module Database.PostgreSQL.Store.Entity (
Entity (..),
GEntityRecord (..),
GEntity (..),
) where
import GHC.Generics (Meta (..))
import GHC.TypeLits hiding (Text)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (decimal, double, scientific, signed,
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Int
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Scientific (FPFormat (Fixed), Scientific,
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Word
import Numeric.Natural
import Database.PostgreSQL.Store.Generics
import Database.PostgreSQL.Store.Query.Builder
import Database.PostgreSQL.Store.RowParser
import Database.PostgreSQL.Store.Tuple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Store.Types
import Database.PostgreSQL.Store.Utilities
class (KnownNat (GRecordWidth rec)) => GEntityRecord (rec :: KRecord) where
type GRecordWidth rec :: Nat
gEmbedRecord :: QueryGenerator (Record rec)
gParseRecord :: RowParser (GRecordWidth rec) (Record rec)
instance (Entity typ) => GEntityRecord ('TSingle meta typ) where
type GRecordWidth ('TSingle meta typ) = Width typ
gEmbedRecord = With (\ (Single x) -> x) genEntity
gParseRecord = Single <$> parseEntity
instance (GEntityRecord lhs,
GEntityRecord rhs,
KnownNat (GRecordWidth lhs + GRecordWidth rhs))
=> GEntityRecord ('TCombine lhs rhs) where
type GRecordWidth ('TCombine lhs rhs) = GRecordWidth lhs + GRecordWidth rhs
gEmbedRecord =
mconcat [With (\ (Combine lhs _) -> lhs) gEmbedRecord,
Code ",",
With (\ (Combine _ rhs) -> rhs) gEmbedRecord]
gParseRecord =
Combine <$> gParseRecord
<*>$ gParseRecord
class GEntityEnum (enum :: KFlatSum) where
gEnumToPayload :: FlatSum enum -> B.ByteString
gEnumFromPayload :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (FlatSum enum)
instance (KnownSymbol name) => GEntityEnum ('TValue ('MetaCons name f r)) where
gEnumToPayload _ = buildByteString (symbolVal @name Proxy)
gEnumFromPayload value
| value == buildByteString (symbolVal @name Proxy) = Just Unit
| otherwise = Nothing
instance (GEntityEnum lhs, GEntityEnum rhs) => GEntityEnum ('TChoose lhs rhs) where
gEnumToPayload (ChooseLeft lhs) = gEnumToPayload lhs
gEnumToPayload (ChooseRight rhs) = gEnumToPayload rhs
gEnumFromPayload input =
(ChooseLeft <$> gEnumFromPayload input) <|> (ChooseRight <$> gEnumFromPayload input)
class (KnownNat (GEntityWidth dat)) => GEntity (dat :: KDataType) where
type GEntityWidth dat :: Nat
gEmbedEntity :: QueryGenerator (DataType dat)
gParseEntity :: RowParser (GEntityWidth dat) (DataType dat)
instance (GEntityRecord rec) => GEntity ('TRecord d c rec) where
type GEntityWidth ('TRecord d c rec) = GRecordWidth rec
gEmbedEntity = With (\ (Record x) -> x) gEmbedRecord
gParseEntity = Record <$> gParseRecord
instance (GEntityEnum enum) => GEntity ('TFlatSum d enum) where
type GEntityWidth ('TFlatSum d enum) = 1
gEmbedEntity = Gen (Oid 0) (\ (FlatSum x) -> Just (gEnumToPayload x))
gParseEntity =
retrieveContent >>=$ \ input ->
case gEnumFromPayload input of
Just x -> finish (FlatSum x)
Nothing -> cancel ColumnRejected
type GenericEntity a = (Generic a, GEntity (Rep a))
genGeneric :: (Generic a, GEntity (Rep a)) => QueryGenerator a
genGeneric = With fromGeneric gEmbedEntity
parseGeneric :: (Generic a, GEntity (Rep a)) => RowParser (GEntityWidth (Rep a)) a
parseGeneric = toGeneric <$> gParseEntity
class (KnownNat (Width a)) => Entity a where
type Width a :: Nat
type Width a = GEntityWidth (Rep a)
genEntity :: QueryGenerator a
default genEntity :: (Generic a, GEntity (Rep a)) => QueryGenerator a
genEntity = genGeneric
parseEntity :: RowParser (Width a) a
default parseEntity :: (Generic a, GEntity (Rep a), Width a ~ GEntityWidth (Rep a))
