# Changelog for the `parameterized-utils` package ## -- *2021 Mar 23* * Add support for GHC 9. * In the `Context` module: * Added `sizeToNatRepr` function for converting a `Context` `Size`. * Added `unzip` to unzip an `Assignment` of `Product(Pair)` into a separate `Assignment` for each element of the `Pair` (the inverse of the `zipWith Pair` operation). * Added `flattenAssignment` to convert an `Assignment` of `Assignment` into an `Assignment` of `CtxFlatten`. Also adds `flattenSize` to combine the sizes of each context into the size of the corresponding `CtxFlatten`. * In the `Vector` module: * Added `fromAssignment` and `toAssignment` to allow conversions between `Assignment` and `Vector`. * Added `unsnoc`, `unfoldr`, `unfoldrM`, `unfoldrWithIndex`, and `unfoldrWithIndexM` functions. * Various haddock documentation updates and corrections. * Updated the Cabal specification to Cabal-version 2.2. ## 2.1.2 -- *2021 Jan 25* * Added `SomeSym` and `viewSomeSym` for existentially hidden Symbol values which retain the `KnownSymbol` constraint. * Added `leftIndex` and `rightIndex` for re-casting indexes of the individual parts of an Assignment into the concatenated Assignment. * Additional tests and updated documentation. ## 2.1.1 -- *2020 Jul 30* * Added `drop` and `appendEmbeddingLeft` functions to the `Context` module. * Fixes/updates to haddock documentation (fixing Issue #74). * Allow tasty v1.3 for testing (thanks to felixonmars) ## 2.1.0 -- *2020 May 08* * Added `plusAssoc` to the `NatRepr` module to produce `+` associativity evidence. * Changed the `HashTable` module to use the Basic instead of the Cuckoo implementation strategy. * Added explicit kind parameters to various definitions to support GHC 8.10's adoption of [proposal 103](https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0103-no-kind-vars.rst). This is a modification to the type signatures which _may impact_ backward-compatibility and require updates, especially for any uses of [`TypeApplications`](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/type-application). * No longer verifying support for GHC 8.2 or earlier. * Updated the minimum cabal version to 1.10 and specify the default-language as Haskell2010. ## 2.0.2 -- *2020 Feb 10* * Add the `dropPrefix` operation to `Context` which splits an `Assignment`. * Add `intersectWithKeyMaybe` and `mergeWithKey` to `Map`. * Add `mapAt`, `mapAtM`, and `replace` to `Vector`. * Add dependency on `base-orphans` to handle the `TestEquality` instance for `Compose`; needed for GHC 8.10. * Bump upper limit of `lens` dependency to allow 4.19. ## 2.0.1 -- *2019 Nov 06* * Documentation updates * Dependency constraint updates: constraints, lens, th-abstraction, hashable, hashtables, and vector. * Now supports building under GHC 8.8.1. * Added monadic folds and more traversals: * lazy folds: `foldlMF`, `foldrMF`, `foldlMFC`, `foldrMFC` * strict folds: `foldlMF'`, `foldrMF'`, `foldlMFC'`, `foldrMFC'` * `forF`, `forF_` * `forFC`, `forFC_` * `lengthF` * Added monadic folds, ascending or descending list conversions to `Parameterized.Map`: * Added monadic folds: `foldlMWithKey`, `foldrMWithKey` * Added ascending or descending list conversions: `toAscList` (equivalent to existing `toList`) and `toDescList`. * Added `findWithDefault` to lookup a key or return a default value. * Added `traverseMaybeWithKey`. * Fixes traverse to do an in-order rather than a pre-order traversal. * Added the `Data.Parameterized.All` module for universal quantification/parametricity over a type variable. * Additions to `Data.Parameterized.Context`: * Added `IndexView` type and `viewIndex` functions. * Added `addDiff` function to explicitly describe the (flipped) binary operator for the `Diff` instance of the `Category` class from `Control.Category`. * Added `traverseWithIndex_` * Added `Data.Parameterized.DataKind` providing the `PairRepr` type with associated `fst` and `snd` functions. * Added `TypeAp` to `Data.Parameterized.Classes` * Added `runSTNonceGenerator` to `Data.Parameterized.Nonce` for a *global* ST generator. * Added a `Hashable` instance for list `Index l x` types. * Changes in GADT TH code generator: * Added `structuralHashWithSalt` to * Fixed off by one bug in output * Fixed generation and constructor generation to use constructor type arguments, not type parameters. * The `Some` type is now an instance of `FunctorF`, `FoldableF`, and `TraversableF`. * Adjusted `structuralShowsPrec` precedence to match GHC derived `Show` instances. * The `Data.Parameterized.Nonce.Unsafe` module is now deprecated: clients should switch to `Data.Parameterized.Nonce`. ## 2.0 -- *2019 Apr 03* * Drop