{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module: Crypto.Encoding.PHKDF.V1 -- Copyright: (c) 2024 Auth Global -- License: Apache2 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Crypto.Encoding.PHKDF.V1 where import Data.Monoid((<>)) import Data.ByteString(ByteString) import Data.Foldable(Foldable) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Crypto.Encoding.PHKDF(add64WhileLt) import Crypto.Encoding.SHA3.TupleHash -- FIXME: most of the older parts of this module should be deleted, but -- need to move to something better first. cycleByteStringToList :: ByteString -> Int -> [ByteString] cycleByteStringToList str outBytes = if outBytes <= 0 then [] else if n == 0 then [ B.replicate outBytes 0 ] else replicate q str ++ [B.take r str] where n = B.length str (q,r) = outBytes `quotRem` n cycleByteStringWithNullToList :: ByteString -> Int -> [ByteString] cycleByteStringWithNullToList str outBytes = out where out = cycleByteStringToList (str <> "\x00") outBytes cycleByteString :: ByteString -> Int -> ByteString cycleByteString str outBytes = B.concat (cycleByteStringToList str outBytes) cycleByteStringWithNull :: ByteString -> Int -> ByteString cycleByteStringWithNull str outBytes = B.concat (cycleByteStringWithNullToList str outBytes) extendTagToList :: ByteString -> [ByteString] extendTagToList tag = if n <= 19 then [tag] else tag' where n = B.length tag x = (18 - n) `mod` 64 tag' = cycleByteStringWithNullToList tag (n+x) ++ [B.singleton (fromIntegral x)] extendTag :: ByteString -> ByteString extendTag = B.concat <$> extendTagToList trimExtTag :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString trimExtTag extTag | n <= 19 = Just extTag | extTag /= extendTag tag = Nothing | otherwise = Just tag where n = B.length extTag x = B.last extTag tag = B.take (n - fromIntegral x - 1) extTag {-- FIXME: as written, this only works on signed arithmetic, unless the modulus @a@ is a power of 2, such as 64 -- | @addWhileLt a b c@ is equivalent to @while (b < c) { b += a }; return b@ addWhileLt :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a addWhileLt a b c | b >= c = b | otherwise = c + ((b - c) `mod` a) --} -- | @add64WhileLt b c@ is equivalent to @while (b < c) { b += 64 }; return b@ usernamePadding :: Foldable f => f ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString usernamePadding headerExtract fillerTag domainTag = cycleByteStringWithNull fillerTag (a-32) <> cycleByteStringWithNull domainTag 32 where al = encodedVectorByteLength headerExtract a = add64WhileLt (157 - al) 32 passwordPaddingBytes :: Foldable f => Int -> f ByteString -> f ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString passwordPaddingBytes bytes headerUsername headerLongTag fillerTag domainTag password = cycleByteStringWithNull fillerTag (c-32) <> cycleByteStringWithNull domainTag 32 where al = encodedVectorByteLength headerLongTag a = add64WhileLt (bytes - al) 3240 bl = encodedVectorByteLength headerUsername b = add64WhileLt (a - bl) 136 cl = encodedByteLength password c = add64WhileLt (b - cl) 32 passwordPadding :: Foldable f => f ByteString -> f ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString passwordPadding = passwordPaddingBytes 8413 credentialsPadding :: Foldable f => f ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString credentialsPadding credentials fillerTag domainTag = cycleByteStringWithNull fillerTag (a-29) <> cycleByteStringWithNull domainTag 29 where al = encodedVectorByteLength credentials a = add64WhileLt (122 - al) 32