMeta "author" meta of
Just (MetaString s) -> [[Str s]]
Just (MetaInlines ils) -> [ils]
Just (MetaList ms) -> [ils | MetaInlines ils <- ms] ++
[ils | MetaBlocks [Plain ils] <- ms] ++
[ils | MetaBlocks [Para ils] <- ms] ++
[[Str x] | MetaString x <- ms]
_ -> []
docDate :: Meta -> [Inline]
docDate meta =
case lookupMeta "date" meta of
Just (MetaString s) -> [Str s]
Just (MetaInlines ils) -> ils
Just (MetaBlocks [Plain ils]) -> ils
Just (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) -> ils
_ -> []
data Alignment = AlignLeft
| AlignRight
| AlignCenter
| AlignDefault deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
type ListAttributes = (Int, ListNumberStyle, ListNumberDelim)
data ListNumberStyle = DefaultStyle
| Example
| Decimal
| LowerRoman
| UpperRoman
| LowerAlpha
| UpperAlpha deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
data ListNumberDelim = DefaultDelim
| Period
| OneParen
| TwoParens deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
type Attr = (String, [String], [(String, String)])
nullAttr :: Attr
nullAttr = ("",[],[])
type TableCell = [Block]
newtype Format = Format String
deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
instance IsString Format where
fromString f = Format $ map toLower f
instance Eq Format where
Format x == Format y = map toLower x == map toLower y
instance Ord Format where
compare (Format x) (Format y) = compare (map toLower x) (map toLower y)
data Block
= Plain [Inline]
| Para [Inline]
| CodeBlock Attr String
| RawBlock Format String
| BlockQuote [Block]
| OrderedList ListAttributes [[Block]]
| BulletList [[Block]]
| DefinitionList [([Inline],[[Block]])]
| Header Int Attr [Inline]
| HorizontalRule
| Table [Inline] [Alignment] [Double] [TableCell] [[TableCell]]
| Div Attr [Block]
| Null
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)
data QuoteType = SingleQuote | DoubleQuote deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
type Target = (String, String)
data MathType = DisplayMath | InlineMath deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
data Inline
= Str String
| Emph [Inline]
| Strong [Inline]
| Strikeout [Inline]
| Superscript [Inline]
| Subscript [Inline]
| SmallCaps [Inline]
| Quoted QuoteType [Inline]
| Cite [Citation] [Inline]
| Code Attr String
| Space
| SoftBreak
| LineBreak
| Math MathType String
| RawInline Format String
| Link Attr [Inline] Target
| Image Attr [Inline] Target
| Note [Block]
| Span Attr [Inline]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
data Citation = Citation { citationId :: String
, citationPrefix :: [Inline]
, citationSuffix :: [Inline]
, citationMode :: CitationMode
, citationNoteNum :: Int
, citationHash :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
instance Ord Citation where
compare = comparing citationHash
data CitationMode = AuthorInText | SuppressAuthor | NormalCitation
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data, Generic)
jsonOpts :: Aeson.Options
jsonOpts = Aeson.defaultOptions{
Aeson.fieldLabelModifier = id
, Aeson.constructorTagModifier = id
, Aeson.allNullaryToStringTag = False
, Aeson.omitNothingFields = False
, Aeson.sumEncoding = Aeson.TaggedObject "t" "c"
toJSON' :: (Generic a, Aeson.GToJSON (Rep a))
=> a -> Aeson.Value
toJSON' = Aeson.genericToJSON jsonOpts
parseJSON' :: (Generic a, Aeson.GFromJSON (Rep a))
=> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser a
parseJSON' = Aeson.genericParseJSON jsonOpts
instance FromJSON MetaValue
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON MetaValue
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Meta
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Meta
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON CitationMode
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON CitationMode
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Citation
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Citation
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON QuoteType
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON QuoteType
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON MathType
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON MathType
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON ListNumberStyle
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON ListNumberStyle
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON ListNumberDelim
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON ListNumberDelim
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Alignment
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Alignment
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Format
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Format
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Inline
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Inline
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Block
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Block
where toJSON = toJSON'
instance FromJSON Pandoc
where parseJSON = parseJSON'
instance ToJSON Pandoc
where toJSON = toJSON'
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
instance NFData MetaValue
instance NFData Meta
instance NFData Citation
instance NFData Alignment
instance NFData Inline
instance NFData MathType
instance NFData Format
instance NFData CitationMode
instance NFData QuoteType
instance NFData ListNumberDelim
instance NFData ListNumberStyle
instance NFData Block
instance NFData Pandoc
instance NFData MetaValue where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Meta where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Citation where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Alignment where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Inline where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData MathType where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Format where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData CitationMode where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData QuoteType where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData ListNumberDelim where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData ListNumberStyle where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Block where rnf = genericRnf
instance NFData Pandoc where rnf = genericRnf
pandocTypesVersion :: Version
pandocTypesVersion = version