support for GHC versions prior to GHC 8.2 * Various Haddock and module updates. * Data.Parameterized.Classes - Added function: `ordFCompose` - Added `OrdF` instance for `Compose` * Data.Parameterized.ClassesC - Marked as `Safe` haskell via pragma - Added `OrdC` instance for `Some` * Data.Parameterized.Compose - Update `testEqualityComposeBare` to be more kind-polymorphic. - Marked as `Safe` haskell via pragma * Data.Parameterized.Context - Added `diffIsAppend` function to extract the contextual difference between two `Context`s (as a `Diff`) as an `IsAppend` (new) data value if the left is a sub-context of the right. * Data.Parameterized.NatRepr - Change runtime representation from `Int` to `Natural` - Add function `intValue` to recover an `Int` from a `NatRepr`. - Add constructor function `mkNatRepr` to construct a `NatRepr` from a `Natural`. - Removed awkward backdoor for directly creating `NatRepr` values; the single needed internal usage is now handled internally. * Data.Parameterized.Peano - Newly added module. - Defines a type `Peano` and `PeanoRepr` for representing a type-level natural at runtime. - The runtime representation of `PeanoRepr` is `Word64` - Has both safe and unsafe implementations. * Data.Parameterized.WithRepr - Newly added module. - This module declares a class `IsRepr` with a single method `withRepr` that can be used to derive a 'KnownRepr' constraint from an explicit 'Repr' argument. Clients of this method need only create an empty instance. The default implementation suffices. ## 1.0.8 -- *2019 Feb 01* * Data.Parameterized.Map - Fixed `MapF` functions `filter` and `filterWithKey` - Added `MapF` function: `mapWithKey` * Data.Parameterized.NatRepr - Un-deprecate `withKnownNat` * Data.Parameterized.Context - Updated some haddock documentation (esp. `CtxEmbedding` data structure). * Data.Parameterized.Nonce - Fixed `newIONonceGenerator` haddock documentation (IO monad, not ST monad). - Added `countNoncesGenerated` for profiling Nonce usage. * Data.Parameterized.TraversableF - Added `FunctorF`, `FoldableF`, and `TraversableF` instances for `Compose` from Data.Functor.Compose * Data.Parameterized.ClassesC - Newly added module. - Declares `TestEqualityC` and `OrdC` classes for working with types that have kind `(k -> *) -> *` for any `k`. * Data.Parameterized.Compose - Newly added module. - Orphan instance and `testEqualityComposeBare` function for working with Data.Functor.Compose. * Data.Parameterized.TestEquality - Newly added module. - Utilities for working with Data.Type.TestEquality. ## 1.0.7 -- *2018 Nov 17* * Data.Parameterized.Map - Added `MapF` functions: - `filter` - `filterWithKey` ## 1.0.6 -- *2018 Nov 19* * Add support for GHC 8.6. * Data.Parameterized.Map - Added functions: - `foldlWithKey` and `foldlWithKey'` (strict) - `foldrWithKey` and `foldrWithKey'` (strict) - `mapMaybeWithKey` ## 1.0.5 -- *2018 Sep 04* * Data.Parameterized.Context - Add function: `take`, `appendEmbedding`, `appendDiff` - Diff is type role nominal in both parameters. ## 1.0.4 -- *2018 Aug 29* * Data.Parameterized.Context - Add `traverseAndCollect`. Allows traversal of an Assignment in order from left to right, collecting the results of a visitor function monoidically. * Data.Parameterized.DecidableEq - Newly added module. The `DecidableEq` class represents decideable equality on a type family as a superclass of `TestEquality`, where the latter cannot provide evidence of non-equality. * Data.Parameterized.NatRepr - Add `DecidableEq` instance for NatRepr. - Add functions: - `decideLeq` - `isZeroOrGT1` - `lessThanIrreflexive` - `lessThanAsymmetric` - `natRecStrong` -- recursor with strong induction - `natRecBounded` -- bounded recursor - `natFromZero` * Data.Parameterized.Vector - Add construction functions: `singleton`, `cons`, `snoc`, `generate`, and `generateM` - Add functions: `splitWithA` (applicative `splitWith`). ## 1.0.3 -- *2018 Aug 24* * Move `lemmaMul` from Vector to NatRepr. * Add stricter role annotations: - `NatRepr` is nominal. - `Vector` is nominal in the first parameter and representational in the second. * Data.Parameterized.NatRepr - Provide a backdoor for directly creating `NatRepr` values. Use carefully. * Data.Parameterized.Vector - Add Show and Eq instances - Add functions: `joinWithM`, `reverse` ## 1.0.2 -- *2018 Aug 23* * Allow function passed to `traverseF_`, `traverseFC_`, and `forMFC_` to return a value instead of null (`()`). * Data.Parameterized.Vector - Newly added module. A fixed-size vector of typed elements. * Data.Parameterized.Utils.Endian - Newly added module. Used in Vector. ## 1.0.1 -- *2018 Aug 13* Baseline for changelog tracking.