pickle: Instant StatsD in Haskell

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Instant StatsD in Haskell. Easy to implement in a program you've already written without any refactoring to pass any sockets/configuration around.

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Dependencies base (>= && <4.13), containers (>= && <0.6.3), network (>= && <3.2), stm (>=2.4 && <2.6), text (>= && <1.3) [details]
License MIT
Copyright Copyright 2019 Anduril Industries
Author Bob Blackmon
Maintainer bob.blackmon@ymail.com
Bug tracker https://github.com/Luabee/pickle/issues
Uploaded by Luabee at 2020-08-20T21:01:52Z
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2020-08-20 [all 1 reports]

Readme for pickle-

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Instant StatsD in Haskell. Easy to implement in a program you've already written without any refactoring to pass any sockets/configuration around.


Call setupPickle defaultConfig at least once, e.g.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

main :: IO()
main = do
    setupPickle defaultConfig

Then to send metrics you can just call one of these functions:

let name  = "gauge.name"
    value = 42
    tags  = M.fromList [("key","value), ("tag2","value")]
gauge   name value (Just tags)
timer   name value (Just tags) Nothing
counter name value (Just tags) Nothing

Pickle will take care of the rest. He's a good boy.

my dogger, pickle