module Database.Persist.Sql.Internal
( mkColumns
, defaultAttribute
) where
import Database.Persist.Types
import Database.Persist.Quasi
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid (mappend, mconcat)
import Database.Persist.Sql.Types
defaultAttribute :: [Attr] -> Maybe Text
defaultAttribute [] = Nothing
defaultAttribute (a:as)
| Just d <- T.stripPrefix "default=" a = Just d
| otherwise = defaultAttribute as
mkColumns :: [EntityDef] -> EntityDef -> ([Column], [UniqueDef], [ForeignDef])
mkColumns allDefs t =
(cols, entityUniques t, entityForeigns t)
cols :: [Column]
cols = map go (entityFields t)
tn :: DBName
tn = entityDB t
go :: FieldDef -> Column
go fd =
(fieldDB fd)
(nullable (fieldAttrs fd) /= NotNullable || entitySum t)
(fieldSqlType fd)
(defaultAttribute $ fieldAttrs fd)
(maxLen $ fieldAttrs fd)
(ref (fieldDB fd) (fieldReference fd) (fieldAttrs fd))
maxLen :: [Attr] -> Maybe Integer
maxLen [] = Nothing
maxLen (a:as)
| Just d <- T.stripPrefix "maxlen=" a =
case reads (T.unpack d) of
[(i, s)] | all isSpace s -> Just i
_ -> error $ "Could not parse maxlen field with value " ++
show d ++ " on " ++ show tn
| otherwise = maxLen as
ref :: DBName
-> ReferenceDef
-> [Attr]
-> Maybe (DBName, DBName)
ref c fe []
| ForeignRef f _ <- fe =
Just (resolveTableName allDefs f, refName tn c)
| otherwise = Nothing
ref _ _ ("noreference":_) = Nothing
ref c _ (a:_)
| Just x <- T.stripPrefix "reference=" a =
Just (DBName x, refName tn c)
ref c x (_:as) = ref c x as
refName :: DBName -> DBName -> DBName
refName (DBName table) (DBName column) =
DBName $ Data.Monoid.mconcat [table, "_", column, "_fkey"]
resolveTableName :: [EntityDef] -> HaskellName -> DBName
resolveTableName [] (HaskellName hn) = error $ "Table not found: " `Data.Monoid.mappend` T.unpack hn
resolveTableName (e:es) hn
| entityHaskell e == hn = entityDB e
| otherwise = resolveTableName es hn