=> RowParser (Width a) a
parseEntity = parseGeneric
embedEntity :: (Entity e) => e -> QueryGenerator a
embedEntity e = withOther e genEntity
param0 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (r ': ts))
param0 = withParam0 genEntity
param1 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': r ': ts))
param1 = withParam1 genEntity
param2 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': r ': ts))
param2 = withParam2 genEntity
param3 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': r ': ts))
param3 = withParam3 genEntity
param4 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': t3 ': r ': ts))
param4 = withParam4 genEntity
param5 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': t3 ': t4 ': r ': ts))
param5 = withParam5 genEntity
param6 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': t3 ': t4 ': t5 ': r ': ts))
param6 = withParam6 genEntity
param7 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': t3 ': t4 ': t5 ': t6 ': r ': ts))
param7 = withParam7 genEntity
param8 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': t3 ': t4 ': t5 ': t6 ': t7 ': r ': ts))
param8 = withParam8 genEntity
param9 :: (Entity r) => QueryGenerator (Tuple (t0 ': t1 ': t2 ': t3 ': t4 ': t5 ': t6 ': t7 ': t8 ': r ': ts))
param9 = withParam9 genEntity
instance (GenericEntity (a, b)) => Entity (a, b)
instance (GenericEntity (a, b, c)) => Entity (a, b, c)
instance (GenericEntity (a, b, c, d)) => Entity (a, b, c, d)
instance (GenericEntity (a, b, c, d, e)) => Entity (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (GenericEntity (a, b, c, d, e, f)) => Entity (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (GenericEntity (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) => Entity (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
instance (Entity a) => Entity (Maybe a) where
type Width (Maybe a) = Width a
genEntity =
walkTree genEntity
walkTree :: QueryGenerator b -> QueryGenerator (Maybe b)
walkTree (Gen oid f) = Gen oid (>>= f)
walkTree (Code code) = Code code
walkTree (With f gen) = With (fmap f) (walkTree gen)
walkTree (Merge l r) = Merge (walkTree l) (walkTree r)
parseEntity =
nonNullCheck width >>=$ \ allNonNull ->
if allNonNull then
Just <$> parseEntity
skipColumns >>$ finish Nothing
width = fromIntegral (natVal @(Width a) Proxy)
buildGen :: Oid -> (a -> B.Builder) -> QueryGenerator a
buildGen typ builder =
Gen typ (Just . BL.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString . builder)
parseContent :: Parser a -> RowParser 1 a
parseContent p =
processContent $ \ _ mbCnt -> do
cnt <- mbCnt
case endResult (parse p cnt) of
Done _ r -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
endResult (Partial f) = f B.empty
endResult x = x
instance Entity Bool where
type Width Bool = 1
genEntity = Gen (Oid 16) (\ v -> Just (if v then "t" else "f"))
parseEntity =
(`elem` ["t", "1", "true", "TRUE", "y", "yes", "YES", "on", "ON"]) <$> retrieveContent
instance Entity Integer where
type Width Integer = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 1700) B.integerDec
parseEntity = parseContent (signed decimal)
instance Entity Int where
type Width Int = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 20) B.intDec
parseEntity = parseContent (signed decimal)
instance Entity Int8 where
type Width Int8 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 21) B.int8Dec
parseEntity = parseContent (signed decimal)
instance Entity Int16 where
type Width Int16 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 21) B.int16Dec
parseEntity = parseContent (signed decimal)
instance Entity Int32 where
type Width Int32 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 23) B.int32Dec
parseEntity = parseContent (signed decimal)
instance Entity Int64 where
type Width Int64 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 20) B.int64Dec
parseEntity = parseContent (signed decimal)
instance Entity Natural where
type Width Natural = 1
genEntity = With toInteger genEntity
parseEntity = parseContent decimal
instance Entity Word where
type Width Word = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 1700) B.wordDec
parseEntity = parseContent decimal
instance Entity Word8 where
type Width Word8 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 21) B.word8Dec
parseEntity = parseContent decimal
instance Entity Word16 where
type Width Word16 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 23) B.word16Dec
parseEntity = parseContent decimal
instance Entity Word32 where
type Width Word32 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 20) B.word32Dec
parseEntity = parseContent decimal
instance Entity Word64 where
type Width Word64 = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 1700) B.word64Dec
parseEntity = parseContent decimal
instance Entity Double where
type Width Double = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 1700) B.doubleDec
parseEntity = parseContent double
instance Entity Float where
type Width Float = 1
genEntity = buildGen (Oid 1700) B.floatDec
parseEntity = realToFrac @Double @Float <$> parseEntity
instance Entity Scientific where
type Width Scientific = 1
genEntity = Gen (Oid 1700) (Just . buildByteString . formatScientific Fixed Nothing)
parseEntity = parseContent scientific
instance Entity String where
type Width String = 1
genEntity = Gen (Oid 25) (Just . buildByteString . filter (/= '\NUL'))
parseEntity = T.unpack <$> parseEntity
instance Entity T.Text where
type Width T.Text = 1
genEntity = Gen (Oid 25) (Just . T.encodeUtf8 . T.filter (/= '\NUL'))
parseEntity =
retrieveContent >>=$ \ input ->
case T.decodeUtf8' input of
Right x -> finish x
_ -> cancel ColumnRejected
instance Entity TL.Text where
type Width TL.Text = 1
genEntity = With TL.toStrict genEntity
parseEntity = TL.fromStrict <$> parseEntity
instance Entity B.ByteString where
type Width B.ByteString = 1
genEntity =
buildGen (Oid 17) (\ value -> mconcat (B.string7 "\\x" : map showHex (B.unpack value)))
showHex n
| n <= 0xF = B.char7 '0' <> B.word8Hex n
| otherwise = B.word8Hex n
parseEntity =
parseContent (hexFormat <|> escapedFormat)
isHexChar x =
(x >= 48 && x <= 57)
|| (x >= 65 && x <= 70)
|| (x >= 97 && x <= 102)
hexCharToWord x
| x >= 48 && x <= 57 = x 48
| x >= 65 && x <= 70 = x 55
| x >= 97 && x <= 102 = x 87
| otherwise = 0
hexWord = do
a <- satisfy isHexChar
b <- satisfy isHexChar
pure (shiftL (hexCharToWord a) 4 .|. hexCharToWord b)
hexFormat = do
word8 92
word8 120
B.pack <$> many hexWord <* skipSpace
isOctChar x = x >= 48 && x <= 55
octCharToWord x
| isOctChar x = x 48
| otherwise = 0
escapedWord = do
word8 92
a <- satisfy isOctChar
b <- satisfy isOctChar
c <- satisfy isOctChar
pure (shiftL (octCharToWord a) 6 .|. shiftL (octCharToWord b) 3 .|. c)
escapedBackslash = do
word8 92
word8 92
escapedFormat =
B.pack <$> many (escapedBackslash <|> escapedWord <|> anyWord8)
instance Entity BL.ByteString where
type Width BL.ByteString = 1
genEntity = With BL.toStrict genEntity
parseEntity = BL.fromStrict <$> parseEntity
instance Entity A.Value where
type Width A.Value = 1
genEntity = Gen (Oid 114) (Just . BL.toStrict . A.encode)
parseEntity =
retrieveContent >>=$ \ input ->
case A.decodeStrict input of
Just x -> finish x
_ -> cancel ColumnRejected